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I've gathered some questions and now it's time to start NERDING OUT INTENSIVELY!
At the end of each response I'll add TL;DR (too long/didn't read) short answer.

So, without further ado, here's the first one:

Q1: Can you make more content of debreasting?

Well, it's not the first time you ask, that's for sure!
There are some pictures here and there, but they are pretty rare. As you've probably guessed - it's not my biggest fetish. However, the only thing keeping me from doing more is the lack of the commissions with this theme, since I don't really draw for myself or just for fun, and even if I do - it's most likely going to be non-pr0n stuff just to stay in shape as an artist.

TL;DR: I don't really know. But I'll consider picking this theme for a pinup, once I'll start making them again.

Q2: You have a unique approach to Gur0 that distinguishes you from other Gur0 artists.  How did you discover your unique style and approach?

That's more of a philosophical question, but that's why we are here, right?

The sophisticated answer would be -
 "The feeling of observing something beautiful and fragle being destroyed, often by something ridiculous, weird and absurd."

Sounds just like the real life... :[

That's probably the first feeling I've experienced once I saw the very first picture, but for some reason it got me interested.
I just thought something along the lines of "Why?!..."
Also, that transformation scene from Akira thrashed me pretty good... Poor girl...

On the other side - I especially like when it's pushed to it's nihilistic absurdity when characters actually crave for their demise, often in some ridiculous circumstances. This makes the whole topic seem... crazy and wrong?

There are some comedic wackiness to it as well.
If "Tom & Jerry" cartoons actually, like, followed real world rules...
The deaths would be GROTESQUE, to say the least.

Exploring these extremes and what's between them is really what interests me.
Though, I'll have to admit - it is a double edged sword.

Some people expect me to get into more abusive themes, such as  sadism, torture, humiliation and blackmailing, which is understandable. Sucks for them, since I don't really dig that stuff and they often leave confused.

As for the inspiration for the artstyle:
I quite liked anime, but... you know... HIPSTER ANIME, that doesn't really look anime.
Basically, Bones studio series like "Eureka Seven", "Soul eater" and "Xam'd" (Especially Soul Eater).
Gonzo studio (See "Linkin Park - Breaking the habit" music video, or animated scenes from Kill Bill).
"Ghost In the shell", "Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade" (never actually watched it, but I dig the artstyle) and "Akira".

For more western stuff it's "Transmetropolitan", "Wakfu", lots of random western comic that are not superhero-themed, mostly.

And ESPECIALLY, I repeat -
"Aeon Flux" animated series.
10/10, would watch again.
From artstyle to sincere romantic themes (it's about LOVE, OKAY? IT REALLY IS, TRUST ME), to obscure stuff and fetishism - I LOVE IT. I think It's plain obvious that I was inspired by this series, from artstyle to some artistic decisions and themes.

I hope this collage explains it better:

My favourite "classic" artist is, no doubt, Joseph Christian Leyendecker.
Absolute GAR.

TL;DR: I'm stuck between a cynical nihilist and a sensitive romantic. The world is a beautiful place, and a horrible hell-hole at the same time. I'm just exploring what's in between.

Q3: Im sure like others here i came for the pr0n but the story is drawing me in. Im a sucker for eldritch shit. What came first - the pr0n or the story?


It's the story. 

I've been working on several comics since I was a kid, but, obviously, never finished any. I always wanted to write comics and draw worlds, characters and stories. After several rather edgy attempts at making some kind of comics in my late teens, I've stopped for a moment and  froze all my projects, focusing more on just random concepts and drawing.

The pr0n undertones came out rather unexpectable. Once it started bringing money after a couple of commissions, I thought that to stand out against all those artist that are already in the rat race, I'll have to do something unusual. 

Since pr0n already was working and I've started getting more "street credit" for it I've decided to stay with it and add something unusual to the mix.

I understand that, from the perspective of general mainstream art, smut oriented material is considered low-grade, primitive and crude. Most artists don't really bother with the story either, and I completely understand this decision, but I always wanted to GO DEEPER... 

I've invested some time into researching basic writing rules for movie scripts and novels, general directing, studied cinema, animation and comics, color coding, framing... all that good nerd stuff. In result I've started getting more... cohesive scripts, with more stable pace, exploring conflicts and desires of different characters, etc. etc. This also mixed well with my interest with psychology and philosophy.

The first chapter of MTWD was just as wild for me as it was for you. I kinda understood what I was doing, but not really. It kinda happened. Was a great and helpful experience, though.

The main inspiraton for the story is, once again, "Aeon Flux", also "Alien" but that's not that simple.
I liked the idea of stuff just spiralling down, getting darker and darker. Meta-irony is one of methods that I chose to amplify the mood. It's borderline edgy and self-aware of it's own cliches, untill it stops laughing at itself abruptly, becoming surprisingly serious and honest. And sometimes you just can't really tell if it's ironic or honest.

A careful reader would also notice that none of the qestions are really left without answers, there are always some clues to what's going on. 

I'm planning to include even more foreshadowing, Chekhov's guns and easter eggs in chapter 2. 

Also, just a quick tip - if there is something shown or told - it is for a reason ;)

For all the chtonic stuff, even though I love all the chtonic themes and monster design in general, I honestly don't consider H.P. Lovecraft that interesting and breathtaking. I'd prefer Thomas Ligotti, or Edgar Allan Poe. Howard has some neat stuff, though. And a beautifull habit of naming his cats Ni~ Ehm...

In MTWD, all of the creatures are mostly metaphorical, and used more as a way to explore Mai's problems, motivations and thoughts.

TL;DR: It's a dark psychological character study, masquerading as a dumb pr0n comic with creepy monsters.

Q4: I'm more of a fan of futa than I am gore to be honest. But I have to say you draw some really pleasing bodies. What do you use for anatomy refs when drawing?

I just hate flat animey bodies and faces without any detail or nuances. Like, stomaches doesn't work like that. Legs don't work like that... NOSES ARE REAL, YOU NOSELESS JAPANESE PEOPLE!!!111

Gottfried Bammes has some good "anatomy for artists" books, it's generally praised among Russian academic artists.  

Andrew Loomis seems to be a good start too. 

For the photo references, though I rarely use them, I either google it, or use a bunch of Telegram's erotica channels that I have subscribed to FOR STUDYING, TRUST ME.

Finding the right one is really tough, since I first do the sketch, and only then start finding references, if necessary. Most of the time it's just googling until I'm lucky. Sometimes I do save pictures that have some interesting anatomical features that I personally like, though it's a rare occasion. Also, this site is cool as well: https://onairvideo.com/model-index

And after years of drawing I kind of realized that the actual medium is not that important, whether it is a photo, or anatomy schemes, or some blocking-out made by other artist. It's more about analysis and general knowledge of where approximately things are. So, yeah, even stock photos of completely dressed-up people can be useful sometimes.

That's a lotta words up here, I better stop now.

Thank you for your questions and your support,
Stay chill, and have a happy Halloween  ;)



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