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Hello everyone! I've decided to start offering early access to Newlife updates as the $5 patron reward. My original plan was to put extra hours in this month and get two releases out at the same time. Despite, or perhaps because of being stuck at home ill half last week, I've succeeded fairly well in putting in the extra time. Whether my code quality has stayed up to standard is something you'll have to tell me, possibly in the form of furious bug reports! I've now finished the first of these double updates, and instead of waiting while I make the rather large dance update, I've decided to do an unofficial release and make it available to you now. I'll make a proper public announcement about the new system when 0.2.8 comes out in a week or two. I'll also put out the public version of 0.2.7 on the blog then. I've attached the new jar to this post. I still need to do a little bit of testing, but I've done a basic pass of all the new changes and the game didn't obviously crash on me. Let me know if you find any bugs - I'll start work on the next release late tomorrow or Monday, so if you report anything before then I can get fixes into this version. Thanks again for your support, both financial and otherwise. I really appreciate it and I'm sure Newlife's development wouldn't be going nearly so well without you.



Hmm, are you guys seeing the jar here? It isn't appearing when I look at it, although I really though I had it up correctly...


nope see no jar.


Hmm, not sure what I'm doing wrong. In the meantime, you can get it at: <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/download/1uwsxsakslwl3fw/newlife_0_2_7_patron.jar" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.mediafire.com/download/1uwsxsakslwl3fw/newlife_0_2_7_patron.jar</a>


the changelog and bugfixes it is possible?


Sure thing. It looks like I can't put bullet points in a Patreon comment, so I've put it on my blog: <a href="http://splendidostrich.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/version-027-changelog.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://splendidostrich.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/version-027-changelog.html</a> I'll also be having a look at more testing and bugfixes today, so you might see an updated version later. A quick look at HF tells me that I've had a few bugs reported there, so there's definitely improvements to be made!


I think i fixed it. The file uploadet is a zip file not a jar file. If you view it with extensions in windows, it shows as a zip file. Just rename it to jar, and it works.


I was able to get it off the link in your comment and its working fine that way.


Hi all, I've deleted that file from mediafire because I'm about to upload an updated version. I've updated the changelog on the blog, and I'll post the new version in a few minutes