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Well, if you have read the previous post
(Here it is: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mai-wrongdoer-92289674 )
You probably have a question "what's next?"

Well, for that I have good news, finally.

My planning horizon was really fragile during this year, due to world events, migration, and raising a child all at the same time. Stuff was hard, so I was holding myself from giving any promises.

Currently the situation is somewhat bearable. I am still doing contracted work for a publisher. Not much, but still. And Gumroad proved to be the best platform for distributing short comics, especially the Poker Night one was a success, so I'm planning to do some more!

New Katherina comic (LATE HOURS)

I just wanted to do some vanilla stuff after Poker Night, so I drew some pinups here and there just for fun and also for some...  pelvic blood circulation. After a while some amount of pics accumulated and I decided to turn it to a proper little comic. And let me tell you - I'm having an absolute blast with it! 

It's mostly finished, I'm stil thinking on the page count and the overall presentation, but it's akin to Poker Night with big detailed panels with lots of characters interacting with each other. I'll add some smaller panels as a glue later, probably. And a bittersweet ending, just like in Late Hours. You guys seemed to like that :D

The story is, once again, close to being non-existent. Katherina sets up an unexpected (tone-wise) date for her boyfriend, but it spirals out of her control pretty quickly. It has lots of bisexual stuff in it, as well as exhibitionism and swinging. Other than that - it's vanilla.

It will be sold on Gumroad, BOOTH and Boosty, and will also have a discount for all Patrons.

Short extreme Sonic comic

I've realised some of the extreme furry content may be interesting, and there's not much of it, especially within the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise.

The idea is that Eggman made a new robot that uses some pheromones mumbo-jumbo to catch Amy, Rouge and Tails and... well, do some horrible things to them, of course. But they enjoy that. Down to the very last second. I made a rough sketch and it will probably be a more or less orthodox comic with panels and stuff.

And it ends with this panel:

That's his friends stuffed in a box. Yay.

Poker Night sequel?

The comic is a great success! I'm really excited for that.
My idea for the sequel is to either take one of the characters and take them to some other game involving luck and chance, with some proper development and the stakes rising to the extreme, or make it that all of the characters meet again to play something different. Different method of execution, something like that. Maybe switch or add new characters.

I really liked the blonde character (still no name, lol), so I wanted to do something with her maybe. It's still just an idea, but I'd love to do something with it!




Would it be possible to have a Patreon tier to get the Gumroad comics here / on Discord? I have to admit I still haven't read Poker Night, mostly because I've been too lazy to create an account on yet another site.


Funniest thing is that garbage of a russian website Boosty has that option. They literally have paid posts. And everything Patreon has too. Idk why Patreon won't do that option as well. If you want the comic - you can just use Paypal and dm me