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Hello everyone!

I've decided that this release will tackle the lesbian town-date. The one after this will be PMW, so I'll put up a suggestions post for that soon, and then for 0.7.8 I'll probably focus on some sort of sex or makeout content.

A question for you: what do you want to do on a date in town with another woman? I'll be keeping the same basic structure as the straight town-date with multiple possible paths that will hopefully have enough content to be interesting without demanding full sub-scenes. So, if you have something you want to do with your sweetheart when you're out and about then now is the time to ask for it! 



Maybe something like a trip to a museum or art gallery or a walk in a park? That way it could easily be adapted over to the straight dates as well to expand upon their options. However, if your looking for an option that is just for lesbian dates, maybe a couples spa trip?


Oh, don't know if this would qualify for a date or a hang out with friend but for the Innocent NPC's perhaps visiting an animal shelter to look, pet, and play with cute puppies and kittens.


Karaoke night. My daughter and her "friend" (who realised I knew long before daughter did) used to love that. Not for shy people, though.


I like Taylor's idea for something that could be adapted to straight couples too, maybe opening up more possibilities for partners depending on their personalities. Also, what about a "visiting sex toy store together" with the idea of someday expanding sex scenes to include the possibility of using sex toys in them?


I like all these suggestions, but how about something dirtier as well? For example, a trip to the lesbian club that gets a bit raunchy, perhaps with others joining in? (Such as the old man that may touch the protagonist after the Sex Toy Shop sex scene.[by the way, I wish that old man showed up more often, and could interact DURING the scene as well])


Maybe something tailored to each particular personality type? For example: * An innocent girlfriend goes on a walk in the park with the PC for a date, that might (depending on the PC's personality & behaviour) result in kissing/touching/sex behind some bushes * A party girl goes to a nightclub with the PC which can result in kissing/touching/sex in the bathroom (or VIP room...?) - similar to current Clubbing sex scene * An elegant/classy girl takes the PC to the opera for a date, which can result in kissing/touching/sex in the cloakroom


Clothes shopping. Depending on the girlfriend's personality, she would pick a different store (or maybe random but heavily weighted by personality, like Sultry most likely going to Lustrous, etc.) Then there's a chance to try things on (much like the lingerie at the adult store), where maybe the PC can choose a category (Business/Sporty/Going Out/etc). Something might happen in the change room after picking a category, or the PC might get given an outfit as a gift, or could buy an outfit for the girlfriend (with possible relationship boost).


Salon/spa. Get your hair/nails done. Have your eyebrows waxed. Spend some time in a sauna. Get a couples massage.


If we're getting a lesbian town date, does that mean we'll be able to have female NPCs as girlfriends? Or is that going to be a whole update of its own?


I'm surprised nobody suggested having the lowlife NPCs show up. I don't know enough about coding to say if this is feasible, but from the layman's perspective it seems like it could play out similarly to the Innocent befriending scene. What I'd much prefer to see though would be activities suited to the personality and/or body type of the NPC, such as skating or swimming for fit/athletic girls, an art exhibit or opera/ballet/theater for sophisticated women. These could even lead to clashes of personality if they don't match up with the PC's traits or stats (i.e. a low Fitness PC going swimming, casual PC bored at an opera, etc.). I especially like the previous suggestion about visiting an animal shelter. You could even fit in special text there for women who do or don't want kids, or even Baby Crazy PCs. Which did just give me the idea of going shopping for baby-related things if the PC or her date (or both) are pregnant and their traits match up. Or it could even just be window shopping for maternal/baby crazy women. That could even fit for men who want kids too, especially if he knows/thinks the PC is pregnant with his child.


Not in this release. I'll be taking a proper look at relationship-status once more of the core lesbian scenes are in. That means first doing the town-date, sleeping-together and next-morning scenes and probably another makeout or sex scene.


Well, since it's the lesbian content I don't think the dates should lead into sexual circumstances with men, it'd feel like cheating the folks who've been really keen on that specific development. I'd like stuff that reflects the very specific personalities of the women, maybe a gig or other high octane event for the party animal or an upper class party or gathering for the posh girl and for the innocent girl something quieter like an evening at a cozy pub. Something that matches the overall theme of the girl since they're so very specific in character.


The interactions alone need a lot of development and polish, so I won't suggest anything too complicated that leads to specific new events or interactions, but one possible date could be for more "sleazy" women NPCs if possible. It could play out much like the sleazy men, the girl has something fun planned out, she takes you to the sex shop and then depending on either lingerie or look at sex toys, you could have similar routes. I personally think that for the lesbian date the SEX TOY option should lead to a scene similar to the public make out that lingerie has for men, wherein the girl seduces you into publicly using the sex toy right there on the counter for everyone to see until you reach orgasm and the onlookers clap. Meanwhile the lingerie could lead to the same kind of scene as the sleazy friend groping in the changing room. That way it's all integrated into the lesbian content while still having a sort of interchangeable foundation with already existing content so that everything between the two genders feels equally balanced and fluid for interactions. Another recommendation is to add female NPCs to the "gig" events, just in general. All it would require is a few context updates when being groped mentioning how your partner's hands are smaller than you expected as they grope you but you allow it to continue because you feel good, or you turn around to find a sleazy woman and have her get lost and wait for your date to return, male or female. And then of course if it escalates to a sexual encounter with the groping female then it just escalates to a sexual encounter with the groping female so the sex itself would be different but the event plays out largely the same way. I.E. you can look for the pervert, you can look for them to take you home, you can stay with your date the whole time, etc... And that way you can have female NPCs "take you to a gig" as well and have it just play out as a normal event with either male or female. I'll be honest I'm not at all very interested in the development of the lesbian content, but to further its development I can see some of the more sensible and logical options would be to sort of "match" the lesbian content to already existing content with a few changes to the context. The bar date instead of dealing with a rowdy drunk or whatever, can be a simple bar date but the prices of drinks will be much cheaper due to a "ladies night" or "ladies drink cheaper" justification. The going out to dinner can just be going out to dinner. The cinema plays out the same, the stay at home plays out the same, etc... The sleazy theatre date can play out similarly as well, and I already made my suggestion for the sleazy sex shop date. Dates in general are not the primary mechanical gameplay experience of the game to begin with, most of them have superficial influence from the player and they just act out as simple straightforward interactions based heavily on personality traits and the players likes/dislikes that ultimately lead to the more core gameplay interactions once the player decides to go home or not go home with their date and escalate the night. So as long as all the content gets matched first with existing men's content then we will have a fair balance of options for both preferences, I believe. Aside from that, I can't come up with NEW date ideas because I don't really have an interest in the lesbian content, and regardless I don't see a reason why male or female dates should get wholly exclusive date options since any date a F/F can have, realistically a M/F can have, and vice versa. So I would've saved new date ideas and dating changes in general for the relationship update as a whole and save the lesbian content for polishing those F/F interactions that aren't on par with the M/F ones. But again, to be fair, I'm not particularly interested in the lesbian content, so maybe I just can't think of any particular date that ONLY F/F could have, but I also can't think of a date that ONLY M/F could have either, so I don't think it's wrong of me to have the expectation be that it's fair and balanced.