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This is crossposted with my newletter 

Hey all! Another month as come and gone. I've mostly had my nose to the grind stone on the usual comics, The City Between and You are the Chosen One. I did pop on to War Rocket Ajax to promote You are the Chosen One, since chapter 3 has gotten the ball rolling. We detour into talking about video games a bit, but I do talk about how I came up with the characters names. So give it a listen.

Because I've been on War Rocket Ajax a bunch of times the listener questions are werewolf focused. And after the show it lead to me talking to my pal Kevin about something I think is a common problem in werewolf related media. Basically, there is a show called Wolf like Me on peacock's streaming service. It is about werewolves. You can tell it's about werewolves because of the name of the show. The problem is that it wants to build up to the reveal of the werewolf. So for several episodes it is building tension/momentum by hinting that one character is a werewolf but because you know know the title of the show you already know the character is a werewolf. Instead of building interest in their reveal/mystery, they are mostly building:

And it's a problem I've seen in a lot of werewolf media. That desire for a slow burn is something I understand. The slow burn is something I love when pulled off well. But it's at odds with the title/marketing/etc, wanting people to know here be werewolves. This sorta conflict is something I've been thinking about in regards to the werewolf comic I'm working on, Blue Moon. The shows/movies I've seen where the slow burn works usually have another plot going on and the slow reveal of the werewolf is a b-plot. 

Anyway, besides thinking about werewolves I watched a lot of Our Flag Means Death. If you don't know, Our Flag Means Death is the new pirate comedy starring Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi. They play Stede Bonnet and Blackbeard. It's a show that is very funny. It takes a little bit to gain steam but once Taika's Blackbeard shows up, the show hits high points and keeps out doing itself. Stede and Blackbeard grow closer every episode and the two have a romantic arc. It's one that I appreciate is text rather than subtext. I also got very invested in the non-binary pirate Jim's story of getting torn between wanting vengeance and staying with the crew. I definitely hope it gets a season 2. 

Anyway, this month I'm going to keep working on The City Between and You are the Chosen One. In the meantime, I did my taxes a few weeks ago and found out I owe the government more money than I expected. So I'm having a 20% off sale in my store with the coupon code: taxes

That sale will last until April 15th. So if you've been thinking about getting any of my books, now is a good time to grab some. 

Anyway, enjoy your month and thank you all for your support.
