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Hi all!

It's coming up to time for the PMW release. That's when I dedicate a release to something that otherwise might not make it into the game, or at least wouldn't be a priority.

This is the post where I gather suggestions to put in the voting list. I'll collect them and start the vote on Wednesday the 20th.

There are some guidelines for suggestions which I've copied below. Of course if you aren't sure, just post your idea anyway - no harm in making a suggestion.

- In general, I get a veto on any idea, although I'll only use it if there's a good reason.

- The new addition must be possible to implement in a single release.

- It must not include illegal content (under UK law). While a bit of a grey area, I'm also going to block Rape, which is risky both under the OPA and Patreon's T&Cs. However, I'll be posting on the blog soon to set up a way for volunteers to make a nonconsent add-on using the custom scene framework, which will give people a way of seeing rape content in the game.

-I'll say no to some very extreme content even if it's legal. This includes things I wouldn't be comfortable researching & writing content about. Examples include blood, scat, sickness, death. These should mostly be quite obvious and I doubt they'd win a vote anyway.
Content must also reasonably fit into the Newlife world. The whole 'mad science' angle does give a bit of flexibility there, but you shouldn't be running into orcs on the street or whatever.

- The PMW content must be completely done in the PMW release. I don't want to add new game mechanics that would affect the writing of future scenes. So, a new sex scene would be fine but a new personality type would not.

- Suggestions should all be in the comments of this post. Please don't send any as PMs, as I want other players to be able to see and comment on them.

I look forward to seeing what you have in mind, and good luck with the vote :)


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