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Hello everyone! Newlife 0.7.21 is here at last - sorry for the delay. This version lets you marry your same-sex partner.


Major changes & additions:

You can now marry another woman

Naked wedding is an option when shopping for a wedding dress in a lesbian relationship. This can be initiated by a PC with the sultry trait, or an NPC with the party-girl character type.

Minor changes:

Updated the scene where you meet the innocent sales colleague on a bus after she quits to properly handle the situation where you and her have become a couple. Thanks to A Clash of Purple for reporting this!

Increased the knowledge gain about your partner when getting married.

A few adjustments to the lesbian makeout scene to reflect wedding-night content, though doubtless there'll be more that can be done there.

Added variant text for the scene where you tell other partners that you're in a relationship to better handle low PC love. Thanks to bicobus for highlighting some issues with the Aromantic trait.

Added updated versions of the minievent bike and bike-left-behind scenes submitted by GrimGear.

Added a doormat alternative reaction for when a baby-crazy PC yells at her partner for not reacting well to being told she's pregnant.


Fixed some text issues. Thanks to nameless, AnarChYsT and Sync for reporting some of these.

Fixed an oversight where the PC would not always get a knowledge increase towards her husband when getting married.



Minor typo in that event where you're cheating on your partner and get a call from them, if the partner is a woman: "Despite the rigid cock plunging into your body, you manage to carry on a casual conversation with yourgirlfriend." Missing space between the last two words. Also, I was surprised to see this event works with a female partner! Very cool

Bradley Porter

Any plans to add more jobs by chance?


Maybe one day, but not in the near future. A new career needs a lot of scenes before it can feel worthwhile compared to the existing two so it's a big commitment.


Thanks! I'll get that sorted out. That piece of content was a PMW suggestion from one of the players here - good to hear you're enjoying it!