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I'm going to be at Rose City Comic this month. It's September 22-24 and will be in Artist Alley table Y-1. Stop by and say hello!

Slow tweaks are still happening to my site. Last week I updated all the photos of stuff in the store. My bud Kevin is gonna change the design of the store soon. 

On full moons we watch werewolf movies in my fan discord. So September 28th we are gonna watch When Animals Dream, a personal favorite werewolf movie of mine. If you want to join, click here and hang out at 4pm PST

As always I'll be streaming art on Twitch. My schedule is currently the following:

Stop by!

Speaking of streaming, on the most recent stream I went on a bit of a rant about the musical Rent. Feel free to give it a listen.

Otherwise, things have been pretty quiet online for me.

I've had a lot on my plate for while, hense why You are the Chosen One is on pause until I finish sometimes up.

One of those things has been under NDA until now. I'm doing art for a small videogame. It's a time management puzzle. The plot is you are a single parent of a werewolf child (pictured above). You have to prep the basement and backyard for the full moon. It's about 30% of the way done. I should be done by the end of the year. 

I want to give Patreon backers something to make up for not getting You are the Chosen One pages. So I'm going to do quick sketch comics to answer reader questions. So if you have any questions for me about any of my comics drop em here. The answers will start getting posted in October.  

While working I've been relistening to the October Daye series which is one of my favorites. There is a new volume in the series coming out on September 5th. I always like revisiting it before a new volume drops. 

Otherwise this month I'll mostly be doing editorial work and getting as much done of Blue Moon. 

That's it for this month! Have a good one everyone.



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