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Hi all,

It's time to decide which major update will be chosen for the 0.5 release. This means that the 0.4.x releases will be working towards that update and the version number will be updated to 0.5.0 when it's complete.

I'll set up a blog post with details of the voting options: I recomment reading it first before deciding. You can find it here:


I use a program which runs an alternative-vote system where the voting is divided into rounds. For the first round the number of first-choice votes for each option is counted and the option(s) with the fewest votes are eliminated. Then the voters who had the eliminated options as their first choices have their votes redistributed to their second choices. This then repeats until just one option remains. This means that your vote will still count even if your first choice is an unpopular one that gets eliminated early.

Because I use a program instead of counting by hand, please submit your votes in the correct format (1 line with just the letters separated by commas).

To vote, please send me a message with your options in a comma-separated list ranked from your first preference to your last. You don't need to include every option - anything not listed will be considered joint-last.

The deadline is the 31st of this month.

The options are:

A:Work and Career

B:Romance and Marriage



E:Homes and Money

F:Daily Life

G:Lesbian Love

H:Improved Pregnancy

So, if you wanted Romance & Marriage first, then Improved Pregnancy, Storyline and Daily Life in that order and didn't have a preference between the other two, you'd message me with the line:



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