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The big thing this month is I'm going to SDCC. I go every year but this year is special because I'm nominated for an Eisner award. Stone King is nominated for best digital comic. I'll be at M13 in the small press section for most of my time but Comixology is having me do a lot of signings and panels. Here's the list:

Thursday, July 18—Hours 9:30am-7pm

  • 11:00am-11:30pm— The Stone King signing
  • 4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. ComiXology Originals: Creator-Owned Comics and Beyond - Room: 28DE 
  • 6:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. Comics PR and Marketing 101 - Room: 8 

Friday, July 19--Hours 9:30am-7pm

  • 10:00pm-10:30pm—The Stone King signing

Saturday, July 20--Hours 9:30am-7pm

  • 2:00pm-3:00pm— The Stone King signing 

Sunday, July 21-- Hours 9:30am-5pm

  • 11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m., Manga: An Intro for Comics Fans Are - Room: 24ABC 
  • 1:00pm-1:30pm— Stone King signing—Kel McDonald

Things are a little bittersweet where I'm at honestly. Getting nominated for an Eisner is exciting, but Can I Pet Your Werewolf Reprint Kickstarter is probably not gonna make it. It has about a week and needs 12k. Normally, I'd be anxious about this but I'm honestly to tired to worry about it. Kickstarter promo takes a lot out of me. I need to rethink how I promote them in the future.

And in other bad news Drip is shutting down, so I'm gonna restart my Patreon. Basically, I wanted Drip to work because they seemed more concerned about folks who weren't already famous and folks who can only give a dollar, whereas Patreon is antagonistic to those things. Really, I just wanted Patreon to not be the only game in town. Either way, I reworked my Patreon a little already but I'm gonna fully rework it in August.

Other than SDCC, this month is mostly about me playing catch up with a lot of small things. I got to make some tweaks to Cautionary Fables and FairyTales: Europe Edition. It's getting rereleased by Iron Circus Comics as Nixie of the Mill-Pond and Other European Stories next April. Then I got to send invites to the North America Cautionary Fables. Then get The Dead Deception to the printer. So mostly administrative stuff that has fallen behind on.

Anyway, June was a work crunch time. Here's what you might have missed from me:

Thank you everyone for your support this month. 


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