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Hi all,

Here's Newlife 0.7.9. I've been quite distracted over the last month with health issues again so I'm afraid this is a bit of a light release with pretty much just the standing makeout. Hopefully I'll be able to put together something a bit more meaty with the next one.

Major changes & additions:

Added a lesbian standing makeout. This can be accessed by showering together in the morning as long as you didn't makeout in bed upon waking up, or in the lesbian nightclub when you're with a party-girl npc.

Minor changes:

Increased the default number of standard female NPCs from 4 to 6. This can be modified in settings with the “additional female NPCs” option, which can be negative if you want fewer. The minimum is unchanged at 3.

Added a kiss-body makeout action where your partner kisses your bare back which can happen when they're behind you. While this was mainly added for the new makeout scene, there is a male version as well.


Fixes to text issues. Thanks to StuntCuffer and Sync for reporting some of these.

Fixed a bug reported by StuntCuffer where the cheating-blackmail scene could error due to a bad method call.



Can anything be done to change the new way save files are generated since 7.8? I usually name my character the same name every time I play regardless so I tend to name my save files after particular aspects of that playthrough as opposed to just "first name week x" and it's really inconvenient to have to manually change the save file name now each time I want to save, whereas before it automatically assumed I was saving under the same save file, which I was, and if I wanted to merely progress in weeks I could just add "week x" to it myself as it carried on.

Saint Destiny

Reposting a bug report from last month, as it persists: "On the 078b, I suddenly get an error on startup: "Error loading /home/~/raceData.json raceData.json (No such file or folder) Default race data will be used." I'm on Linux, and it looks like the .jar file refers out of its own folder and several steps up to look for a file? There's no other apparent issue, other than the annoyance from the error message on every startup."


Hi, could you let me know if the problem is fixed in this version? https://mega.nz/file/hQYghD6B#6CN9yBN2kRSZQRShOiztptEfj-OFMVFcTR0GbdXuEz4 Thanks!

Saint Destiny

I didn't get the message on first or second startup, so it looks to be fixed. Cheers!

Brian Boyle

Loving the game, enjoying the update. Only thing I'm wondering is: Will we ever see some of the "goofier" stuff in the game's setting explored? Lol, Ivy says the "Unethical Experimentation Party," is in power, will we ever get stuff that involves...unethical experimentation(other than our own existence that is) Also would be fun to see some more of the "skeezier" elements developed more. Love the work you do!


Hi! I've updated this for the next release. It'll now only use the default filename if that game hadn't been saved before, or if the default name format was used the last time it was saved. If you manually set a filename then it'll be kept as the default.


Hi! The evil government is mainly an excuse for why a gender-bent PC can't just go public with what happened to her and sell her story to the newspapers, and why Ivy has to do her work in secret. I may at some point add some more "mad-science" content based around helping Ivy with experiments. There's a lot of potential there - the PC accidentally getting temporary negative traits applied, dosing NPCs with weird sexual effects, encounters with horny mutants. Definitely things that could be interesting, but on the other hand they're also quite peripheral scenes so I don't know if I'm likely to seriously look at them while I'm pushing towards the 1.0 release. As for skeezy content, what sort of thing were you thinking of?