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Hi all!

It's time to be planning the next PMW release. PMW stands for "prove me wrong" and is when I run a vote about adding something that'd otherwise be low-priority or perhaps not in the game at all.

This is the post where I gather suggestions to put in the voting list. I'll collect them and start the vote on Tuesday the 16th. so that's the deadline for when you can make a suggestion.

To put an idea up for voting, make a comment here. Please don't send them as a PM as I want other players to be able to see and comment on them.

A PMW suggestion should include:

A short (1-2 sentence) summary of what it is. To pick an example from the 2017 vote "A threesome with Horse and his friend".

If the addition could be interpreted in several ways, please write what you'd specifically have in mind. To use the threesome example again, you might suggest your preferred position (e.g. spit-roasting).

Here are some guidelines for suggestions:

- In general, I get a veto on any idea, although I'll only use it if there's a good reason.

- The new addition must represent a single release's worth of content. Typically that means 1 large scene or 2 smaller ones, less if significant changes are needed to existing scenes.

- It must not include illegal content (under UK law) or anything that violates Patreon's T&Cs. Among other things, that means no rape. Last year I promised to post guidelines on how people could use the custom scene framework to add rape content, which I did in this blog post: http://splendidostrich.blogspot.com/2017/11/raaaaape.html

If you want to help make nonconsent content available as an add-on to Newlife then head over to the Discord (linked on the blog) and check out the NC-project channels.

- The PMW content must be completely done in the PMW release without impacting future development. I don't want to add new game mechanics that would need to be handled in every future scene as well as by volunteer & commissioned writers. So, a new sex scene would be fine but a new personality type would not.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with this year!


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