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Hello everyone!

As you'll have seen from the blog, I won't be able to work on Newlife for a few days so 0.3.9 will be delayed until (probably) Monday.

As such, I've decided to upload the current dev version here so you can try it over the weekend. This has one big new scene that's accessed from the gym.

A few key points:

- 0.3.9 will have more content. In particular, there's a second new scene that isn't quite ready for testing yet.

- This version is massively untested and is likely to contain a lot of bugs. This might include game-breaking ones.

Well, if you play this jar then you'll probably find a bunch of issues. Please comment here or pm me with any bugs, typos, grammar issues or anything like that.

I also welcome feedback on the new content. It may even be possible to make (small) changes or additions on Sunday night that could make it into the proper 0.3.9 release.

Here's the current changelog, but please bear in mind that most of these changes have not been tested at all.

  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Cubano, Bagashi, Jenneke and OrangeJuice

    for reporting problems they found.

  • Added an option to sell your home decorations from the scene where you

    shop for your flat. You recoup half the money, and can then buy a

    different decoration if you want. This was suggested by The Observer

    on Fenoxo's forum.

  • Men can now always push you to your knees if you're too pregnant to have

    sex while standing – this should fix an issue reported by

    OrangeJuice where pregnant standing makeouts could go on forever if

    the player didn't take appropriate action to get the guy off. I also

    improved the logic a little for impregnator npcs and oral sex.

  • Fixed a bug I found while answering a forum question from freyja where

    stress reduction from taking care of your children with high

    childcare skill wasn't being properly handled and in some cases

    could actually increase stress. While there is still a random

    element, you will now never suffer a stress increase if you have a

    childcare skill of 80 or more.

  • Added a change requested by Herrzimm where you can lean over and use your

    mouth in the porn theatre. This requires your partner to have his

    cock out, and there are other requirements based on traits &


  • Halved the duration of the nightclub dancing scene and rebalanced action

    effects & weights to compensate.

  • Changed the chance of an npc initiating nightclub dancing to be based on his

    dance traits. The probability for good dancers is the same as

    before, for average ones slightly lower, and for bad dancers very


  • Men who are bad dancers now have a chance of refusing when the player

    asks them to dance in a nightclub.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Secondarian in one of the last version's new

    scenes, where refusing to open your legs would cause an error.

  • Following a request from Zia, the escape key now lets you quit to the main

    menu from the week planner screen. This ends the current game

    without the possibility of returning so save first if you plan to

    continue it later.

  • Following another suggestion from Zia, your breasts will now be one size

    larger when you're in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

  • Following a suggestion on Patreon, added a Charmless option in character

    creation which gives you -40 to your starting & maximum charm


  • Added some new text for the "cup his balls" action when the player has

    the maternal trait and is pregnant with the man's child, or if she's

    fertile and he's already fathered a child on her before.

  • Added a new npc trait 'Misanthrope' which will sometimes appear for men

    with the Jerk personality – the chance is currently 50%. This puts

    a (fairly low) cap on the maximum he can like you – a change that

    may need balancing in the future. This should be interesting for

    people who want Jerks to continue being jerkish long-term, but it

    does mean that you're no longer guaranteed to be able to "win

    over" a man who treats you badly at first. It is still possible

    for him to fall in love with you, although liking does have some

    input into love calculations so there may be some cases where this

    is prevented.

  • Added a new friendship effect that can appear for misanthropes, although

    it'll be quite rare for them to actually become someone's friend.

  • One new breakfast option, as suggested by Cubano.

  • Fixed a bug reported over PM on Patreon where some of your clothing wasn't being removed properly in the impregnator's seduction story even

    when the text said he was taking it off.

  • Fixed the relationship browser not considering any men to be present in

    the gym scene.

  • Added a sexy new scene which can be accessed by going to the gym.


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