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Hello everyone, thanks for your patience and for the supportive messages I received. I really appreciate your kindness.

I've had the results from my tests back. It turns out my condition is a chronic one that isn't outright curable but it can usually be treated medically. I've been given a rather large number of pills that I've been taking for over a week now and the results are very positive - my symptoms have pretty much cleared up completely and I haven't had any serious side-effects. 

Some of the medicine I'm taking can't safely be used indefinitely so it's difficult to know how things will go long-term.  Some people with my condition find it very manageable, while others struggle - I'll have to wait and see how I fare. Overall though, things are looking up and for the time being I'm back to working as normal.

The next release is nearly done. I expect to have it out sometime tomorrow, but both the nature of this release and the state I was in while working on it means it'll be higher risk than usual for bugs.  My plan is to put a release out tomorrow so people can try it out and then I'll almost certainly need to do a bugfix update over the weekend. 

Tomorrow's release will contain the first lesbian makeout scene - I've decided to start with the lying-down version. However, while makeouts with male NPCS generally progress to penetration (at least, if the npc gets their way) that's obviously not the case with the lesbian one. Instead it sort of works as a hybrid makeout/sex scene. Hopefully you'll find it satisfying and I also hope you'll share your ideas for improvements - I'll doubtless be refining the scene in future updates.

Thanks again for waiting and I hope you're all having a good week.



Glad to hear you're doing a little better, and looking forward to the release!


Glad to see that you now know what it is that's got you. Having a name for it makes it easier to deal with. Haven't started on the 0.7.4 version yet, but will get to that soon. Looking forward to it. As for suggestions for future content for lesbian sex scenes: * face-sitting is an obvious one * sixty-nine is another obvious one * grinding/rubbing pussies together is another option * licking to climax (replacer for blowjob, in effect)