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Hi all, here's Newlife 0.4.25.

This one focuses on adding the "inept lover" trait, which proved to be frankly horrible to add. I'd thought I was making good progress earlier in the month, but trawling through the existing content to figure out where changes needed to be made turned out to take just way more than I'd anticipated.

I think this is an issue that's generally going to get worse over time - more content in the codebase means more stuff to look through. Considering how tough the end to this month was, I think I'll need to be a lot more disciplined about avoiding "complexity" changes in the future unless they're absolutely necessary. I've been saying for years that I'll be doing this, but I haven't really been restraining myself very well. 

In fact, I think it'll be helpful if I try to write up a minimal set of changes needed to reach 1.0.0 instead of keeping getting carried away by optional side-content. I'll aim to do that for the big 0.5.0 vote. That way Newlife can reach its "finished" version sooner and any extras can then be considered post-completion instead of sidetracking core content.

Anyway, this version has the core functionality of the new trait and the "teaching" scene which has a number of possible paths and I think is quite a nice scene that works well as-is while also leaving options for further extension, perhaps by commissioned writers.

The inept trait is probably a bit too common right now, but I wanted it to be easier for people to see as it's the new thing in this release. I'll drop its likelihood down in a few versions time.

I do have a ton of notes on areas where things can be extended, as well as a big backlog of comments to reply to, user-submitted content to include and player-requests to look into. This includes some things like faked orgasms that were requested recently over on the inner-circle post and that I haven't forgotten about even though they aren't in this release. 

I'm also expecting the first commissioned scenes to be ready soon - likely in early December.

Because of all this, and because I'll be travelling over Xmas and don't like to commit to a release while away in case my laptop is damaged in transit, I'm going to push the PMW release back an extra month. Instead, for the next release I'll do a smaller "bits and pieces" update focusing on smaller requested changes, integrating user/commissioned content and refinements to the inept stuff. Of course this "smaller" update might be very large indeed if a whole bunch of commissioned stuff comes through at once, but we'll see.

I'll be aiming to get that out by mid-December. In fact, I'll give a deadline now: Sunday December 16th.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and enjoy the new version!



Major changes & additions: - New “Inept Lover” trait with content throughout existing scenes - New teaching scene where the PC can train an inept partner – he must be her bf or better. This is repeatable and will eventually lead to him losing the trait and gaining a positive one. To access it, you must first have had sex (or anal sex) with him. Then talk to your inept partner at home and get his agreement, the choose the relevant activity on a weekend evening. If he refuses then you can force the issue when discussing wedding vows. Minor changes: - Added some new pullout-orgasm text to the doggy-style scene that can sometimes appear for a mostly-naked PC and an NPC with big balls. - Tripled the chance of the 2nd Tanya event firing on risky days for non-pregnant PCs who are not on the pill. This should stop the issue of it appearing much faster for PCs using contraception. - Updated some oral-scene passages to reflect the small-cock trait, as suggested by Saur. - Updated some orgasm text to no longer refer to the PC's “first climax from sex as a woman” for female-start characters. - Added some alternative lines to the ask-to-be-inseminated action for when the PC is already pregnant by the man, as requested by Saur. - There's a placeholder “dark theme” setting in the options, although it doesn't work especially well for now. If you want to use this make sure to restart the program after selecting it and exiting the options screen. Changes for user-submitted content: - New clothing flag for bras: NO_UNDERWIRE. Check this if your text would otherwise be mentioning underwire. I also alphabetised the list of clothing flags in the documentation... maybe that should have been in the “major changes” section. - The new inept trait may be relevant to some scenes. Bugfixes: - Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saint Destiny, Swamp Dragon, Luna and Saur for reporting some of these. - Fixed an incorrect condition reported by Swamp Dragon where some lines comparing the PC's lover with an ex were instead using her current partner only. - Fixed a bug reported by エボラちゃん where the “trying for baby” status was not being cleared when the PC and her boyfriend break-up. - Fixed an issue reported by MadCat where some actions were mentioning the PC's bra's underwire when she was wearing a bralette. - Fixed a passage of text being inaccessible during the “watch another girl have sex” scene: this is for when the PC has a child with the man. - Fixed some bad conditions in the initial jerk-friend scene.

Sentimental Penguin

>I think this is an issue that's generally going to get worse over time - more content in the codebase means more stuff to look through. Considering how tough the end to this month was, I think I'll need to be a lot more disciplined about avoiding "complexity" changes in the future unless they're absolutely necessary. I've been saying for years that I'll be doing this, but I haven't really been restraining myself very well. Oof, I feel your pain here. Maybe it's time for you to start future-proofing things? Or start batching traits/keywords together? That should make future additions a little easier. I'm willing to help in this aspect.


While I love the trait system and the depth it adds to the game, it undeniably represents a massive workload spread throughout an increasingly complex project. I think the real value of traits appears when each one has a distinct presence and unique interactions with other traits, rather than having a bunch of traits just for the sake of having them. While I'm certain that these last three traits will mature over time just like "baby crazy" did, I feel like having each one come out one after another made the "cheater" and "small cock" a bit shallow on release (I haven't tested the new one yet) while requiring way more work on SO's part than a conventional update. I'd hate for these "breadth" updates to disappear entirely, but the amount of the work they represent shouldn't be discounted. Spacing out these types of releases is probably a good idea. As far as "finishing the game" goes, there are still some gamewide trait/characteristic updates that will need to be added before 1.0. Off the top of my head... 1) The Nice trait 2) Down-to-earth and Posh personality interactions (to the level of Cute and Sultry) 3) Refined gaining a distinct presence (separate from Posh) Maybe these should be the priorities for the next "cross content" update? Until then, I think refining the traits SO has relentlessly churned out these past months is the way to go. You're a good ostrich, SO, a damn splendid one at that.


SAUR'S REVISION THREAD Last Updated: 11/30 Typo: Jerk(?) Wall sex Zack's thrusts intensify, slamming you against the wall With a final effort, he plunges his cock to its base in your aroused pussy and holds it there. Breath hot on your ear he whispers that from the moment you trusted him to pull out, you were destined to have his baby. *** Needs a period after "against the wall."


Typo: "Ask him to come inside" variant text *** You tell Zack how you want to feel his copious sperm spilling into you. You're already on the way to starting a family so pregnancy isn't a factor. You just want to feel it inside. you can't get any more pregnant than you already are. *** The last sentence needs a capital Y at the start ("you can't get any more...") Edit: Is this text supposed to be there? Seems like a carry over from the original version.

Novus Operandi

Thank you for all the hard work, Splendid. It's very much appreciated.


On a more serious note, I thoroughly agree that traits for the sake of traits are not doing much.


To be honest I don't think the "down-to-earth" and "posh" personalities have a lot of potential in an erotic game. Actually I imagine that's why there's not much content for them so far - it's hard to add anything that would actually enhance gameplay. I think SO could safely drop these two, and maybe re-vamp "refined" as a third personality type instead. I know the 4 personality types mirror the clothing attributes and it's nice to have symmetry, but that's not really enough reason to develop large amounts of content for the less interesting two types.


Dear SO, I've commented about this before so please forgive me if it seems repetitive, but I'd really like to know how you feel about it: Love as it works now seems very restrictive. In the past it seemed to be less tricky, but since the big love update with the dreams I feel like it's very difficult to get your character to fall for NPCs. I've played around with custom NPCs a lot, and it seems like you can only really fall for a "Mr Right" type who is pretty much perfect for your main character. Any serious flaws will significantly limit the potential maximum love you can feel for him. Furthermore, because of the way love decays, you need to consciously pick an NPC to go for and spam dates with him to get anywhere. If you try to avoid getting jiggy before a serious relationship develops then the process can take a very long time, even with "Mr Right".


What I would love to see is: A) Love creeping up on the player without a big, purposeful effort on their part. From the way the dreams are written I feel like this is the intended effect, but I haven't seen it happen myself. B) The potential to fall in love with (or at least have strong feelings for) NPCs who are less than perfect. If you get along really well with a sweet guy who's not particularly hot then there should still be a chance to develop feelings for him. Or maybe there's a very attractive guy who you know is a jerk, but he ticks all your boxes physically so you find yourself having a guilty crush. C) Related to B, the potential to be *differently* attracted to different guys. There is already so much content in the game that would support this, so it seems crazy to me that it's not possible. If NPCs treat you with kindness and affection you should start to feel romantically interested whether or not they excite you sexually, and if you spend time around NPCs who turn you on then similarly you should start noticing a sexual attraction regardless of their personality.


I know you've just written about wanting to avoid too much added complexity, so I certainly don't want to request anything too odious. Here are some ideas on how I imagine a noticeable change could be made without too much extra work: 1. Move the "crush" dreams down to the "confused" level of attraction. I think the way they are written and the way the PC gets a chance to react suits this level of attraction better anyway, and it would increase the chances for the player to see them come up unintentionally. 2. Adjust the values for love compatibility so that meeting a few of the PCs preferences is enough to get up to crush and/or love levels. This would allow the player to fall for NPCs who are not perfect all-rounders. 3. Remove the decay of love over time. I guess the point was to simulate a need to spend time together, but presently the options available get very repetitive and therefore hurt immersion. If you think this would make the system unbalanced then maybe increase the amount love is reduced from unsatisfactory dates, etc.? 4. Allow the "spend time with friends" weekend activity to gradually increase love (up to a certain threshold?) for any qualifying NPCs that are befriended (if this is already happening then bump up the amount significantly). This would allow the player to develop feelings for compatible NPCs *before* choosing to go on explicitly romantic dates with them. 5. Once the PC has a boyfriend, fiancé or husband, make an option like "spend time with [name of significant other]" available in one or more relevant time slots, which like "study fashion" doesn't trigger a separate scene. This should modify the relationship a little depending on compatibility (probably less so than a full date would). This could be an alternative to dropping the love decay over time, and could also be added to later with random scenes that *might* trigger if the activity is selected (like how the art gallery scene can pop up if you have an innocent female friend). 6. Increase how much personality traits affect compatibility, so for example if the PC is "nice" and "romantic" then she quickly falls for NPCs who treat her well and make romantic gestures (even if their looks and behaviour don't excite her sexually). Conversely a "sultry" PC with "low self esteem" might develop feelings for good looking NPCs who come on to her openly regardless of whether she gets kind and romantic attention from them. (Edit: This is maybe just an extension of suggestion 2, but hopefully you get my point.)


Lastly, here are some suggestions that I guess would entail more work. I don't imagine you would want to implement these in a hurry, but I hope you will consider looking at something along these lines as part of future updates: 1. Differentiate between feelings of romantic love and sexual lust. For a start you could take the existing love system and convert that to be entirely romantic by taking out the any big dependencies on (or mentions of) sexual attraction. Obviously if the PC is repulsed by someone that should severely limit romantic feelings somehow, but if she spends time with an NPC whose company she finds pleasant, is at the bare minimum okay-looking, and he's trying to win her over, eventually it should start to work. 2. Add a similar system to run in tandem with love, which tracks how much the PC lusts over each NPC. Rather than none-some-confused-crush-love, this could scale something like uninterested-neutral-receptive-distracted-obsessed. This should start at zero (uninterested) and increase/decrease whenever the PC gets turned on or turned off by an NPC. 3. Change the way love and relationship status affect attraction. Right now attractiveness is part of the visual description of an NPC (i.e. "you think he's good-looking"), and that visual evaluation gets better if the PC falls in love and/or starts a relationship with him. Instead keep the NPC's physical attractiveness rating static based on the PC's preferences (after all his looks haven't actually changed!), and have the lust the PC feels towards him as the variable. 4. To be realistic and engaging, love and sexual attraction should still influence each other *somewhat*. Maybe agreeing to be an NPC's girlfriend could give PC a one-time bump up to the "receptive" level of lust towards him (if she's not already above that), and choosing a positive reaction to a love dream or forming a crush could do the same. On the other hand, developing strong sexual desires for an NPC could prompt "confused" romantic feelings - as it might in real life. However, both love and lust should be decreasable in any situation, so for example having unpleasant dates with an NPC could drive love values back down to "none" even if the PC at one point felt "confused" due to high levels of lust (lust itself would not be negatively affected by disappointing romantic encounters, and may even have increased further in the meantime due to sexual events). 5. Change the love-based dreams so they are more romantic and less sexual, put the sexual content into more exclusively sexual versions that are instead triggered by higher levels of lust, and have some that are both romantic and sexual for happy situations when the PC's heart agrees with her loins. Then when the PC starts to develop a serious attraction to an NPC the game can show what sort of attraction it is. 6. "Lust" will be an extra variable affecting how much the PC wants to be sexual with NPCs, so the existing factors probably need to be rebalanced to compensate. The effects of NPC looks, PC intoxication, etc. should probably be reduced so that lust towards NPCs can have an appropriate level of influence on how turned on the PC gets with them. 7. Like with love, limit the number of NPCs that the PC can have particularly lustful feelings for. Maybe 3 maximum that she is distracted by and will trigger some special text in relevant scenes, and only 1 that she is obsessed with (who should be treated significantly differently). 8. Integrate the difference between love and lust into relevant scenes like dates, makeouts, sex, etc. (e.g. increasing lust should open up flirty and possibly sexual behaviour during dates - depending on the PC's traits - but will have no effect on the availability of romantic behaviour). 9. Adapt and expand on the existing content that focuses on the difference between skilled and unskilled lovers, large and small penises, etc. Maybe the NPC that the PC loves and lusts over most is the same person, but if not (which should be entirely possible if all of the above is implemented), inevitably there should be comparisons and choices to be made between the two.


I do apologise for the huge wall of text, but I hope you can find the time to read through. These are just suggestions, and I certainly don't expect you to agree with all (or even many) of them, but hopefully the general direction of my ideas comes through. I would be very grateful if you could find the time to let me know what you think of that general direction - whether you find it compelling, and also whether you think it's viable to implement anything along those lines. Many thanks.


Can't say I agree with you here, unfortunately. I think there's definitely a lot of potential for DTE and Posh characters in the game. Based on what limited references are currently in the game, it seems that "Down to Earth" is the "girl next door" archetype, meaning that they are casual/informal beyond what a "normal" PC would be. Implementation could include humorous responses during dates and sex, unique events with traditionally unfeminine activities (gardening, camping), and other everyday activities. Down to Earth PCs should "tell it like it is," (i.e "Wow, that's a huge dick!") which would be a refreshing twist compared to the stuttering Cute PCs and the innuendo laden Sultry PCs. SO will need to establish a core direction for the personality, but there's a lot of content there. The Posh personality already has a core identity, but it still needs more implementation within the game. Posh PCs are sophisticated socialites mingling with the everyday bar dweller, gym rat, etc., for better or for worse, which could be the premise of its own erotic game, honestly. Currently, most of the dialogue for Posh PC revolves around a) the PC commenting on her partners "uncouth" tendencies, or b) rude PCs referring to taming the PC's "uppity bitch" nature. There's certainly room to expand Posh commentary to "nice" NPCs as well, perhaps with some referring to her as a "princess," duchess," or some other endearing term.


To your point, though, it's clear that Cute and Sultry are the most popular personality types and are certainly the most expected in this type of game. To that end, I could see Posh and Down to Earth moving from full on personalities to regular traits instead, which would open up "Posh Cute/Normal/Sultry" combinations and "Down to Earth Cute/Normal/Sultry" combinations. That way they could still have their own niche and unique content, but wouldn't need to be referenced as frequently as Cute and Sultry currently are. It's a somewhat elegant solution, I think.


Consistency (minor): Jerk partner's "you won't get pregnant during your first time" dialogue chain *** [tell him you're unprotected] [jerk partner says that you won't get pregnant from your first time] ... You gasp at the feel of his manhood in your wonderfully-sensitive pussy, the first to fill you like this. You think back to what he said about virgins not being at risk of pregnancy and in a sweet girlish voice beg him not to pull out when he finishes so you can feel his stuff inside you. ... Cohen gropes at your body, his cock hard inside you as his fleshy hands brutally squeeze your naked breasts. You can't help but cry out as his thrusts drive you towards climax. His penis twitches inside you. Are you about to get pregnant? *** The "are you about to get pregnant?" line that generally appears when having unprotected sex on an unsafe day should be modified in this unique scenario, as the dialogue chain suggests that the PC believes she will NOT get pregnant from her first experience.


Thanks Saur! You're right about that 2nd one - the line shouldn't be appearing in that situation. I'll get it fixed.

Saint Destiny

When having an orgasm and selecting Fight it: "Leo'sthick cock feels so good filling you that you find yourself struggling to hold back the tide of pleasure. Having an orgasm with another man will be an even worse betrayal of Rory, and you fight to stop it from happening. " Leo's thick cock needs a space.

Saint Destiny

When having standing sex and facing the wall, NPC has a small dick and has promised to always use a condom: "Placing your palms firmly on the wall, you brace yourself for intercourse, raising your rounded rear-end in Rory's direction, presenting yourself to him. There's a short pause while he puts on a condom. Then heburies his small rubber-covered cock deep in your offered pussy. " "He buries his" needs a space.


The line “he buries his small cock... deep in your offered pussy” may need some rewording. A small cock usually doesn’t go “deep.” XD

Saint Destiny

Good catch Saur. I also found this one, when visiting the creep in the hotel: "You take off his black designer jeans, leaving him completely naked, , his girthy cock the most eye-catching part of the light brown flesh on display. " The double comma seems to indicate that a part of the sentence is missing.

Saint Destiny

I thought I had reported this before... When married and the PC has vowed to go off the pill, the PC telling the husband gives this message: "Gabriel takes a moment to process the news, but given your promise to not use the pill, he can hardly be surprised that his husband is up the duff. Collecting himself, he gives you a hug and says that having a baby will surely be a challenge but he's sure that together you'll be up for it " It shouldn't be "husband" in the first line, it should be "wife". The second sentence needs a full stop at the end.


Hi, thanks for your comments. You make some good points - I'll aim to get back to you with a proper reply after I've got the next release out and caught up a bit on my holiday backlog.


Thanks very much SO. I will look forward to reading your thoughts some time in the new year. Merry Crimbo for now (bit late I know)!