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Hello everyone! Here's version 0.8.0, the final update of the lesbian release.

Major changes & additions:

You can now keep playing after the endgame so long as you choose to stay in the city during the endgame scene. Endgame choices that involve you leaving the city or otherwise dramatically changing your circumstances will stop this option from appearing.

Added a new event for low-self-esteem characters with a sophisticated wife that don't have the skillful-tongue trait. 

Added a small event for pregnant women that are married to a caring husband.

Minor changes:

Improved some of the text around being approached by men in the nightclub.

Added an alternative piece of text for doggy-style NPC orgasms.

You can now let the npc decide what you'll have when she gets you a drink at the lesbian club, as requested by BereavedPoet.

Changes for user-submitted content:

The removeTrait method will now also remove any temporary trait effects that add the trait in question.

Added a new 'baby' object representing the PC or a female NPC's children.

Added methods to the PC and female NPC objects to return collection of baby objects – this collection may be empty but will not be null. Due to some last-minute bugs elsewhere the custom-scene 'baby' content hasn't been tested. Please let me know if you find any bugs.


Fixed some text issues. Thanks to iLurk for reporting some of these.

Fixed an issue reported by iLurk where the game was assuming there's just one prostitution client and didn't have text to handle the PC having been a prostitute before but not with the particular NPC in the scene.

Fixed a bug where NPC babies were not aging.


Joshua Eddleston

Looks good, SO, thanks for the update!


Hi, love the update. some text issues in lesbian night club: Maddison hands you your beverage and, thirsty from the ***head*** of the club, you drink it down. The alcohol burns your throat despite your resistance to drunkenness. (EMPTY HERE) as it goes down.