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Hello everyone! It's taken me a while, but with 4 new scenes this is a big update. I've done the usual amount of testing but haven't worked through every single path in the new scenes. If I get any major bug reports then I'll fix them tomorrow and push a patch version out. This update focuses on dancing. There's still some changes due to be made there. In the next release I plan to update the nightclub scene, let you dance with dates in your home, and have some kind of character creation trait that lets you start the game as a better dancer. I'll make a blog post soon with the changelog, and I'll also be putting out the public version of 0.2.7 to non-patrons. Have fun, and good luck in the dance tournament!



I don't see a .jar or download link anywhere. Am I missing it?


It should be attached to the post. On my browser, if I click into the post so I get to this page <a href="https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1744766&cid=355902">https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1744766&cid=355902</a> it shows up as a blue square in the top right-hand corner.

Joe Etienne

Is the alternative to the mugging scene new?


You mean the other scene where you're alone in a dark alley? That was added in 0.2.7. It has a somewhat low chance of showing up, so I expect there's a few people who won't have seen it yet.


As we're nearing the second milestone goal, I was wondering if you have any plans for recruiting volunteers to help out with production in the future? Even if you are working fulltime on the project, with all the content planned as well as the milestone goals piling up, it will be an ambitious undertaking for one person alone no matter how you look at it. Perhaps a future milestone goal could be to recruit a small team of volunteers to help you with implementation so you have more time to focus on writing? I guess what I'm trying to say is that you have a lot of supporters and that you are not alone in this.


I've felt that the limited towel options during the shower scenes limits immersion. Expanding the towel types beyond "fluffiest" and "biggest" is probably not a high priority, so I would be happy to volunteer my time to help implement increased towel variety so that the author can focus on more important features, like an expanded breakfast menu.


Thank you! I don't want to share out the actual coding, first because that's really where my background is and it's the part I'm best at, and second because writing all the code myself makes it much easier to find bugs & issues. However, getting some type of support for writing is something I'm a bit more open to. The big challenge there is that the writing is mixed up with the code in a way that would make it very difficult to separate the roles. For now at least, I think that the most suitable writing support would be small additions - single lines of dialogue or alternative text for single-turn actions when the player or her partner have particular traits. In fact, the new dance scene has four dialogue actions that could use suggestions for alternative lines - I'll make a blog post about this soon asking for ideas. When it comes to milestone goals, I can look into more substantial changes. There's no fundamental reason why I couldn't provide some partial support for user-submitted scenes. Design issues mean that I doubt I'd ever be able to offer full modding functionality, but a system that lets people create their own random events in a limited way using xml or similar might be possible. I'd need to do some experimentation to know for sure if it'd be reasonable, but something like that would have the advantage that people could share their own creations and I could cherry-pick the best ones for inclusion into the official releases. I don't want to put that sort of thing in just yet though, because it could be very annoying for players if code changes mean old user-content stops working. The obvious gap in the milestones is at the $2000 level, but because user-content is better left to a bit later in development, I'd rather not add it there.


I do seem to remember saying I'd add another breakfast type. I've just put one in for the next release.


Getting people involved in the content writing process through the blog seems like an excellent idea. If a lot of people post suggestions you can simply pick the stuff that works, and worst case scenario is that nothing decent is posted/nothing is posted at all, in which case nothing is lost. It would also make the playerbase personally invested in the game and thus more likely to support it financially. I also love the idea of being able to inject content through xml files, even if it's just stuff like custom NPCs as mentioned in the 4k milestone goal. A feature like that would be excellent for either growing the playerbase by posting it for free, or monetizing, by making it a premium feature. This game has an incredible potential and great positioning as it fills a huge hole in the market that I'm surprised has not been filled yet, so I have no doubt that it will be a huge success. ^^ Keep up the good work!


Will there ever be an option to choose how many weeks the game lasts? I wouldn't mind setting a much longer play duration personally.


What I'd really like to see eventually is an option to continue playing after using the machine the second time, at least if it can't change you back.


My original plan was to have the final version reach an ending after 52 weeks, but with the option of another 1-2 years play if you stay female. I don't know if there'd be any benefit to having a further time limit though, so I might just allow indefinite play if you don't turn back, with the understanding that there won't be game systems for aging or other things that'd only be relevant for very long games.


Speaking of aging, do any of the attributes you input for the description of your male character affect your female character in any way? I imagine someone who is 50 years and has worked 30 years in sales would have a huge edge at work if they were suddenly turned young over night. :p


The work experience choice affects your starting skills, but age doesn't. I do plan to have more references to your former age in game eventually, but probably not skill modifiers


I'd definitely like indefinite play, just to screw around and pop out like 30 babies or something. Even at 52 weeks, I still felt it would fly by quickly, but 52 is better than 26 so I'll take it no matter what c: