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This is crossposted with my newsletter. 

Hey all! At the end of this month (Feb 28-Mar 1st), I'm going to be in Chicago at C2E2. I'm in artist alley with my pal Molly Muldoon. We are table S-5 which is right smack in the middle. 

In the meantime, I'm still working on Murky Water the next book for The City Between. I'm about 2/3rds the way through. I was hoping to be done by now but I got swamped with a loose ends on the business side of things, doing some editing for Iron Circus Comics, and was sick for a week. So I'm gonna keep working on it for the next few weeks and finish it before cons start up. Also, Spike, Amanda, and I did a lot of recording to try and build a buffer for Dirty Old Ladies.

Speaking of me editing for Iron Circus Comics, the main thing I've been working on is a book by Abby Howard titled The Crossroads at Midnight. It's a collection of short horror stories and REALLY FUCKING good.  It's getting kickstarted in about a month, so keep an eye out for it. 

My reading this month has mostly been more of Silver Spoon and Love is War. I haven't read much new stuff because of being busy. 

My patreon dollars this month are still going to the new office chair.  This should be enough to get it. Just in time for me to spend a long time sitting in it while drawing. 

And to wrap up here are things folks might have missed this:

Thank you all for your support this month. Take care. 



Simone Spinozzi

oh! Thanks for the recommendations