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I've been blocked recently for a "glorification of violence".
I understand Patreon policies and all that comes with them, so I've contacted the staff and asked some questions.

This is what I got:

"Thank you for making those changes. Violence used as part of a story is okay, but themes that contain sexual violence where it glorifies rape or non-consensual sexual behavior falls outsides of our guidelines."

This is good, so the comic will continue.

The comic depicts an artistic vision of horror genre fiction, paying omage to many classical horror movies.  
I am strongly against any violent acts myself.
I don't support harming other people in any way, and I honestly think that there are nothing more valuable than human life and freedom of person.
Any character depicted is just a fictional character, with it's own fictional motivation.

The comic wil progress further, uncovering some of backstories and details, explaining most characters' motives and personalities.

Next up:

"As a note - by continuing to use Patreon, you agree that you will not re-upload any of your removed content and that you will not fund content that violates our Community Guidelines moving forward."

I deleted all of the questionable content and will not be reposting it here.

So, the overall disclaimer, as of now, is like that:

All of the depicted scenes are original works of pure fiction, inspired by classic slasher horror and thriller films as artistic influences. All characters depicted completely fictional and are, without exception at least 18+ years of age. Fiction and fantasy in art are arenas in which transgressive ideas can be explored or enjoyed safely and freely. These scenes are intended as horror-inspired erotic art and are absolutely NOT an endorsement or celebration of misogynistic, sexist or abusive behaviour.  

I am strongly against any violent acts in real life. I don't support harming other people in any way, and I honestly think that there are nothing more valuable than human life and freedom of person.

All of the descriminative, sexist, religious, political and historical content and references are either a satire, memes or satirical jokes, meant to provoke thought and, in a way, confront narrow-mindedness and toxicity.

I am strongly disagree with any racist or sexist ideas myself. I personally find every person's life and personality valuable, regardless of his/her/? skin color, nationality, religious denomination and political opinions.

Stay safe and take care of your loved ones.



Teh One & TrueTabi

Ugh, Patreon continues to become shittier. :(


How and where we can buy your guro art?


Glad to see the suspension got overturned. I will definitely continue to support this Patreon, the comic alone is worth it.


I will rework the current content delivery system soon. Tiers will stay the same. The overall content won't be changed much, I'll just need to fit it to Patreon's guidelines. I will notify you guys soon about these upcoming changes.


I can understand why they are against such content. The main complaint was that it GLORIFIES such activity. I explained it above. I obviously don't encourage people to do all the bad stuff. This is the main misunderstanding. As a part of the fiction - it's okay with their guidelines. Stay tuned for the current updates, they won't disappoint you ;)


Boo, patreon!