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Hello everyone!

I'm thinking that it might be worthwhile to make some of the cheat options available in the public version. Specifically, the customisation options (personality weights, game length & starting wardrobe) would be public while the cheat options would only be available in the patreon version.

I'm putting this to a patron vote, as it's up to you if you're happy for formerly patron-restricted content to be made public.

If the vote is for these cheats to be made public then I'll implement it for the next version. However, I'll be keeping an eye on support levels on Patreon. If making them public leads to a noticeable drop in support (let's say 5%) then I reserve the right to back it out and go back to how things were before.

If the vote is for them to remain patron-only then that'll be a decision we'll stick with - I won't run another vote on the topic. However, I reserve the right to release cheats to public users on special occasions such as over the xmas holidays and I may also make the cheats public in the final 1.0.0 release of Newlife when the game is completed.

To run this vote I'll be trying out Patreon's new poll option. This will only give 1 vote per patron, so $25 patrons should PM me with their choice in addition to choosing an option on the poll: I'll manually add their extra 2 votes when I count up the results.

Happy voting, and I hope you're all having a great week so far!


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