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tldr; We couldn't think of dialog for this picture, so feel free to come up with your own. ^^ Do you guys headcanon that Link is ACTUALLY mute or do you prefer to think of that as a gameplay thing?

Now as for the longwinded version of these comments.... Honestly, this little picture has a TON of back-and-forth going on behind it.

Originally we were doodling it up late one night but I was too tired to finish and the proportions were coming out messed up, so I tapped out and it sat unfinished for while.

Eventually it got picked back up, partly because we were experimenting with doing our linearts in Vector lines instead of the standard ones. The heads that had already been done were re-drawn entirely with the proportions tweaked to not look so crummy. It was quickly finished as part of that whole step into a new world.

After the heads were completed I did the background lineart one night, using some new techniques and steps we've picked out from that Lucina picture where she's in the barracks. The background of this page is actually really complex compared to what we normally do; it has 11 distinct layers JUST for backgrounds. It was a pretty big experiment, but wound up being too much of a time sink to do regularly. Looks great though, yeah?

After a few more tests, we decided that thicker grey lines were superior to vector lines, and the heads were re-drawn yet a third time, this time by Martin. He did a lot of tweaking to clean them up, especially Link' s outfit. While he was at it he also re-drew the eyes to look more in tune with how eyes are rendered in the game.

On the whole this probably is the culmination of like a solid month of back-and-forth between Martin and me. Maybe two months... Very off and on, but love the effect. ^^

Also, I had to look up like four or five guides and reference pictures entirely so I could draw Zelda's butt. A LOT of people have pointed out how huge her booty is in Breath of The Wild, and I reaaaally wanted to do it justice here.  Feel like several lessons were learned about butts purely because of Princess Zelda. .... Seriously, look at it.




Yeah, you guys have been cranking things up with the art recently and it's wonderful. As for what the two ladies and the silent hero are saying here... I figure this is post Link and Zelda growing up again from one of Purah's experiments and they're keeping her away from her note to prevent them from ending up small again.