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Sometimes life just isn’t fair. That was all Kai could think as he stood looking at himself in the fitting room mirror. After telling his parents he had been asked to go with Caleb to his grandmother’s funeral, his mother had immediately insisted he needed ‘a nice suit’, despite the shirt and tie he had already picked out to wear.

It wasn’t the insistence on getting a new suit that Kai currently found unfair, it was just how ‘normal’ the process had been. His parents had taken him – along with Caleb, Leo and Miles – to the mall and Kai had expected… shenanigans! He had worn his skimpiest little underwear in anticipation of a repeat of the previous shopping trips, but so far he was the only one who had seen them!

Leo and Miles had headed off together to roam the mall. Caleb had, very excitedly, headed off to meet up with Ellie who was visiting for the day. It left him suit shopping with just his parents. Not the best, but he figured there was still some potential for embarrassment. Maybe the fitting rooms would be out of order, and he would have to get changed on the shop floor in front of laughing strangers. Maybe he would need to be measured, by a conveniently cute guy who didn’t mind getting a bit handsy. Maybe Kai would get aroused by a young sales assistant and have his erection spotted by people.

No! None of it. The fitting rooms were private. The person measuring him was neither hot, nor young. His erection had remained completely absent. What a wasted fucking opportunity. The closest he came to anything remotely embarrassing was the couple of times he got high-fives from random strangers who recognised him from his public nudity dare, though he was able to pass them off to his parents as casual acquaintances. By the time he left the shop with his parents, he found himself rather irate at the lack of humiliation.

“Giulia! Hi!” Kai’s mother suddenly called out as they stepped back out into the mall.

Kai huffed a little. His mother seemed to know every middle-aged woman in town, and bumping into someone she knew inevitably meant he would get stuck lingering around for ten minutes while she gossiped. Just as he was about to complain and suggest he go off on his own to find Miles and Leo, he spotted the woman his mum was talking to, as well as the woman’s family.

“Philippa. Hello, how are you?” Giulia squawked excitedly with a strong Italian accent.

Giulia’s full name was, seemingly, Giulia Ward. Kai had figured that out from the teenage boy traipsing along behind her, a boy named Luca Ward… a boy he had sent a sexually explicit video to back at the start of summer break! Kai immediately turned a shade of red that had, until that day, never been seen in humans before, or at least that was how it felt. Luca hadn’t replied to the video Kai sent, which had been both a relief and a frustration, but now that Kai found himself face-to-face with the other boy, he just felt pure, unadulterated embarrassment.

“Hi Kai,” Luca said with a polite smile as their parents started chattering, their mums excitedly, their fathers less so.

“Hi Luca,” Kai said shyly, avoiding eye contact. His eyes ended up roaming the rest of the boy instead. Physically, he was not too dissimilar to Kai himself. He was just as slim, verging on skinny, though he stood taller. Certainly not tall for his age, but easily fifteen centimetres taller than Kai. His hair was a brown so dark it was almost black, similar to his eyes, a result of his Italian heritage.

As silence lingered between the two fifteen-year-olds, the final member of the Ward family - a young man a few years older than them – cleared his throat and said, “I’ll introduce myself, shall I! Kai, was it? Hi, I’m Gianni!” As he held out his hand, he suddenly pulled it back and frowned at Kai, then looked to his little brother and asked quietly, “Wait, he’s not one of the cunts, is he?”

“What? No!” Luca said, suddenly looking almost as embarrassed as Kai. “Kai’s one of the good ones!” he insisted, but winced as he realised what he had said and looked like he was praying for the roof to collapse on him.

“Umm, what!?” Kai exclaimed, a little lost.

“Sorry,” Gianni said as he held his hand out and let Kai shake it this time, “I just know there’s a bunch of cunts he goes to school with!”

“They’re not THAT bad,” Luca mumbled shyly.

Kai felt a knot in his stomach. He knew Luca got bullied for being gay, and while he had never played any part in it, he had also never done anything to try and stop it either, mostly out of fear of being outed himself. “So, umm… what you up to?” he asked in an attempt to sound casual.

“J… just… just shopping, I guess,” Luca replied without looking directly at Kai.

“Oh, umm… yeah… I guess that makes sense,” Kai mumbled back, looking around at the shops around them, feeling a little foolish for asking such an obvious question.

“New suit!” Luca said, looking at the suit carrier Kai was holding.

“Oh, yeah,” Kai replied, not really sure if it was a question or just an observation. He unzipped the bag to show a bit of the suitably sombre attire.

“Blimey, who died?” Luca attempted to joke.

“Oh, umm… a friend’s grandmother,” Kai replied softly.

“Oh, I… I… umm.. I was… fuck,” Luca mumbled.

“LUCA!” Giulia yelped at the sound of her son swearing.

Luca jumped so sharply his feet almost left the ground. “Sorry mama,” he said nervously.

“Sorry about that,” Giulia apologised to the other adults, “But we should get going. Lovely to see you. Text me a time for that coffee!”

“Will do,” Kai’s mum replied to the cheerful comment before giving her a quick hug and traditional Italian peck on each cheek.

“Well,” Gianni said as he looked back and forth between the two blushing boys, “This was enjoyably awkward. We should totally do it again some time. C’mon Lulu, say goodbye to your little friend.”

“Oh my god,” Luca growled through gritted teeth, “Don’t call me that!” He glared at his brother for a moment, then looked to Kai and said, “Umm… see you at school, I guess!”

“Yeah,” Kai replied, unsure what else to say as the Ward family wandered away, with Giulia immediately bursting into Italian at Luca, likely admonishing him for his language. He groaned, none-the-wiser as to how Luca felt about the video he had been sent.


“Honestly, we were just surprised you were real!” Miles said with a teasing grin, “We were about 96% sure Caleb had just made you up!”

Ellie burst into laughter at the comment as Caleb blushed and glared at Miles.

“And he said you were pretty, but he really didn’t do you justice!” Miles added.

“When exactly did Miles get good at flirting?” Kai asked nobody in particular. He was sitting in the mall’s food court having finally escaped his parents and met up with all of the others.

“I’m not flirting,” Miles insisted. “Simply stating the obvious!” he continued with a flirtatious grin.

“Yeah, you should stop,” Leo said a little moodily.

“You heard him with that policewoman. He doesn’t give up!” Kai sniggered.

“Policewoman?” Ellie enquired, looking round at the four boys curiously.

“She was a CPO, not a policewoman,” Miles corrected Kai, “And that flirting was to get YOU out of trouble!” He looked to Ellie, gave an impish smile and added, “Mostly!”

“Yeah, tone it down, ginge,” Ellie said, bemused but not offended. It got a snigger from Caleb and Kai, while Leo continued to just scowl at Miles. “And funnily enough, I wasn’t really asking about her job title. I wanted to know why you were in trouble in the first place!”

“So we… kinda did this thing the other day out in the Market Square where Kai had to get people to give him high-fives…” Caleb started, enjoying the sight of Kai slowly turning red.

Ellie let out a dramatic gasp as she reached out to the side and grasped Caleb’s arm. “That was you guys!?” she exclaimed in shock, then stared wide-eyed at Kai and said, “I KNEW I recognised you! I follow you on Instagram since I saw that thing! Oh my god!”

“Yay for the internet,” Kai said a little awkwardly. It felt strange being recognised. He felt like he should enjoy it more, but… Ellie was a girl. It was unfortunate, not really her fault and not something Kai would hold against her. Girls exist and he had made his peace with that. But being looked at BY girls just felt… strange!

“Wow, first you flirt with her,” Caleb said, looking disapprovingly to Miles, “Then you’re her little internet obsession,” he looked to Kai. Glancing round at Leo he smirked a little as he asked, “You wanna do anything to come between me and my girlfriend too?”

“No,” Leo pouted, arms folded.

“Did you just call me your girlfriend?” Ellie asked, cocking her head as she raised an eyebrow at Caleb.

“Oh, I… umm… should I… not?” Caleb asked nervously.

“Oh you totally should,” Ellie said happily, “I’ve just never heard you say it!” She leaned in close to Caleb and whispered, “I like it!”

“Me too!” Caleb whispered back before leaning in to kiss Ellie.

Kai stared at Caleb. Miles stared at Ellie. Leo stared away from the entire group moodily. After the two teens made out for several seconds, Leo cleared his throat to interrupt them.

“Sorry,” Ellie giggled playfully.

“I’m not!” Caleb sniggered, interlinking the fingers of his left hand with Ellie’s right.

Ellie giggled again at Caleb’s comment, but her attention quickly turned from him to Kai as she asked, “So why exactly did you play that game in Market Square?”

“Oh, umm…” Kai replied, unsure how to explain it.

“Kai loves dares. It’s weird but fun!” Miles stated bluntly.

“Thanks Miles,” Kai muttered warily.

Ellie’s smile broadened as she said, “So… you guys just… make up dares and stuff for him?”

“I guess so,” Caleb shrugged.

“It’s kind of a team effort,” Miles added casually.

Ellie looked round the group one at a time, visibly assessing each of them. The boys remained silent, unsure exactly where this was going. Eventually Ellie nodded and asked, “So does Kai always need to know all the details of the dare?”

“Umm, I guess we’ve never really thought of that. I mean… he usually does!” Miles shrugged.

“HE is still here, y’know,” Kai grumbled at being talked about rather than to.

“What ya thinking?” Caleb asked, smirking as he deliberately ignored Kai’s complaint.

Ellie leaned in to start whispering to Caleb. Caleb immediately raised his hand and placed it on Miles’s face as he attempted to lean in and listen, holding him back.

“Rude,” Miles complained.

“Shhh,” Caleb hissed as he continued listening to Ellie.

As Ellie finished talking, she pulled back a little and smiled, waiting for Caleb’s reaction.

“Yeah, that sounds fun!” Caleb sniggered.

“What does? What sounds fun?” Miles asked curiously. As Caleb leaned in and whispered to him for a few moments, his eyes widened, and he began to chuckle wickedly. As Caleb pulled away, Miles repeated the gesture, passing the details on to Leo.

Kai was annoyed at being left out and not knowing what was being suggested, but his attention was drawn to his brother’s face. As Miles had raised his hand to shield his mouth as he whispered, it was touching Leo’s cheek and he looked a little… pale?! He looked positively shaky as Miles whispered in his ear, his lips almost touching it.

As Miles pulled away, Leo took a brief second to compose himself, then gave a devilish grin as he looked over at Ellie and said, “Oh, I like the way you think!”

“And I like the way you look!” Miles added with an exaggerated wink, which earned him a shove from Caleb so hard he fell off his chair, much to everyone else’s amusement.


Kai was used to edging by now. It had formed part of enough of his dares, and it was something he occasionally just did for fun, teasing himself as he knew he was still banned from cumming outside of dares. The kind of edging he was doing now was somewhat less pleasant though – emotional edging! Since leaving the food court, he had been on edge waiting for whatever the others were planning.

Leo’s mood seemed to have improved greatly with something else to occupy his mind, and he took every chance he could get to tease and torment his twin, though it seemed mostly just a distraction from Caleb’s constant attempts to keep Miles’s flirting at bay.

As the day grew later and conversation started turning towards Ellie catching her train home, Kai wondered if maybe he might get lucky – or unlucky!? – and get out of the mall unscathed. When he heard Leo say, “We’re going to the toilet,” Kai came to a stop to wait, but was promptly grabbed by Leo who said more firmly, “WE are going to the toilet!”

“Fuck!” Kai grunted as he followed the others.

“Have fun!” Ellie sniggered as she stood waiting outside the toilets.

A few minutes later, only three boys emerged.

“Well? Did you do it?” Ellie asked excitedly.

Leo raised his hand, brandishing Kai’s clothes.

“So he’s, like… just in there… naked?” Ellie asked giddily.

Leo rolled his eyes as he said, “No, he’s in there in his underwear!” As Ellie looked a little disappointed, Leo seemed to take great pleasure in reporting, “Caleb went soft. We were totally ready to make him go all the way… and I reckon Kai was up for it too… and your LOSER boyfriend here threatens to fight us if we make him take his pants off!”

“Hey, fuck you, Leo!” Caleb scoffed, annoyed at being made to look bad in front of Ellie, especially as it was her idea. “I didn’t go soft on anyone, I just don’t fancy having to explain to your mum and dad why Kai got fucking arrested, okay!”

“Whatever,” Leo huffed as he rolled his eyes again, shoving Kai’s shorts and t-shirt into one of his bags. “But we gotta get going. He’s gotta be well into the countdown already!”

The four of them quickly hurried off towards the exit to the mall.

Inside the bathroom, Kai was sitting alone in a toilet cubicle, dressed in nothing but his trainers and tiny pink briefs. He was definitely regretting his choice of underwear now. Being seen in them in the suit shop would have been bad, but running through the entire mall in them was just horrific. He was counting quietly under his breath, having been ordered to count to five hundred before he was allowed to leave. He was already up to three hundred. It was yet another form of edging for him, literally counting down to his humiliation this time.

He couldn’t stop thinking about Caleb. Miles had told him to remove his underwear, Caleb had objected, Leo had tried to remove the underwear himself, Caleb had objected… physically! It felt really nice having Caleb stand up for him, but at the same time he wished he hadn’t. Being made to sit in just his underwear was scary and exciting, but the thought of sitting there fully naked… that took both feelings to absolute extremes.

“Do it!” Kai suddenly whispered to himself, then promptly pulled down his tiny briefs and stepped out of them. His cock was already chubbing up as he sat counting, but the moment he was naked he was ramrod stiff. “I can’t!” he whispered to himself and pulled them back on. He sniggered as he looked down at the tiny underwear tenting against his raging erection. They didn’t even come close to covering him up, stretching out and away from his body around the legs as well as his waist, putting the root of his cock fully on show.

“Oh yeah, cos that’s better!” he mumbled to himself, shaking his head. He went to remove the briefs again, but growled in frustration as he knew he would chicken out and put them back on again. And then the idea came to him. Grabbing the underwear either side of his straining erection, he yanked as hard as he could and with a quiet rip, both sides of the pants tore, leaving him with a tattered shred of cloth that was completely unwearable.

“Oh my fucking god!” he said aloud as he realised what he had done. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he grunted, then scowled at his rigid prick and added, “This is YOUR fault!” As if it was answering back, he dribbled a bead of precum. “That’s your answer to everything,” he sighed, hoping the poor attempt at humour might calm his nerves. It did not!

With no idea where he was on the countdown, Kai figured he was close enough and that he could go any time now. He could. He could step out of the cubicle. He could leave the bathroom. He could walk through the mall. And yet, he remained motionless. “Oh my god, why do you do this shit to yourself?” he asked, shaking his head in excited frustration. As his cock oozed another glob of precum, he looked down, shrugged and said, “Oh right, that’s why!” He took a deep breath in, exhaled slowly and said firmly, “Fuck it! Let’s go!”

Kai stepped out of the cubicle and fully expected the entire world to be standing there, looking and laughing. Instead, all he found was an empty bathroom, a leaky sink and some rather explicit graffiti over one of the urinals. In a way, that made it worse. He knew he couldn’t get through this unseen, and he now had to psych himself up to do it again as he moved towards the exit.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s just a few people,” Kai said to himself, nodding as he panted slightly, his hands clasped tightly over his achingly hard cock and full balls. His plump rear was completely uncovered and was likely the feature most people would see the most of as he sprinted through the mall. Thankfully, it was quite a nice feature and Kai somewhat enjoyed the thought of people remembering it. “Just a few… hundred people,” he said shakily.

Just as he was about to reach for the door, it started opening. Out of sheer habit, he pulled it open and held it for the person coming in. The man who was entering went to nod thankfully, but froze as he saw the naked teen and just stared.

“Umm… excuse me,” Kai said as he tried to walk past.

“Right, sorry, my bad,” the man said, beginning to snigger as he got over the shock. He stepped aside and watched as Kai made a dash for it.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Kai muttered repeatedly as he started running. Annoyingly, the speed of his movement and the heavy sound of his footsteps drew even more attention and by the time he had run the length of just a few shops, he had people laughing and shouting.

“STREAKER!” “Oh my god, he’s naked!” “Look at that butt!” “Get a tan!” Damn, he’s cute!” “Turn around!” “Eat a fucking burger!” “Move the hands!”

Kai could hear the shouts, though they mostly blurred into a single mass of noise. Similarly, the people he passed were gone too quickly for him to even register their faces. For all he knew, he had just run past his own parents without noticing. As that terrifying thought filled his head, he hoped that it would work the other way too and that he was moving too fast for anyone to identify him. At least he was gone before anyone really had a chance to aim their phones his way and capture the moment. Speed was certainly his ally, and if he could keep up the pace, he would get through the dare relatively painlessly.

“FUCK!” Kai grunted as he realised the massive flaw in his plan. He was about halfway along the mall and could see the exit far ahead… on the next floor down. Between him and freedom (and clothing) he had a fairly substantial hurdle… an escalator!

As it was such a busy day, and a lot of people were just beginning to head home, the escalator was pretty busy. There was no way he could even dash down the side as people stood side-by-side going down. Doing the only thing he could, Kai stepped onto it, panting heavily as he came to a stop.

“Oh my god!” “Look, that boy’s naked!” “What the fuck!” “He’s so skinny!” “He’s hot!” This time the comments weren’t a blur and nor were the faces. Just a metre away, the escalator going up was almost as busy as the one going down and every person on it turned their attention to the nude teen. Inevitably, that just drew attention from the people on Kai’s escalator too, as well as the masses of people in the large open foyer that made up the front section of the ground floor.

The noise of the mall, already quite substantial, grew even louder as shouts, shrieks, laughs, taunts and jeers began to spread.

Kai could do nothing but stand with his hands over his crotch as the escalator slowly slid down, seemingly the slowest escalator he had been on in his life as it felt like it was taking hours. The couple in front of him looked back and found themselves staring at a hand-covered crotch. As they raised their gaze up his nude torso, Kai grinned awkwardly and said, “Hi. Pretty warm in here, right!” The couple burst into laughter, though whether it was from his comment or the sheer amusement at seeing the naked boy was unclear.

Just as he was about to reach the bottom, Kai looked across at the other escalator and spotted a couple of familiar faces – Luca and Gianni. Gianni burst into absolute hysterics as Luca just stared wide-eyed at his naked classmate.

“Fuck my life,” Kai grunted as he stepped off the escalator. He was free to start running again, which he did at full speed, dodging and weaving around people as he made his way towards the exit.

“Hey, you! STOP!” a man’s voice shouted behind Kai.

He figured it was probably security and had no intention of stopping. The exit doors were in sight, though they were a little crowded. Figuring they would all see him anyway, he figured he would take a chance on getting out quicker as he yelled out, “MAKE WAY! NAKED GUY COMING THROUGH!”

As the various shoppers looked round and reacted with a mixture of shock and amusement, a path was cleared for the speeding teen.

“THANKS. BYE. LOVE YOU ALL. FOLLOW MY INSTA!” Kai shouted as he sped past the hysterical crowd.

The burst of warm air once he got outside the air-conditioned building felt strangely pleasant and the bright sun of the late afternoon blinded him briefly. Raising one hand to shield his eyes, he looked round and hoped desperately that the others hadn’t gone and abandoned him. With security probably still right behind him, he was delighted to spot the others stood a short distance away, all in hysterics. He rushed towards them, his flushing cheeks turning redder as he saw Ellie sniggering as she watched him approach.

“Umm, what happened?” Caleb asked, quickly moving to shield Kai from as much of the amused crowd as he could. “Leo, give him his clothes!” he ordered.

“Just… wouldn’t be a dare without me making it harder for myself, right,” Kai replied with a chuckle as he pulled on his shorts. He thankfully managed to keep his cock concealed as he got dressed, though his erection had persisted and now tented his shorts obscenely.

“Wow, you certainly enjoyed that, didn’t you!” Ellie observed, grinning wryly.

“Don’t you have a train to catch?” Leo asked grumpily.

“I feel like I’m kinda repeating myself today,” Caleb started as he looked Leo up and down, “But fuck you, Leo!”

“Yeah, no need to be such a bitch. Ellie’s our guest here today,” Miles scolded the other boy before he looked to the visiting girl and added, “A very, very pretty guest!”

“Oh for fuck’s…” Caleb started, but didn’t finish. He looked to Kai and placed a hand on his now-covered shoulder and asked, “You okay now?”

Kai gulped slightly at the touch, then nodded and gave a sincere smile as he said, “That was kinda fun!” He picked up his bags that Leo had unceremoniously dumped in front of him.

“You’re such a freak,” Ellie laughed as she watched her boyfriend with Kai, “I love it!” She turned her gaze to Leo and continued, “But yes, I do have a train to catch, so… I’ll be off. It’s been fun, fellas. See you next time!”

“Kiss goodbye?” Miles offered as he held his arms out.

Caleb grabbed Miles’s arm, twisted up his back until he got a slight yelp of pain from the smaller boy and growled, “Don’t even fucking think about it!” He shoved Miles towards Leo, though it was clearly a gentle push rather than actual aggression.

“Worth a shot,” Miles shrugged as Caleb headed off to accompany Ellie to the train station.

“You’re unbelievable!” Kai said, shaking his head.

“Thanks,” Miles grinned.

“I don’t think it was a compliment, ya little dick,” Leo snapped.

“Yeah, well I took it as one, arseface!” Miles snapped back.

And with that, normal order was restored as they started heading for home with Miles and Leo squabbling away as usual. Kai felt his erection rubbing against his shorts and briefly considered holding his bags to conceal it, but as he realised the looks it was getting… and that he didn’t hate them… he left himself on show for the walk home.


Naked Justice

Kai is so cool. I am proud of my name twin that he destroyed his slip (in fact streaking with it wouldn't have been better. But did his parents recognise him? That's the question...


Love how Ellie just jumps right in, giving dares to Kai and introducing the concept of hidden dares. It's also super hot whenever Kai's horny brain takes over and makes it harder on himself. Interested to see how the dynamics develop and always look forward to the predicaments you come up with.