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Boy, here we go.
Took me quite some time to finish this one, but it came out way better than I expected.

From this month I'll start drawing the actual second chapter of the MTWD comic, named "The Getaway". The script was fixed and tweaked a couple times, and probably wil be tweaked slightly during the drawing proccess anyway, but the main idea is finally set.

The story will be more like a thriller/psychological horror/detective, with less action (I mean, ACTION, like in action movies, not THAT action, there's gonna be plenty of that, don't worry) and it will probably be a lot darker than the first chapter. It also is going to be way more dynamicly paced, switching scenes way quicker, instead of slowly and smootly transitioning from one another.

As for the cover, it's a slight reference to " Stańczyk" (1862) by Jan Matejko:


Vinyl covers that are on the left of the picture

(from left to right)
(it's all metal,
of course):



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