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This one might end up with dialogue later, not really sure. We kind of based it off of one specific scene in Danganronpa V3 with me intending to go rewatch that scene then right dialogue based on it buuuuut after some time putting it off I did so just to find I'm not sure it really translates. In context that's a pretty emotional scene based on their insecurities and the killing game they've found themselves in, and that'd be a weird fit for this picture given how cute it is.

I dunno, if anyone has any thoughts on that we've love to hear them. In either case, Danganronpa V3! Yeah, I've been wanting to do more V3 for awhile - we actually had one picture we started with it but due to a computer move never got to finish - and this felt like a good bit to do it with. Really wish we got more of these two's relationship in V3. ... And also that we got more of Kaede period for that matter. Best playable character in the series.




I really love the cast of V3.