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Two versions of this one - one we did with our usual eye style, one with eyes in the style of The Wotch. The dialogue was written between both of us and was pretty obviously catered more toward the regular eye version, so it gets top billing here, but curious which approach people prefer on the subject.

The padding also marks a bit of an experiment - we based it off of the style of diapers done in a regression commission done by on of the Wotch artists, since it matched up with the whole Wotch aesthetic we were playing around with on this one, though that was a decision made late in drawing so it's kind of a retrofit here, not really ideally catered to it. We've messed around with that style again in a couple of subsequent non-Wotch pictures, though, so might stick around? I dunno, something I'd like to try out numerous approaches on in experimenting at some point.

Either way, hope everyone enjoys. Kind of think this one leaves itself open for a lot of potential followup, though we don't really specifically have anything planned at the moment.



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