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Hi all!

I've counted up the results for the PMW vote that will decide what will be in the next release.

There was a wafer-thin margin - after adding the extra votes for people on the super-voter tier the results were exactly equal between "Gangbang" and "Getting caught with the jerk friend". However, one of the voters had sent me a PM to say that their preferred option was the Gangbang even though they'd voted for both. So, the final result is that gangbang wins by one vote!

That'll be the next release, coming out sometime in December. There will, of course, be another PMW vote coming in 2021.

I hope you all enjoy what comes out of the next update. The office rival will return in 0.6.11. Have a good week, and take care of yourselves!



You know, and I'm saying that it shouldn't happen now, I feel like there should be like a debug mode where you can trigger certain events that you like instead of waiting for 'Random Event' to happen. I know this cause I keep on saving on some points and hitting 'Start Week' button and when I do not get the event I'm looking for I just re-load it then eventually I would get that event scene I'm looking for. This is just my opinion to me, is all I'm saying.


Had to edit some things of what I said before anyone got the wrong idea.


I agree, the "debug" function specifically getting to choose what events proc is more useful than running weeks trying to get specific events to play out even though you meet the conditions, because so many random event conditions overlap. Additionally, as an end of the week activity, is it possible to choose "hang out with boyfriend"? "spend time with friends" helps, but what I'm thinking for "hang out with boyfriend" is to have the option to specifically force the events where your boyfriend calls and asks you to hang out, so that you can more easily get the Hypnotist and Ex Boyfriend and Sleazy Friend comes over with whiskey events. Those are super fun but don't come up nearly often enough.


I think you're referring to the minidates. Their weights should be editable in weight_modifiers.properties which is in the additional_scenes/official_content folder - it's a simple text file that can be edited in notepad. Setting their weight modifier to 1000 instead of the default 100 will make them show up 10x more often, for example.

Sky Dreamer

Will there ever be a "tomboy" option in the character creator, where female-start characters can begin with low femininity?


There already is, is there not? It's the man's man option on the 'cheats' screen before finalizing your character.


ZombieFace - I think Ulo is thinking of the always-female start, which doesn't have the man's man / unfeminine option. Ulo - Simply dropping the PC's femininity wouldn't be very interesting for a female-start PC because the low-fem content is mostly gender-bending themed. I wouldn't necessarily rule out a tomboy trait at some point, but it's not something I'll be planning soon because it'd require some broad rework/rewrites of the low-femininity content.


Okay I did not know that before and it makes things much easier for certain event's I would look for.