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Hi all,

This is the PMW release. It includes an event chain where a sleazy friend or partner will contact you about shooting a porno.

This consists of 3 scenes - in hindsight I should probably have cut it down to 2 and implemented the first-person pornoshoot scene similarly to how the third-person one (when a female NPC is starring) is handled.

There's some refinements I'd like to make at some point... and as I could say the same about the cooking-class and town-date scenes I'm going to start on all three straight away. So, For the next release after this one there won't be any new scenes but instead I'll focus on adding to those three pieces of content.

Things you can expect for 0.4.30:

- Tracking of the porn-shoot content and conversion into a porn film you can see in the theater. I did some basic work towards this but didn't have time to implement it in a satisfying way.

- More shame/regret content for romantic or refined PCs making porn films.

- More varied content for different types of NPCs in the cooking class, as well as a pass over relationship modifiers to ensure it's working better for building friendships.

I'll have a more detailed look-over my notes in the next few days and post about it to the inner-circle.



Changelog: Major changes & additions: Added the porno-shoot scenes that were chosen as the PMW vote. This can start as a random event if you have a partner or male friend who has the sleazy trait. Minor changes: Custom male NPCs can have the new PORN_ACTOR trait that means they'll be chosen as your co-star if the guy organising the shoot doesn't do it himself. Added a large love penalty (for the PC) to the paths where you're discovered cheating and admit that you have stronger feelings for the man you were unfaithful with than for your partner. The bar scene will no longer allow double-conversations in one turn if both the PC and the NPC choose their respective “have a conversation” actions. I also blocked the conversation action for taciturn NPCs. Improved text-spacing in the bar scene. Added a new NPC action to the bar (where a sleazy man eyes up the PC instead of talking). Restricted non-custom gym jerk character-creation to make it more likely they find the PC attractive, following a suggestion by Morion that there always be at some men who fancy the PC. Horse already has similar rules, so this means almost any game should have at least one jerk and one good-guy who has the hots for the player-character. Added new options for blocked male & female names. This lets you stop NPCs being given a name you don't like or that reminds you uncomfortably of someone you know in real-life. Name lists are set when starting a new game so changes to these options won't affect games in-progress. Changes for user-submitted content: None this release Bugfixes: Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Lev, Pgiac6 and Saur for reporting some of these. Improved the logic for the “guilty about cheating” text in the repairman scene, as suggested by Katie. Fixed a bug reported by Katie where love and crush limits weren't being worked out correctly. Fixed a bug reported by Morion where the trying-for-baby status wasn't being properly passed into the scene where the PC reacts to discovering a pregnancy. Fixed an issue reported by NoName where arousal levels weren't being changed on scene-transition from the cunnilingus scene, potentially leading to your partner immediately having an orgasm. Fixed some issues in the town-date scene reported by pgiac6 where certain actions weren't properly handling the situation where the PC has removed some clothing after getting a drink spilled on her.


Sounds cool. I look forward to checking out the new stuff. Thank you for another update, Splendid.


Typo: Make a Porno *** Jayden withdraws, the absence of his fat cock leaving you with an empty feeling inside. With a showy grunt, he starts to cum, spurting his cum onto your bare buttocks, wet splashes of milky ejaculatesplattering over your toned bottom. *** "ejaculatesplattering" should be "ejaculate splattering"


Is it just the one scene and one reaction? So far each time the man has been disappointed.


One sex scene: the 3 scenes are the initial random event, the porn-shoot setup one where you decide how to do things and the 1st person sex scene: 3rd person is handled in the porn-shoot scene. I'll be looking over balancing for the porn-shoot quality, including investigating whether there's a bug there. Are you using the "be fucked" action? It reduces quality slightly while the more participative actions increase it.


No, I'm moaning alongside. I even tried a character that was enthusiastic and hair-trigger and still the same result


It's an error in how information is passed between scenes so until I get the next version out you'll always end up with a bad quality porno if the PC takes part in it herself.