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Yo, so I'm trying to think of what I can put on Patreon to help increase how much it brings in. Partly because my money is pretty tight without conventions still and I'd like to give either You are the Chosen One or The City Between more time and attention/produce it faster. But with my patreon at it's current level, I still got to mostly put my time into looking for freelance work and making pitches. My patreon is at about 1/4 of what it needs to be to give one of those comics most of my attention. 

I did get a good chunk more patrons when I started posting You are the Chosen One and Stars Hide Your Fire here. But I am not sure what else to put on here that isn't just more frequent pages, which I currently can't afford to take time to do. 

So folks, what brought you do my patreon? What would you like to see? In progress stuff? Worldbuilding notes? Monthly Q&A? I have kinda been tempted to do monthly quick comics that review/explain werewolf movies and TV shows. Would that interest ya'll? 

I'm trying to not do too much behind expensive paywalls and have tried to keep all my goals as everyone gets more free stuff on my website when I hit a certain mark. But I don't know if people even check my website anymore or just stick to following me here or on social media. (this isn't a poor me thing, more a the internet is changing and people tend to go to individual website's less.

So let me know how you found my patreon (because maybe I just need to push it more) and what made you back at the level you did? What could tempt you to go from $1 a month to $5? Would someone like the stuff I listed about get you to maybe back at a $2 level?

EDIT: I added a $2 and $3 a month level that are general support levels since several of you suggested that. 


Monika Eggers

I read the comic on the website. It’s a bit difficult, though, as it’s not possible to favorite a “latest comic” page. I came to your Patreon through Sorcery 101, which is my favorite comic (I read and support a bunch). I took a break and then re-upped to 5$ when there was a new comic in the same setting fifty or a hundred years later or whenever (it doesn’t say when exactly). I don’t really need extras (though they are nice), it’s more on the basis that comic artists need to eat.


I discovered you through Kickstarter and like your work. For me, I give a little support to a lot of people through many different venues. My attention is spread very thin making it hard to say what engagement would prompt me to move to a different tier.