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Heheheh... Yeah, it's been a long time coming, but Peni Parker finally gets her AR-focused comic after winning the tournament! This was put off for a long time because of the dread of drawing her robot, so the script was re-written so it hadn't been rebuilt yet.

Part 2 will be released after the new movie drops!

Few geeky details....
-The version of Mysterio from Peni's universe is drawn to resemble an Angel from Evangelion and the Mom from Kill La Kill, both examples of weird anime references.

-The item he's using for the regression is the Lifeline Tablet, a recurring MacGuffin from Spidey books with extraordinary powers over life and death. In Peni's universe it's called the Lifeline Fragment and is apparently powered by angel DNA. Again, weird anime touch.

-AR fans might recognize the tablet from the 90s Spidey cartoon where it turned crimeboss Silvermane into a baby. Apparently this happened in Peni's universe as well, since she mentions "Silvermania" going from a Yakuza leader to a toddler.

-The baby in the third panel was going to be Gwen Poole at one point but thought Wanda would be more recognizable and liked the idea that in Peni's universe she's a magical girl. This feels like it's taking place in a VERY weird episode of Wanda/Vision.

-Captain Marvel's cheeseburgers are a reference to her nickname in the air force from the comics. It wasn't "Avenger." It was "Cheeseburgers."




Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch certainly turned into adorable babies. Love their outfits in this.