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Hello everyone!

The 4.5k milestone was reached recently and I'll therefore be implementing custom starting clothing as a new cheat option for the next release.

This post is so people can discuss what sort of thing they'd like to see. I'll be adding a set of basic choices using the clothing-style categories that NPCs choose from, but it might be fun to have some special and unique wardrobes too that are custom-built around a particular theme.

If there are many good suggestions then I might run a vote as to which to include, but that might not be necessary. The number of possible choices will probably depend on how it works in the UI - I'll need to run some tests before I'll know what'll be reasonable.

One thing I'd like to point out is that at this point custom wardrobes should only contain clothing that works with the current undressing, making-out & character-description code. It would be ok to add new clothing items if they do work within that framework (for example, a new style of dress).
I will of course be updating the choices when more clothing content gets added, such as legwear, t-shirts, the formal outfit and so on. That sort of thing will have to wait until after 0.4.0 though as it isn't part of the friendship update and I don't want to get sidetracked when we're close to finishing it.

Well, let me know your thoughts and I hope you'll enjoy how the new option turns out.


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