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This is crossposted from my newsletter

WOOO! Also the globe spins! You Died won best anthology and I'm the editor on it. So I get a this fabulous fidget spinner. 

I survived San Diego Comic Con. Partly that is because they did a great job with covid safety rules. We have to get a wristband showing we were vaccinated, every couple of hours there was an announcement reminded folks that masks are required, and security told folks to fix their masks if someone had it under their chin or not covering their nose. Overall things went well.

July was overall super busy. Between getting ready for San Diego Comic Con and an up tick in work from Seven Seas, I didn't have a lot of time to do my comic work. This also lined up with a scene in You are the Chosen One with 9million horses and me needing to work on a short comic that is due in a couple of months. Basically the past three pages of You are the Chosen One took three times the amount of time to finish as usual because they are a big crowd scene with a parade of horses, like this one. 

So my buffer for You are the Chosen One is pretty much used up. The next two updates on my patreon are gonna be pencils. Then I'm gonna take a month or 2 off to get back ahead. In the meantime, I'm going to post in progress work for a comic I'm drawing and Ryan North wrote. It's for a non-fiction comic anthology called Failure to Launch. So instead of You are the Chosen One that will go up on Fridays for Patreon backers. 

Anyway, this month other than working on Failure to Launch, I'm also going to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. I'll have my usual table near the entrance. I haven't made a little map yet but we'll be at table 206. Then after the show I am gonna dig into writing Blue Moon, my future book with Meredith McClaren. 

I hope your August is chiller than mine. But either way, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your support! Take care.




Very cool!