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Firstly, I wanna thank everyone who signed up for my newsletter at VanCAF. It was the first con I had a QR code sign up for. I'm hoping to use it more because who knows where social media is gonna end up. And I'm especially grateful for the folks who signed up because my books were held up at the boarder, so I didn't have anything to sell at the show.

This month is pretty laid back because I want to rest up before San Diego Comic Con in July. Iron Circus Geekshow is gonna have quests every week for Pride Month. We will have Jon Allen the 8th, Kendra Wells on the 15th, Jessie Sharon on the 22nd, and Bree Wolfe on the 29th.

I didn't get this newsletter out before this months werewolf movie. We watched The Cursed in my discord this weekend. The next werewolf movie will be Wolves on July 3rd at 4pm PST. Pop into the server if you wanna join us.

As always I'll be streaming art on Twitch. My schedule is currently the following:

The big thing last month was VanCAF which was a bit of a bust because my books didn't make it across the boarder. I did some commissions and hung out. Here's a Star Trek commercial.

My website was built by my pal Kevin, but hasn't been updated in awhile. So we sat down and made a list of stuff that needs tweaking. Some are things like optimization for better loading or fixing dead links on my press page. The big one is fixing up the store and figuring out why sometimes updates I schedule aren't going up. A reader requested a start of the story/chapter button on The City Between, so he's adding that. If anyone else has any requests, let me know in the comments of my patreon and I'll see if we can do something.

Also, for the past year I've been building the crowdfund pages for Iron Circus. Currently, I'm help Alina Pete prep for the anthology they are editing for Iron Circus, Indiginerds. Alina was handing out cards at VanCAF and it is gonna be a really rad anthology. We'll have the crowdfund up in the fall. 

I'm still writing Blue Moon. I won't be buying that new Zelda game until it's done. So really motivated to hurry up with it. I've also gotta go through the submissions of Perfect Crime, which is the next anthology I'm editing for Iron Circus. Then it's my birthday this month. I'm gonna go see an art exhibit which the figures for Del Toro's Pinocchio. 

Because I was so busy this month I didn't have much time to watch new stuff. I reread (well relistened because i have the audiobook) some Discworld books because Discworld day is May 25th. The picture above is by Higgs who you can find on Tumblr here. I always like revisiting Discworld. My personal favorite Discworld books are The Truth which is about the forming the newspaper and Going Postal which is about the post office. 

Thanks everyone for your support. Please back my patreon! And have a good one.



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