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Heheh... This was an amusing little diddy that came together one piece at a time. It started as just a drawing of Erika, then added more and more characters, background, dialog, ect. It's one of those deals that just slowly got polished and tweaked and improved over time.

What I like about this one are all the little cameos; Karen, the girl on the left, is the protagonist of the Birthday Baby story we did on DA and is apparently friends with Erika. The Nurse, meanwhile, showed up in a Kayla comic a while back (funny enough the comic where Erika had a cameo), helping reinforce that they're in the same canon. In keeping with the tradition of Erika characters having bird-themed last names, she's Nurse Gull.

Friggin' loved doing her dialog, by the way. ^^ Was one of those things were we tossed that dialog back and forth, each tweaking it just to make sure it was as embarrassing as humanly possible. Erika probably gets this every time she needs a change at school, regardless of who's watching.



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