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Hi all! There have been some more issues reported with 0.7.7. These haven't been as critical as the ones fixed in the last bugfix release, but I've decided to pop out a quick update anyway.

I've also updated the documentation to reflect a change that I forgot to mention in the 0.7.7 changelog (though I'll go back after posting this and update it): the short- and long-descriptions for custom scene actions are now calculated when the action is shown to the player rather than just once at the start of the scene. This means that variables like arousal which vary mid-scene can now be used in these sections.


Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Brobort, Secondarian and Zab for reporting some of these.

Added some more text to one of the post-hypnosis sections to bring it more in line with the hypnotic command. Thanks to Brobort for reporting this.

Fixed an issue reported by Zab where saves started in older versions would error because the hypnotist special characters would not have been created at game-start. This has been fixed so you won't get errors any more, but the hypnosis scenes will still not fire without their special characters.

Updated documentation to reflect changes to how custom scene action descriptions are generated.



During the "meeting the Jerk Friend" sequence, when you go to refill the drinks: "Ashley comes to helps, although you'd have been perfectly capable of carrying three drinks by yourself." Should be: "Ashley comes to help, although you'd have been perfectly capable of carrying three drinks by yourself."

Jen-Hsun Huang

Female body type attraction options in character creator seems like something good to slip into one of the .7.x updates