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You can check all the concept sketches in the "sketches" folder of September 2021 pack, there's much more lewd stuff in there ;) 

Okay, so, with the success of my Gumroad page and it's short comics I've got an idea:

How about I release a little side-project comic just for the Gumroad page (and as a Patreon pack bonus too) each 3-6 months or so?

The problem was - those previous comics were both commissions. So, once I've emptied the coffers - there's nothing left!!!

So I've decided to make something original and different instead.

The goals:

  • It has to be short (11-15 pages max.)
  • Original characters, no crossovers with MTWD (fresh faces, finally!)
  • Different art style? Maybe? We'll see.
  • I want it to be vanilla and... horny. No blood, no guts, just... MAXIMUM HORNY AND SWEET. Dismembering drawn characters is fun, whatever, I just want something different, something more... hearthwarming just for the sake of variety.

So, It's most likely gonna be a really personal project, just doing what I like and that's it. I understand that it might not sell as good as the stuff that you guys are used to, but the goal is art therapy rather than commercial benefits. And it may attract more people who are more into that stuff.

The premise and the characters:

So, after a brief brainstorm here's what I've got:

The plot (There is some! Because I like the plot!!!) is a simple romance story between a college guy and a... professors aide? Basically a masters of arts student working part-time as a teacher's aide?... Russian university education thing...

Okay, basically a guy and his teacher, who's barely older than he is. 

Keeping it simple. No chtonic beasts or anything like that.
I went through some early characters that I did during highschool and here's this babe:

Her name is Ekaterina, or Kathrene, or Cat. And she's tall. Like, 6'2 feet tall. 

She's very cocky and confident, or at least tries to appear that way. Though, she's really soft and insecure on the inside, that's what getting called "Ms. Stilts" during your school years does to you. 

I know, cause I'm 6'5. 


Now for the guy... that was way harder than I thought it would be...

(it gets gay from this point)

(really gay)

At first I thought on doing basic mommy goth gf submissive guy type of thing, but then I thought... what if he's as confident and spunky as the girl is? He's not the opposite. He's as dominant as she is, even more maybe. Yeah, he's a bit shorter than her, and that kind of gives the first expression that he's weaker, but... what if we just fucking mash them together? Especially given the fact that they have all this teacher-student thing going...

So, as you might've expected after the paragraph above... it's gonna be as bi-sexual as possible, with both partners exploring each other's... delicate sides...

Basically, they just tug-o-war their sexuality all over the place, switching tops and bottoms all the time, exploring each others' insecurities.

Sounds gay. I'm in.


I honestly don't have any estimated date on when I even begin this thing, but I'm sure It's gonna happen. I know it might not be what you expected of me, but regardless. It's more of a personal project. Not like MTWD isn't a personal project, but still...

Once again: You can check all the concept sketches in the "sketches" folder.



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