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Hello, as you may well know, the series "The demon queen" and "Vampire chronicles" are about to end, what does this mean? It means that it is time to give rise to new main stories, among them I have 3 ideas that I would like to make. Of which I have decided that I will do 2 and the third I will do as a series of simple stories as I do with Evil convent, so I have decided that since this time it is time to decide on two series, the voting will be done among all the members of patreon/fanbox.

But... How will this vote be done? Well, everyone is going to vote from 1 to 5 how much you would like to see the stories, in the end, the first 2 places will be the 2 new series and the third will be the series of simple stories

You have until 1st november

Below I will give a brief synopsis and title of each series:

Winx club story: A simple Winx Club story, where we will see how each of the characters falls into darkness in different creative ways to be corrupted, and causes all the fairies to fall to evil.

Gods's story: A story of a conflict between goddesses from a fictional mythology, where a battle is fought between two sides and each one will do whatever it takes to win, a classic confrontation of good against evil.

Vamp ranger's story: A group of rangers opens a portal to another dimension for research purposes, but unknowingly that dimension will bring evil creatures with fangs to them, their mission is to destroy them and save their world from the evil vampire queen of the other. dimension

YOU CAN VOTE HERE: https://forms.gle/vSLW4w65vk96JkPj9



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