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Jeez, THIS one had a lot of work go into it....

Basically we tried out Veronica just as a random name that would be fun to pad... And she wound up being one of the earliest attempts we made at seriously trying to mimic another art style to be spot-on. This was a hard one to cut our teeth on; it was really, really rough capturing the Archie style compared to Owl House or Star Vs, and it was one of those projects we had to leave and come back to a few times as we honed our skills. Heck, their padding originally looked a lot crummier, but after we found a new, better way to draw cloth we had to backpedal and give them all changes.

By the time we got the heads done it just felt awesome; first real attempt at mimicking another style and it felt like a huge success.

The dialog came way later; it was tricky because it had to match JUST the right level of corny, eye-rolling-but-you-smile jokes to match Archie's humor style,

Final step was the background and cover details; Martin really above and beyond to make it look like one of the comics and just love the result.  The background, the title, the logo.... Just submitting this I'm thinking about how many little bits had to go into making it seem accurate and just so happy with the final product. ^^



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