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Saturday night’s alright for fighting, according to Elton John. Saturday morning, however, is alright for sucking dick, being embarrassed and generally humiliating himself, according to Kai. Of course, that’s harder to fit into a song lyric, but that didn’t make it any less true. Saturdays were becoming Kai’s favourite day of the week, thanks to his new role as cheerleader for Leo and Caleb’s football team.

It wasn’t just the naked boys in the showers, or the dares they inevitably made him do that really got Kai excited to head to the pitch (though it certainly helped!) Kai was rather enjoying the actual cheerleading side of things. Getting the small crowd cheering, supporting the players, entertaining the younger kids, all of it was just… fun! Not that the rest of Kai’s life wasn’t fun. After all, who wouldn’t enjoy streaking at the mall, or cycling round his neighbourhood naked or being made to cum in his own face!? But this was a different kind of fun and came as a much-needed break from the seemingly relentless tide of dares, punishments and challenges.

Before Kai could get to that today, he needed to meet up with the team to find out what Tyler Everett had decided would be his dare for the day, having won the right to choose the previous week. As Kai approached the gathering of football players, he silently thanked himself for thinking to wear tight briefs today, as it helped conceal his already-stiffening dick, swelling at the thought of what Tyler might have in store.

After some greetings, playful banter and a short wait for the final team members to arrive, the group got down to business.

“What ya got?” Leo asked Tyler eagerly.

“Yeah, what’s our lil mascot got to do today?” Oz asked, throwing his arm around Kai.

Kai shuddered slightly at the feel of the muscular arm. Just as little as a few weeks ago, he would have taken the direct contact to be some kind of flirtation, planting the thought in his head that Oz was hitting on him. Now, he knew better. Between Miles ‘coming out’ to him as straight, Caleb returning from vacation in a straight relationship and Oz mentioning his sexual escapades with his girlfriend, Kai was quickly learning that straight people actually did exist, and that not all physical contact was sexual. It was… definitely a learning experience for him. As much as he would have loved the burly boy next to him to be putting the arm around him as a precursor to something carnal, it almost felt better knowing it was just platonic affection, it made him feel increasingly accepted by the team.

“Suckin’ dick!” Trent said, blushing slightly but visibly pushing through it.

The comment caused a sudden wave of chatter and speculation amongst the team until Oz loudly cleared his throat and said, “There any more to it than that? Who exactly is getting Kai’d?”

“Did you just turn my name into a verb?” Kai asked.

As Oz looked back slightly blankly at the question, Sam Fisher smirked and said, “He did, it’s fine, move on!” He looked to Trent and said, “Carry on!”

“Everyone!” Trent said, revelling in the slow reveal of his dare as it caused another wave of chatter, though much more anxious this time.

Kai gulped. Everyone? He was going to blow the entire football team? That was impossible. That was so slutty. That was shockingly filthy. That was… fucking awesome! He did his best not to show his glee.

“Yeah, we ain’t hanging out here all day for that!” one of the other team members scoffed, though he looked very much like he simply didn’t want to do it, rather than actually being concerned about timing.

“Ah, not all the way,” Trent said, waving a hand dismissively. “He’s just gonna do each of us for, like… a minute and we’ll be able to see that whoever gets hard… is gay!”

Once again the comment caused uproar, with boys chattering to each other while some started calling out objections. Surprisingly, it was Kai who prompted silence this time as he said loudly, “SHUT UP!” As the team silenced and looked at him, many bearing horrifically anxious expressions, he shook his head and said, “I’m not doing that!”

“But you said anything!” Trent argued.

“Okay, first of all, I said ALMOST anything,” Kai explained a little petulantly, “Secondly, you really think I’m gonna do shit to out people? That’s a shitty move and you guys are great and the way you look out for each other is one of those reasons!” Trent began to look quite embarrassed as Kai continued, “And lastly, you show me one single guy here who doesn’t totally get a boner at literally ANYTHING. You stick it in a mouth… ANY mouth and they’ll get hard, so that’s a stupid test that won’t actually reveal the truth anyway and I’m not doing it. Okay!”

The whole group stood in stunned silence for several moments before the jeering kicked in. “He’s right!” “Fuck you Trent!” “That’s a shitty dare!” “The fuck you think you are?” “I don’t wanna be in a team with a homophobe!”

“WHOA. STOP!” Kai snapped, suddenly gripped by anger. “What exactly about what I just said makes you think it’d be cool to start hating on one of your own teammates?” he demanded, causing several sheepish expressions. “It was a shitty dare, but he probably didn’t mean any harm, so get the fuck over it. Now… I’m gonna go and get ready to cheer. You guys need to get ready to play. I don’t care how you do it, but by the end of the match figure out whose dick I’m sucking, okay!”

As Kai turned to storm away, the team stood in another shocked silence.

Kai suddenly stopped and looked back as he grinned and said, “Oh, and y’know what… I’m meant to be here to cheer you on and make you play better, so… why don’t we REALLY give ya something to play for!” He smirked as he looked round the team who were still visibly taken aback by the diminutive boy’s aggression on the subject. “You win this match and I’ll suck whatever dicks you decide,” Kai suggested before his grin broadened and he finished, “But you guys lose and the one you choose has to suck MY dick! So play well, fellas!”

And with that, Kai walked away, leaving the team in a state of utter shock.

“Damn Leo, your brother’s got balls!” Oz said, looking quite impressed.

“I know, you’ve all seen ‘em!” Leo sniggered, getting some laughs from the team.

“I… really didn’t mean any harm,” Tyler said, still a little shaken by how quickly the team had turned on him.

“Ah, we know, mate!” Oz said, throwing his arm around him. “Come on, let’s get warmed up, and let’s hear any ideas for picking the lucky winner!” he said as he turned to jog onto the field.


“Have you been practicing?” Miles asked as he approached Kai at half-time, smirking a little.

Kai blushed as he avoided eye contact, shrugged and mumbled, “Maybe!”

“Chill, I ain’t taking the piss,” Miles reassured him, “I think it’s kinda cool how much you’re getting into this!”

“Thanks,” Kai said with a shy giggle, “Y’know… there’s always room for another cheerleader!”

“Pfft, I have the natural rhythm and timing of a slug,” Miles scoffed, “Besides, no way I can pull off an outfit like that!” He nodded to the tight and revealing cheerleading outfit.

“What? Sure you can!” Kai insisted, seemingly sincerely.

Miles grunted in bemusement as he shrugged and said, “Yeah… no! There’s a reason the girls go for that,” he gestured to Caleb and the team who were in a quick huddle, “And not this,” he gestured to himself.

“Shut up. You’re cute!” Kai said, shaking his head dismissively, “And you’re funny too. And smart! Girls love that shit!”

“Yeah, they also like abs,” Miles shrugged again, patting his stomach. “Anyway, I didn’t come over to talk about my flabby bits!” he smirked.

“What DID you come over to talk about?” Kai asked, raising his eyebrows curiously.

“I was thinking about your dare,” Miles explained, having been advised by Kai about what had happened with the team before the match.

“What about it?” Kai asked wearily, recognising the mischievous grin on his friend’s face.

“You need a warm-up!” Miles said, almost giddy.

“You want me to blow you? Here?” Kai asked, surprised but not displeased.

Miles recoiled as he shook his head and replied, “No way!”

“Then… what?” Kai asked, beginning to get nervous.

Less than two minutes later, Kai was enacting the dare he had just been given. It was just three little words… or was it four? He had left Miles goggling that very point as he wandered off to the public toilets. The task was simple. Wait in the toilets and, as soon as he got a guy alone – any guy – he had to ask one simple question.

As Kai walked in, he could hear someone in the toilet cubicle, seemingly accompanied by a small child, while another man was just finishing up at the urinal. Conscious of the need for appropriateness, even for such an inappropriate act, he went to the urinals to pretend to be peeing while he waited for the father and child in the cubicle to finish up and leave. As he stood there, he realised he actually needed to go and relieved himself, peeing as he heard the man running off after the child who had seemingly bolted out the door.

Just as he was finishing up, Kai heard someone else walk in. Taking a deep breath as he prepared himself for something that could easily go horrifically wrong, he turned as he prepared to ask the question. Before the words could leave his mouth, he scowled and let out an annoyed whine of, “No! Why are YOU here?”

Leo looked at his brother in absolute bewilderment as he pointed to the urinal and said, “Whadda you think? Need a piss!” He pushed past Kai and pulled out his dick to start peeing as he looked round and asked, “The fuck’s your problem?”

Kai sighed and went through with his dare. “Fancy a blowjob?” he asked. That was it. That was what Miles had dared him to do. Ask that to the first guy he got alone. In a way it was a relief it wasn’t a stranger, but it was still annoying.

“Yeah, the guys ain’t choosing me for the dare. Not even THEY’RE that twisted,” Leo sniggered as he finished peeing and muttered amusedly, “Especially not after the dressing down they got from dare boy!”

“No, I’m not talking about THAT dare, I… look, I had to come in here and offer a guy a blowjob and… I have, I’m done. I’ve done it. I asked!” Kai said as he turned away from his twin in frustration.

“Okay!” Leo called out. As Kai stopped and looked back, he blushed heavily and said, “I mean… if… if it’s a dare and… and… you gotta do it, then… I should… let you, right?”

“Technically he only said I have to ask,” Kai said thoughtfully, “And you know what Miles is like for loopholes!”

“Miles ain’t here,” Leo said with a shrug.

“You… WANT me to blow you?” Kai asked, flushing a little as he added quietly, “Again!”

Both boys were now bright red as Leo said with attempted nonchalance, “I didn’t say I WANT it, just that… you can… or… or SHOULD, y’know, cos it’s a dare and you’re dare boy and all that!”

Kai’s eyes darted to the cubicle without even meaning to, but Leo immediately followed the unintentional prompt and rushed inside. Kai followed and closed the door behind him.

“We should make it quick,” Leo stated.

“Yeah, we don’t have long!” Kai agreed as he squatted down.

“Good, I won’t take long, I’m fuckin’ horny today!” Leo growled.

Kai grinned teasingly as he looked up and asked, “Oh yeah, why’s that?”

“What part of ‘we should make it quick’ makes you think I want a fuckin’ conversation about it. Just… fucking do it already!” Leo said sharply.

Kai scowled a little at being snapped at but reached up anyway to grasp at Leo’s crotch. As his hand pressed against the football shorts, he felt an undeniable firmness underneath, very clearly sporting an erection already, though it was clearly being well contained. Kai reached up under the football shirt and felt his fingertips graze the firm, muscular stomach before they curled down inside the waistband. He found himself pulling down three layers at once – football shorts, boxers and briefs. ‘Gotta keep it under control, right!’ he thought to himself, but didn’t say it as he didn’t feel like turning the encounter into an argument.

Leo stared down anxiously as his erection sprang free and promptly disappeared into his brother’s mouth. He let out a shuddery moan, but quickly raised a hand to his mouth to silence himself. They hadn’t heard anyone else come in, but he didn’t want to risk being heard anyway. Just getting caught being blown in the toilets would have been embarrassing enough, but with his own twin… it was a horrific thought.

Kai was eagerly sucking away, clearly keeping in mind the need for speed as he bobbed his head back and forth rapidly while his tongue swirled the head and he gently massaged Leo’s clammy balls with one hand.

After barely more than a minute of rapid oral pleasure, Leo’s breathing grew heavier as he reached down and frantically tapped Kai on the shoulder. As Kai made no attempt to move, Leo just braced himself by reaching an arm out to either side of the cubicle and felt his balls tighten in his brother’s hand as he began to shoot. A thick gooey load pumped into Kai’s mouth and was gradually swallowed down as he continued sucking. When the pleasure began to give way to sensitivity, Leo yanked his hips back and his cock plopped out from between Kai’s lips.

Kai stood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, blushing a little. Leo stared at him, blushing a lot.

“I need to get back,” Leo said as he reached for the door. Just as he pulled it open, the main entrance door swung open simultaneously.

Leo and Kai both froze, standing painfully conspicuously in the same cubicle. Sam and Mark froze, both standing in the doorway looking slightly guilty.

“I… we were… I…” Leo stuttered.

“We were… umm… we…” Mark stuttered at the same time.

Kai barely held back laughter. He could tell from the reaction of the other two boys that they had been hoping to sneak a quiet moment together and were probably too caught up in their own embarrassment to even notice the two brothers together. The fact Leo didn’t know that and was probably screaming internally just made it even more amusing. He gave Leo a gentle shove towards the exit, which Sam held open for him. As they passed the other two teens, Kai smiled and said, “Good game so far. Good luck for the second half!”

“Yeah, thanks, you too,” Mark said nervously.

As Kai and Leo passed and the door began to close, Kai heard Sam reply, “You too? He’s the cheerleader, ya dick!”

“Oh my god, oh my god, whadda we do?” Leo asked frantically, staring at Kai in an absolute panic as he grabbed him to make him halt.

“We carry on as normal!” Kai shrugged as he continued walking.

“But… but… but…” Leo stuttered as he followed along behind Kai.

“Chill, It’s all good,” Kai said confidently.

“But… but…” Leo repeated.

Kai sighed as he shook his head, stopped and turned back to face his brother. “I said… it’s all good. Trust me!”

Leo stared back for a few moments, unsure whether to believe Kai, but eventually nodded as he exhaled heavily.

“Great. Now, get out there and win,” Kai said, giving Leo a shove towards the pitch. “Or don’t,” he added with a shrug, “I’m having fun either way!”

Leo sniggered at the comment as he nodded and headed back to rejoin the team.


The usual boisterous banter that filled the locker room was conspicuously absent as Kai walked in after the match. Was it just because of their loss, or because of the price that loss brought with it?

“It’s okay lads,” Mr Bridgerson, the team’s volunteer coach called out, “You played well and it was a tight match. You should still be proud of yourselves! You can’t win ‘em all!”

A few of the boys were approaching the coach to chat as Kai slunk his way in amongst the group. Grinning as he moved up behind Oz, Tyler and Leo he said happily, “So you lost!”

All three boys yelped and jumped, having not noticed Kai sneaking up behind them. It drew a little laughter and a few taunts from the nearby boys who had seen it happen.

“Jesus, Kai. Don’t do that!” Oz said, looking amused and annoyed in equal measure.

“Shouldn’t a cheerleader be UNhappy that their team lost?” Tyler asked, seeing a massive smile on Kai’s face.

“Only if they don’t have the dare we’ve got!” Kai replied giddily. When he realised the team were heading for a loss, with the second half of the match swinging decidedly in the opposition’s favour, he had been a little conflicted. On one hand, he really did want them to win and he really liked the idea of sucking another dick. On the other hand, his own dick had not been sucked that often and there wasn’t a guy on the team that he wouldn’t have been happy to see doing it. “So did you decide who’s paying up?” he asked excitedly.

Tyler let out a whimper that provided the answer.

“Sweet,” Kai said, nodding as he looked Tyler up and down.

Tyler was about as average as they came. Not tall or short, not thin, fat or muscular, not stunning or ugly, even his hair colour was a strange middle ground between brown and blonde, depending on the light. Kai had looked round the team carefully during his previous showers and, by now, had seen them all naked. Without seeing them fully hard it was difficult to judge size accurately, but Trent’s dick seemed to be – unsurprisingly – average! Not that his dick was what mattered now. It was his mouth Kai was interested in.

“Everyone’s heading through to shower,” Oz explained to Kai, “Go join ‘em and I’ll come give the all-clear once Mr B’s gone!”

Kai quickly stripped off as the players all around him did the same. Once he was naked, and still without a towel, he casually strode across the locker room towards the showers. He noticed the coach give him a strange look but didn’t cover up. Instead, he just smiled and said, “Coach!” as he gave a polite, naked nod.

“He’s just on the team now, is he?” Mr Bridgerson asked with a playful smirk to the boys he was talking to, who nodded back at him.

As Kai got into the showers, he was surprised to see how little attention he drew. He really was becoming like part of the team and as he stood showering in between a couple of the players, he actually managed to join in some of the chatter about the match.

A minute later, Oz appeared in the doorway, accompanied by a very worried-looking Trent, and announced, “Coach is gone. I think it’s time for Trent to pay up!”

Kai thought he may hear a little objection from the anxious teen, but as he heard quiet mutters and whispers around him, he couldn’t help wondering if this was just Trent’s way of proving himself, or proving he had no ill intent with his dare, proving that he wasn’t homophobic even! A few laughs and taunts were thrown around, aimed at both Kai and Trent, as Kai’s dick, already chubbed up fairly substantially from showering with the team rapidly throbbed its way to full firmness in response to Oz’s comment.

“He might blow before Trent even starts!” “D’ya reckon he spits or swallows?” “Seriously, does he shave or is that natural?” “Is Trent hard yet?” “He’s straight!” “You heard Kai. EVERYONE bones up!” “This is kinda hot!”

“Come on then, boner boy!” Oz said, smirking as he saw the eye roll at another unoriginal nickname.

“Trust me, within a couple of minutes that’ll be half the guys in here!” Kai said back loudly, smirking as he saw the mixture of awkward laughs and unashamed amusement.

“Down ya go,” Oz said, gesturing to the ground with his other hand on Trent’s back.

“Have you washed it?” Trent asked as Kai approached him. It earned a mixture of groans and more laughs from the quickly-gathering team.

“I have,” Kai said, blushing a little at the implication of the question. He stepped closer to Trent, who was now kneeling. He looked down for a few moments before he cast his gaze around the team. They were all watching intently. Kai couldn’t help wondering what they were thinking. His gradual realisation that he was oblivious to most of what was going on with the people he interacted with had truly piqued his curiosity.

Trent is so lucky. Kai is so lucky. I’d die if I had to do that. It looks kinda fun. How does anyone enjoy that? Why is it turning me on? I’m never getting hard again. Kai’s mind positively boggled from the sheer plethora of possible thoughts from his audience.

Trent let out a groan as he leaned forward, his face almost touching Kai’s raging erection. “I don’t know what I’m doing!” he huffed.

As Kai looked round, he saw Caleb go to speak but just hold back at the last moment. Perhaps his mind had gone to the same place Kai’s had – the first time Caleb had sucked a dick! Kai had given him the best advice he could at the time, still being relatively inexperienced himself. He offered it up again now as he stated, “Just do to me what you think would feel good to you!”

“You mean like being anywhere but here and NOT having to suck a dick!” Trent said flippantly, causing raucous laughter from the crowd.

“Funny,” Kai said as the noise died down. “Now just start sucking, blowjob boy!”

“Blowjob boy?” “So unoriginal!” “Think of something better!” “Lame!” “No imagination!”

Kai looked positively apoplectic at the comments at first, but couldn’t help smiling as he realised they were just teasing him, something he had noticed they only really did to people they liked! “Ah, shut up, the lot of ya!” he said, playing along as he tried to conceal his amusement.

Trent seemed like he just wanted to get it over with now, so without further prompting he leaned forward poked his tongue out, pressing it against the underside of Kai’s skyward-reaching erection. He let out a groan as he pulled back and glanced round at Oz.

“Hey, if I can let him shove a fucking dildo up me, you can suck a dick!” Oz said, seemingly unbothered by the reminder to his team of the previous dare.

Trent huffed but leaned forward and took the top couple of inches of Kai’s cock into his mouth.

“Ah yeah,” Kai said happily, mostly for dramatic effect. It felt good, but nothing special – as average as everything else about Trent! “That’s it, use your tongue,” he coached the inexperienced boy before him. He immediately heard a quiet conversation break out behind him, though he didn’t turn to see who it was.

“Yeah, they gotta use their tongue!”

“Oh, like you’d know!”

“Hey, I’ve done that! The bit Kai’s doing, not the sucking!”

“Oh, bullshit. You have NOT! With who?”


“Becky who? Becky Stinson? You fucking wish!”

“I’m telling ya. She went down on me behind the cinema!”

“Bull. Shit!”

Kai sniggered. He still didn’t look round. He didn’t really need to know who it was as the two boys continued squabbling. They sounded a lot like Leo and Miles when they got going. He felt Trent follow the instruction at first, letting his tongue assist with the sucking, but it quickly stopped as the reluctant blowjob continued.

As whispered conversations slowly began to break out around him, Kai couldn’t help noticing several hands once again positioned to conceal arousal. With the sucking not exactly blowing his mind, Kai’s thoughts were free to wander. How many boners belonged to closeted boys scared of being outed? How many belonged to straight boys who just enjoyed seeing sex? How many were the cause of confusion? So far he had only really considered his more public dares from his own perspective – how he felt about being seen, how embarrassing it was when strangers got a glimpse of his cock, how aroused he got from the humiliation. He hadn’t really considered what the people seeing him might have thought or felt.

It ended up being the thoughts of what the spectating team were thinking that pushed Kai closer to release as Trent continued his mediocre sucking. “Where should I cum?” Kai asked Oz, sniggering slightly as he felt Trent suddenly pull away.

“Whadda we think guys? On his face?” Oz asked, receiving an immediate cheer.

“No! No! No way!” Trent insisted.

“Fine, then in his mouth it is!” Oz said with a shrug as he placed his hands on Trent’s shoulders. It appeared to be more symbolic than actual force as Trent wasn’t held down, just guided back into place.

“No. NO. Face is fine, FACE IS FINE!” Trent called out as the team burst into laughter and jeers.

“Yeah, jerk it!” someone called out as Kai grabbed his dick and started stroking away.

Kai got more enjoyment from five seconds of stroking himself than he had from five minutes of being sucked by Trent and soon enough he was on the brink of orgasm. “Might wanna close your mouth… AND eyes!” Kai called out, more to amuse the audience than to actually help Trent.

Kai began to cum. Ejaculating with a crowd was already an enjoyable feeling, but a hysterical, cheering crowd who were clearly enjoying the show was something else entirely. His first shot grazed Trent’s forehead and ricocheted off, but the subsequent half dozen were weaker and he easily managed to paint the kneeling boy’s face to the sounds of the braying crowd. “Ahhh fuck, that was fun,” Kai said shamelessly.

“Speak for yourself,” Trent grumbled from the only corner of his mouth he dared to open.

Kai laughed and turned away, returning to finish his shower, enjoying the show of nonchalance about what he had just done and already wondering what the team might come up with for him next time.


Naked Justice

An amazing day for Kai. I hope that this put an end to Leo's reluctance about Kai's blow jobs. And it was fun to watch Kai turning the tables again. He has proven that he is a real exhibitionist.