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The Hybrid Zoo, a zoo for specimens of half-human origin, works its best to ensure a safe and protected environment and containment of Hybrids, as well as do whatever necessary to keep their specimens healthy and happy.

Hybrid Zoo Specimen #1:Daisy the Cow-Girl Hybrid

Overview: Daisy is a cow-human hybrid living at the Hybrid Zoo. A calm, simple-minded hybrid with a pleasant disposition. Daisy has no hostility towards humans. She adores belly rubs, ear pets, and head pats.

Usage: Daisy produces massive amounts of milk at once, which the Zoo has begun to sell in large volume as a less-than-legal alternative to typical cow milk. Many have mentioned that it tastes like strawberry milk.

Diet: Daisy will typically eat plants in massive volumes, but is omnivorous and can eat nearly any type of organic material. At first, staff at the Zoo primarily fed her large amounts of plants, but it was later found out that Daisy produces much more milk when fed with a steady diet of humans, as well as had a more sated appetite overall on her new diet.



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