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So last time we saw that Sonny is trigged and freaks out at loud voices and arguments. Here we see the work of people trying to help him come back down.

I really had fun writing this one; I even Googled what to do if someone you know is having a panic attack. This is a really intimate and loving moment between Thomas, Wendy, and Sonny.

I like that Wendy clearly doesn't know how to help her brother, and isn't even sure how she feels about him transferring magically into her life, but still wants to help him as much as she can. When writing this, I was thinking she's tapping into a sort of big sister side she didn't even know she had.



Abe Sedecim

This mind me if reminds me of Dawn Summers freak out when she found she wasn't naturally human. Abide, less violent and self destructive. Must be a girl thing. Anyway, very sweet moment when you realize your new brother feelings and emotions like any human.