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 I know this is sad, but I have to do that.  The reasons are:

  • A: My health. Got bodied pretty hard on my skateboard and hit the head. Can't really work that many hours untill I get better. Though, It seems to get better eventually. (Yes, I know I'm too old and rusty for this shit, but it's fun, okay? I also wore a helmet, I'm not that edgy to skate in a beenie hat.)  
  • B: I want to progress the story more this month. Given the fact that I have a lot of stuff to finish since my schedule was messed up, I want to spend more time on drawing pages. Especially at this moment in the story when it's finally coming to a conclusion.



Zombie Pony

Damn, get well soon


Great update! Sorry to hear about your head, take your time, and try not to feel pressured. My gf hit her head while moving and gave herself a concussion, took a good six months to really get back to top form. She's not the patient type, so it was very frustrating for her, but really you just have to give it time and work with your doctor and it'll get better.


Man, those nollie 360 backside kickflips are waiting for me, bruh, I can't wait... Honestly, yeah, it's kind of frustrating. Makes you realise that you are just a sack of meat after all and you can barely control anything. Even in normal situations. Stay safe, guys and gals.