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Simone Spinozzi

"The answer is within you. It's perfect. It's clear. It's simple. It fits nicely. Also: it's wrong."™ 🤣😂🤣😂👍💖 This single page was the one that i liked the best. Honestly. Not only for that childhood quote from above, which i still find extremely useful today, even though it was supposed to be a "just a joke". But then again, most of the important stuff i learned was often framed as jokes. But mainly because of how you oriented the characters and how it works so well: • in juxtapposition of the framing and how you broke the rhythm. • the expressions are conveyed beautifully, and even though "it's just talking heads"™ they give a lot of subtext. • even *how* and *what* the characters eat tells their mood and approach. Soo... yeah. Wonderful. This page here. Is the one i liked the most. That's not to say the rest of the pages are average. Or that they sucked. It's just that this one page here is the one i liked best. <img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/438627582716542976.gif">