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Hi folks, 
I hope you had a good January.

I spent a good chunk of it annoyed with instagram. Last newsletter I mentioned I was gonna try to up my social media game. Well, that is not to be. Like two days after, my instagram was disabled for some unknown reason. I honestly have no clue why. Seriously. There wasn't wasn't a message saying why and instagram has no way to contact them. I spent a weeks looking for it and couldn't find anything. What I did find was a reddit thread of 2000 people that had the same thing happen. The solution they proposed was if you buy ads for your facebook business page, THEN you can talk to someone to get help for facebook or instagram. Which I did, and was told submit a report. I did and now it's 3 weeks later and... nothing. Coooooooool. So I think I'm done with instagram. I didn't have much of a following on there, so it's not a big loss. But I don't have the energy. 

Kinda hijacked my attempt as getting social media rolling again. 

What I did end up sticking to was exercise...

A few years ago I decided to get in good enough shape to capable of the One Punch Man work out. If you aren't familiar with One Punch Man, is can defeat anyone in one punch. When asked how he got so strong he replies:

The joke being the average person could get in good enough shape to do these. So I've started and stopped exercise over the past couple of years for various reasons. One of my new years resolutions is to at least get the running bit sorted out. I've done a decent job sticking with it. Yesterday, I jogged for 30 mins straight.

I'm also doing some weight lifting so that I can eventually get to the push-ups too. But that is less exciting to report at the moment. I might ended making a little comic my various stops and starts. But the questions would be when would I find the time. 

Buried in Comics

I also have been continuing to work on The City Between and You are the Chosen One. Right now, You are the Chosen One is on a brief break while I do some concept art. Mostly I'm drawing locations like this tavern. 

But while it's on a brief break, I made a post on my patreon that links to 2 PDFs of the previous chapters. So now is a good time to catch up if you haven't read You are the Chosen One Yet. 

I've been mostly drawing both during my streams with Alina or Jose. Streaming has been doing a good job getting me to stay focused on drawing after finishing my editing work each day. I might end up doing more streams with I have other cohosts.

So stop by on Tuesday or Wednesday nights 8pm PST. We mostly talk about whatever media we have been consuming while we work. A lot of comics talk on there. Mostly because I've been trying to make a dent in my to read pile/shelf. I basically have a whole small bookshelf of unread comics. One of my other goals for the year is to get through those. 

Man, I have too many comics. Both ones I'm working on and ones I gotta read!

That's it ya'll. Thanks again for your support! Please back my Patreon and/or give my store a look!




Anne Welborn

My Instagram account died as well and after thinking about it for a short while I decided that I couldn't care less. Social media can be an addictive life wasting disease and it's best to limit contact with it as much as possible.


The unfortunately reality of social media is that artists such as myself need it to promote themselves because a large chunk of people only use social media to get info, find recs, etc etc. But lately social media's we depend on have also been deboosting/hiding links to outside their social media circle. It a frustrating fact of the internet right now.

Simone Spinozzi

༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀 *offers a tribute of good luck*