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Hi all,

I've had some planning issues this month, as well as struggling a bit with general anxiety - you might have noticed that I haven't been posting much which is something that tends to happen when I'm stressed.

0.4.23 adds the cheater trait, with two core scenes: one where you catch him cheating and a second one where you can then watch him have sex. I feel that I bit off a bit more than I could chew this month and I'm not at all satisfied with the current version of the 2nd scene.

As such, I'm releasing it in 2 parts. This one has the first scene and Secondarian's hotel-prostitution event. The second part will be out tomorrow or Tuesday and will add the sex scene.

I'll put the changelog out with the 2nd version. The key things you need to know about this release:

- I won't go into the logic around cheating in depth here, but the scene where you catch your partner requires you to be living together, so post-marriage. In v2 the sex scene will split off from this one.

- To see secondarian's scene you need to buy the Computer object via the "shop for your flat" event.

Let me know if you spot any bugs. I did a bit more testing this time than for the last release, but there's certainly still the possibility of issues. I should be able to tackle any issues reported for the v2 release in a day or two.



Thanks for the update SO! Anxiety or not, it takes a lot of tenacity to churn out updates month after month. We notice it, and we appreciate you!!


Typo: "You want babies!" Impregnator proposal event *** You fling your arms around him, pressing crushing yourself against his broad powerful chest. In between kisses you agree to be his wife and he slides the engagement ring onto your finger, shortly before sliding your clothing off of your curvaceous body. He whispers into your ear that he's going to leave his current wife, and he'll be divorced by the time he takes you to the altar. The farmers discreetly leave the barn as the two of you stumble over to one of its walls. *** "pressing crushing yourself against his broad powerful chest" should be "pressing yourself against his ... chest" OR "crushing yourself against his ... chest."


What Saur says, we can see you worked very long tonight to get that release out. Thank you for your work!

Novus Operandi

I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling with anxiety. I hope you know how much we appreciate all your hard work, and how much we enjoy the game you've made (and that you've continued to tirelessly improve upon). Thank you, Splendid.


As a fellow suffer of a mental illness (I suffer from Depression), I understand how pushing to meet a deadline (especially a self-imposed one - the worst kind) can increase the sensations of struggling within yourself. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to accept that it's okay to take a step back to let yourself regroup. If you need to take a day or two from coding to get your thoughts in order, then take them. We're a patient bunch here.


Thank you :) It's been strange because I wouldn't say I've been under more pressure than normal - it's just something that came on out of the blue. Maybe this month I'll try to keep things more bite-size and perhaps split the next release into two chunks, so I'm not rushing to get it all done at the end of the month again.


Great to see! Sorry to hear you've been struggling, the game is great though! Only do what you can do, your mental health is the most important thing. Is there a way to tell if a guy's a cheater? Also are there any character traits that can't be cheaters (e.g. caring guys)?


Thanks Sync, I appreciate your support, and I hope you're able to find support for your own troubles.


It won't appear on caring or romantic men unless set for a custom npc. It's most common for selfish, and also more likely for likes-to-share and less so for doormats. The knowledge threshold is 80 (vs 95 for impregnator) - I'm not sure if that's attainable off the top of my head. I think probably, but only for a very committed relationship.