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What is the most annoying text you get on a regular basis?

Wallmart sales announcements?
"Hey it's your Uber driver, am outside"?

For a russian person it's probably something along the line of 

"You've been approved for a loan of %whatever sum of money%"

Like, really, if you happen to be working for like a month or so, every bank in your city starts shitting down your phone with these messages or calling you with pre-recorded voice-messages like 

"Our manager tried to contact you, please call back".

The fuck should I call back for? You didn't even mention what was the reason for calling me in the first place!

Like, what should I say when I actually call back?

"...can I get a muh'fuckin' uuuuuuuhhhhh"?

Ughhh... anyway, you can write your most hated texts from companies/ads below in the comments. Something, that you think was important, but then "oh fuck it's those guys again" happens.



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