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Hey everyone! I'll be at San Diego Comic Con July 19th-23rd. I'll be at table 1229 with Alina Pete, Sam Logan, and Kory Bing. This San Diego should be interesting because all the Hollywood panels are canceled. SDCC will be really different without that Hall H line.

San Diego is the big thing. I was hoping to have copies of the last Cautionary Fables book, but I don't think the comps are gonna get to me in time.

Yesterday my discord watched Wolves. Next movie night we are doing is gonna be The Howling. So join us August 1st at 6pm PST.

As always I'll be streaming art on Twitch. My schedule is currently the following:

Last month was my birthday month. So I went to an exhibit for Del Toro's Pinocchino. I posted pictures on bluesky, which I'm on now. I don't know if that link works for people without bluesky, so I'll probably post them on instagram sometime this month.

That image sums up a lot of my June feelings. I was gonna try to finish writing Blue Moon because I'm so close to being done. But one of the other employees at Iron Circus quit, tried to publicly start shit, and it turned out she hadn't done anything for the past year. So firefighting and cleaning up her mess has consumed all my time in June. It will probably take up a lot of July too. I was gonna start posting You are the Chosen One color versions of the pages after San Diego, but I haven't had time to touch them. So they might have to go on hold until other stuff is off my plate. It's a bummer, and I'm tired. 

Haven't had much of a break other than going to the Del Toro exhibit on my birthday. I did also get a new tattoo. It's one I had been sitting on since before the pandemic. Here's a peak. 

Because I'm tired I don't think I got it in me to write more detailed thoughts about stuff I watched. So real quick run down:

  • DnD movie was fun
  • Watched a bunch of lore videos about the game Fear and Hunger
  • The Cursed was a cool horror movie and has some neat body horror images.
  • Star Trek Strange New Worlds is fun thus far. I liked that Carol Kane's immortal character.
  • I watched some Columbo with friends. It's neat.

Thanks everyone for your support. Hopefully I'll be more rested up in the end of July.




See you at CON