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Hello everyone!

It's time to vote on the next major update. This will be the 0.6.x updates, finishing with version 0.7.0.
The options are the same as last time, except that I'm adding a new "UI rework" option:

Lesbian Content:

- Lesbian variants of the club, town-date, home-date, sleep-together and next-morning scenes.
- Lesbian lying and standing makeout scenes
- Two (or possibly more) lesbian sex scenes: I'll probably run further votes to decide which at the appropriate time.
- Lesbian virginity tracking and updates to existing content to reflect this.
- Possibly new female-npc traits, if I decide they are needed during the writing of other scenes.
- Updates to game mechanics to support the above (e.g. improved female-female attraction handling)

Work and Career:

- Add an alternative high-level branch to the sales career so the PC can become a sales manager or an elite saleswoman.
- A couple of new events for these high-level branches
- Some way of training the charm skill while in the sales career
- Some sort of consequence for low job performance, such as getting fired.
- A new career (office worker) with manager / PA as the high-level roles and a suitable number of events
- Optional starting trait that blocks higher level promotions, for players who want to be stuck in a low-level job throughout the game.

Homes & Money:
- Rent that must be paid at regular intervals, and a landlord who can be "convinced" to waive it temporarily.
- A couple of new places to live with passive benefits to stress and some differences in random events.
- A simple implementation of wealth-levels for men with benefits to income when marrying richer men, or a penalty for having a broke husband, plus the income for the housewife career will very based on this.

UI Rework:

Rework the UI, probably in JavaFX. UI rework is likely to take more than a month as it took longer than that for me to make the Swing UI in 2014. Releasing a half-complete UI probably won't work, so this means there'll be some months with no releases.

The below are things I'll look into for this update, but I'm not hard-committing to implementing them: that's a decision I'll come to one-by-one once I've looked into the technical aspects of the change.

- Full-screen option that actually looks okay and doesn't resize components weirdly.
- Better handling of varying screen resolutions, with automatic resizing of text & components so players on massive resolutions won't see teeny-tiny text without breaking the game for players on small ones.
- Improve some of the poorer screens, especially the week planner.
- Properly-implemented light/dark mode
- Use of icons to give information about game state, such as the PC's arousal level.
- A basic "paper-doll" style character-viewer, initially with just a nude image and no clothes. Perhaps also an option to use a custom image for the PC.
- *maybe* an android port, though this is very optimistic. The current UI blocks this but I suspect there will be further difficulties elsewhere, and of course even if the UI is functional on android there's no guarantee it'll work well there.

The deadline is midnight (BST) on the 28th. You can select more than one option, in case you have several favourites.

Happy voting, and I hope you're all having a good week!


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