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Kind of appropriate this gets posted in the midst of our current tournament....

As you know, the winner of our poll tournaments winds up getting a comic devoted to them, and in preparation for the victory many of the names that made it to the semi-finals had scripts for said comics already written up for them just in case they won.

Those scripts have been posted in the Stash, and are available for commission. We'll even do them at a discount if anyone's interested.

This was naturally the one for Filo...

One element I like about this, which was also done with Hitomi's comic, is that she was hardly the only person in the show that we wanted to regress, and we naturally pulled in other targets. But despite that, and despite the fact the winner of the tournament wasn't the "Main" character on either show, the spotlight still stays firmly on them. Filo is the one kicking butt and being adorable in the comic, to emphasize that she's the one people were voting for.

In helps that while I didn't like Raftalia much in the show, I really grew to hate her after drawing her. Designs can sometimes really turn me against characters and hers did it to me. Plus after doing this I re-watched the show and realized just how much I hate the idea of her trying to guilty Naofumi into staying in his Isekai world and not going back. So... Yeah, she kinda wound up being useless in the comic as payback, I guess.

All I got, hope folks enjoy. The offer on discounted commissions for those scripts still stands; we've got two for Kyle and one for Luke that nobody's done. ^^



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