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“Your mission, should you choose to accept it…”

“Yeah, I always have to accept it,” Kai interrupted flatly, shaking his head at Miles.

Miles tutted and rolled his eyes. “I was doing the thing, from those movies with that crazy actor guy who believes in aliens and shit!” he complained.

“What!?” Kai exclaimed in absolute confusion.

As Caleb glanced at Leo, hoping he might understand, Leo smirked and said, “He means Tim Crooze!”

“Tim Crooze believes in aliens!?” Caleb recoiled, shaking his head.

Leo nodded and started, “Yes, he believes an alien named Zordon…”

“Xenu!” Miles corrected him.

“Right, that’s what I said,” Leo insisted, “He believes Xenu is thousands of years old…”

“Millions!” Miles corrected him again.

Leo huffed at another interruption and said, “Yeah, millions, that’s what I meant. Xenu came here millions of years ago and brought a bunch of other aliens with him and then he just, like… nuked them!” He looked to Miles in anticipation of another correction but just got a shrug and permissive nod.

“But that’s… stupid!” Caleb said, shaking his head.

“Makes as much sense as the bible or the Quran or the Kardashians!” Miles shrugged.

“Sorry,” Kai interrupted, “Not that I’m keen to hurry along my inevitable humiliation, but could you get back to your point!”

“Right, yes. Your mission, whether you choose to accept it or not…” Miles said with an eye roll, “…is to get FIVE high-fives from strangers WITHOUT talking to them. For every failed attempt, you will remove ONE item of clothing… shoes count as one, socks count as one, just to be clear. Any removed clothing can’t be put back on until you get home. Should you end up fully naked, for each further failed attempt, you will earn one punishment!”

As Miles finished summarising the dare, a ‘worsened’ version of the one he had just done that was just to get a high-five from a stranger without speaking, he looked to Caleb and Leo for approval. They both nodded their agreement to his summary.

“Well… that sounds absolutely fucking horrible. Thanks guys!” Kai said flatly, though he was doing his best to ignore his erection from the mere thought of the embarrassing dare.

“Hey, this could be a breeze for you. You just get five people who high-five you straight off and you’re finished, no harm done!” Caleb said optimistically.

“This is me we’re talking about. What are the odds of that actually happening?” Kai asked gloomily.

“More importantly,” Miles said with a wry grin, “Do you actually WANT that to happen?”

“I choose not to answer that,” Kai said, blushing as they all knew the answer without even looking at his bulge. Not one of them would have made him do something so humiliating if they weren’t completely sure he was totally into it. At this point, the façade of resistance was just habit to Kai.

Caleb had been back for a day but they were only onto their second dare. He had gone to do a ‘family thing’ the previous afternoon which had put a halt to the games until he was free again, honouring the agreement they had all made to only do dares when they were all around to enjoy them. He was glad to be back with his friends, and not just because of what Kai was about to do, though he was certainly looking forward to it.

He had suggested a very public place for the dare and the others had happily agreed, so they now stood in the Market Square, a large open space in the centre of town with fountains at one end and the town hall at the other. With rows of shops all around it and various shopping and entertainment venues spreading out from it, it was always busy and today was no exception.

“Oh god, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, I can’t do this!” Kai groaned as he readied himself.

“Sure you can,” Miles said happily, “Just… make sure you pick the right people to try!”

“Go on! Off ya go!” Leo said, giving his brother a shove towards the largely open space in the middle of the square that people just used to cut across from one side to the other.

Kai whimpered as he wandered alone and started looking round for approaching people. An elderly couple were coming his way and he immediately dismissed them as options, allowing them to pass by uninterrupted. As he slowly turned, looking for the right people to try, he saw a lone young man cutting across the square. Kai scurried over to intercept him and, without a word, raised his hand.

“Can I… help you?” the young man asked, recoiling slightly from the gesture.

Kai went to speak, then remembered he couldn’t and instead just widened his eyes and nodded towards his raised hand.

“O… kay then!” the stranger said cautiously, shaking his head in bemusement. With a shrug he raised his hand and high-fived Kai.

Kai fist-pumped in celebration and offered the stranger a smile and a grateful thumbs-up.

“Probably some YouTube shit,” the man sniggered as he walked off.

Kai turned to the other three and raised a single finger to indicate he had one down. Emboldened by his early success, Kai spotted two girls approaching, probably a couple of years older than himself, and hurried towards them. He attempted the same move that had worked before, raising his hand.

“What? Whadda you want, freak?” one of the girls demanded.

Kai widened his eyes and nodded towards his hand, but the two girls sniggered at each other as one stated, “Eww, no, leave us alone!” and they both hurried off. Kai immediately heard laughter from Leo and the others. Huffing unhappily, he looked down at himself and realised this was going to get very embarrassing, very quickly. With his shoes counting as one and the same for his socks, that meant he only had five things on, including his t-shirt, shorts and underwear… and he now needed to lose one of them!

None of his options were great. Realistically he had the choice of his t-shirt, his shorts or his trainers. Lose his t-shirt and he’d start attracting more attention with the exposed skin, even more-so if he removed his shorts. Removing his trainers was the obvious choice, but standing in a public place with just socks on his feet was weird… and people don’t high-five weird people! Sighing, he pulled his trainers off with his feet, then reached down and threw them angrily at his laughing friends.

Miles teasingly returned Kai’s earlier gesture of one finger raised. Kai responded with a finger, but not the same one!

“Okay, okay, you got this, you can do this!” Kai muttered to himself as he turned to look for his next target.

He let a few more people pass by uninterrupted – an arguing family, another old couple, more girls (eww, girls – why had he even tried to interact with one!?) Finally, he spotted a suitable target – a pair of men in their late twenties to early thirties. They were pretty old and looked pretty nerdy, but seemed like they might be willing to help. In a move that he would either regret in a few moments, or would be an absolute triumph, he approached the two men and raised both hands – he was going for a double!

The two men paused, looked Kai up and down, looked around and then shrugged before both giving him a high-five. Kai was almost bouncing for joy as their hands slapped against his own. The two men walked away chuckling, easily able to see the joy they had given the stranger, but clearly not invested enough to look back and find out why. Kai looked back to his friends and cockily waved three fingers at them. It got boos in return.

Kai ignored the taunts from the others and started scoping out his final volunteers. Once again he took his time choosing, letting a range of people pass him by, getting the occasional glance at his socked feet. When he saw a group of three approaching – two guys and a girl – he considered trying for a double again. It would be the last two he needed, but he didn’t want to risk a loss as it would mean removing either his shorts or his t-shirt in addition to his socks. Raising a single hand, the girl in the middle shrieked and jumped away, seemingly believing Kai was initiating some kind of attack.

“What the fuck, man!” one of the guys scowled, looking like he was about to punch Kai.

“Sorry, sorry, doing a thing, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare anyone, I’m really sorry!” Kai objected, figuring he could talk now he had failed the attempt.

“Fucking influencers!” the guy growled as the three of them strode away.

Leo and Caleb had both stepped closer when it looked like potential trouble, but quickly moved back once they saw Kai was okay and started laughing now he was in the clear. As Miles gestured ‘two’, he got Kai’s socks thrown at him in response.

Kai’s nerves had kicked back in. The feeling of bare feet against the stone slabs of the square had suddenly made him feel very exposed and the reality of his situation was creeping in. Caught up in his own anxiety, he let a lot of people pass him by, many of whom spotted he was barefoot and standing very conspicuously. It wasn’t just the passers-by who had noticed him. Some of the people lingering around the outskirts of the square had seen what he was doing and started piecing together most of what was happening. Though they didn’t call out or do anything to give themselves away, Kai definitely felt more eyes on him.

Finally building the nerve to try again, Kai spotted a pair of guys similar to the ones he had succeeded with before. Eager to take the opportunity to end things before they got too embarrassing, he let them approach and then raised both hands. With absolute glee, he watched them both raise their hands to return the gesture… then swerved their hands away so Kai’s palms slapped against thin air.

Laughing as they looked back at Kai, the two young men shook their heads as they continued on their way, oblivious to the ripple of laughter around the square, particularly loud from the side where Leo and the others were in absolute hysterics.

“Fuck,” Kai grunted, “FUCK!” Panting slightly, he gave a desperate look to his friends, but all he got in return was laughter and four raised fingers from Miles as they looked at him expectantly. “Nooo,” he whimpered as he looked down at himself, then shakily reached down to grab the bottom of his t-shirt. Slowly pulling it up, he exposed his smooth, flat stomach first, followed by his chest, his nipples instantly pert as he yanked the t-shirt off over his head.

“Woo!” “Yeah!” “Take it all off!” he heard from people watching. Just from his friends would have been bad enough, but this was all from absolute strangers.

With another whimper, Kai reached down to grab his shorts and shoved them down far enough to let them slide the rest of the way, then used his foot to kick them up into the air and caught them in his hand.

“Yeah, baby!” “Keep going!” “Don’t stop there!” more people shouted at the now near-naked teen.

Kai angrily balled his clothes and threw them towards the others, though they unfurled part way, caught the air and slowed to fall to the ground a short distance away. Miles scurried over to retrieve them as the terrible throw garnered more laughter from the growing audience.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” Kai muttered as a new problem presented itself. Being so visibly exposed was causing people to avoid walking anywhere near him, which was only going to make his humiliation last longer, especially if he wanted to be careful about who he chose. After all, one more loss and he would be standing naked in an exceptionally public place and still in need of two high-fives. He could hear the chatter and laughter still rippling around the square, like a voice he could hear that disappeared any time he tried to hone in on its exact words.

“Oh my fucking god,” Kai gasped to himself as things actually managed to get spontaneously worse – he was getting hard! He had hoped the sheer magnitude of the humiliation might be enough to scare any erection away, but as he stood in just tight boxer briefs with dozens of people watching him, he could feel his dick beginning to lengthen. “He suddenly clasped his hands over his crotch. It wasn’t even slightly subtle, but he hoped most people would assume it was just general modesty rather than an attempt to conceal arousal. A single glance at his friends was all it took to realise they knew exactly what was happening.

As much as Kai wanted to be selective about his next choice, he now felt absolute urgency to get the dare finished. A middle-aged couple started across the square, so busily chatting with each other that they didn’t even notice the near-nude boy ahead of them until they were almost on top of him. They both burst into laughter as they saw him.

Kai whimpered and raised a hand, not quite willing to risk a double again, if only to keep his now-solid erection hidden.

The square seemed to fall eerily silent for a moment, then as the woman high-fived Kai there was a mix of cheers and boos from the spectators. The couple looked a little confused but continued on their way, mostly keen to get out of an unintentional spotlight.

Kai wasn’t quite so cocky this time, not even bothering to gesture his score to Miles and the others. He was one away from victory… but he was also one away from defeat as well. By now, the entire square was fixated on the game, with laughs and taunts coming from every direction. Kai felt slightly nauseous as he stood awaiting his fate, though his cock positively throbbed as his cheeks blazed crimson. His heart was pounding so hard he actually thought it might be visible, but as he looked down all he saw was his scrawny exposed body, his slim torso, his skinny legs, all smooth and pale, almost glowing in the bright sunlight. He thought momentarily about wanting sunscreen, but as it made him remember the hands-free orgasm he had experienced last time he applied some, he forced the thought from his head. His cock burped up a healthy glob of precum that quickly soaked into his underwear.

“Okay, okay, this is it!” Kai said as he saw a lone figure approaching. It was a man in his mid-twenties, walking along hurriedly. Taking a step towards him with his hand raised, the man caught one glimpse of Kai and immediately turned to walk away in a different direction.

A massive cheer broke out amongst the spectators as Kai felt like his heart had leapt up into his throat. “Oh my fucking god,” he gasped to himself as he realised what this meant.

“Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!” the crowd began chanting, led by Leo.

“Fuck you all,” Kai growled as he looked down at his hands both firmly clasped over his crotch. With a deep but shaky breath, he reached one hand into his underwear and arranged himself so his fingers cupped his balls while his palm and wrist covered the erection, pressing it firmly against his body to ensure it wouldn’t be seen from the sides, then used his free hand to push his underwear down.

Kai heard cheers, applause, laughter, compliments, jokes, teases, banter and a whole host of other noises from the now engrossed crowd, many of whom seemed to assume the game was now over. Unfortunately for Kai, he still needed one more high-five before he could stop.

“NICE BUTT!” some yelled out, getting a round of laughs from the crowd.

Kai turned, blushing even more heavily. He had been so focused on hiding his erection, which now had both hands concealing it, that he had all but forgotten his naked rear was now on display too. He thanked some unseen power that he hadn’t been made to put the butt plug in. The crowd getting one glimpse of that would have been absolutely mortifying… even more than standing naked in the Market Square.

People were shamelessly taking pictures and videos of him which felt both terrifying and strangely exciting. ‘Shame I can’t give them my screen names!’ he thought to himself with a smirk as he considered what it could do for his number of followers. ‘Fuck, when did I start caring about that shit?’ he thought to himself, but quickly dismissed it as he had more pressing concerns!

If people had been hesitant to cross the square when there was a boy standing in his underwear, having a fully naked teen standing there had scared people off entirely. For several dozen hours (or at least that was how it felt to Kai) he stood with his hands desperately clasped over his throbbing boner as the crowd continued to laugh and bray at his embarrassment.

When a young couple finally started across the square, looking at the nude teen with a mix of amusement and derision, Kai stared back at them desperately. Keeping himself concealed with just one hand again, he gingerly held up his other hand and hoped the approaching couple would comply.

“Yeah, I don’t think so, nude dude!” the guy sniggered, getting a giggle from the girl with him.

“Fucking straight people,” Kai muttered under his breath, then added a quiet, “Sorry fellas!” He looked over to his friends who were in tears from laughing at Kai so much and corrected himself to, “No, fuck them too!” He had now earned one punishment, and that was on top of the fact he STILL need another high-five AND wouldn’t be allowed to get dressed until he got home! How the fuck was he going to get all the way home fully naked? He shuddered at the thought and allowed himself to believe the others might show some mercy, even if it came at a price.

Once again, Kai felt he had waited an eternity before some more people approached, but unfortunately it went the same way as the earlier guy, with the three people quickly veering away once they saw what was waiting, leaving Kai subject to renewed laughter, more blushing and another punishment.

Kai was beginning to cross the line from aroused and embarrassed to terrified and upset, and it presumably showed as he saw his friends break away from the edge of the square and approach him.

“Hey, we’ll give you your last high-five,” Leo offered.

“Ah thank yoooou,” Kai sighed in absolute relief.

“But only if you do a double!” Caleb added, grinning massively.

“No, what? No!” Kai gasped. That would mean raising both hands… and exposing his dick… his raging hard, pre-cum slicked fully naked, hairless dick. He couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t… and yet, as Leo and Caleb both raised a hand, he felt his hands moving.

In an instant, he felt his hands slap against theirs as he left himself fully exposed to half the square. The eruption was tantamount to a goal being scored at a football match, the way it suddenly blasted across the area with clapping, shouting and hollering.

Kai was so distracted by the cheer that he barely noticed the way Leo and Caleb had moved in together to conceal his front from the spectators for the brief moment he had been exposed. As far as he knew, he had just put himself on show to what felt like the entire city. It was terrifying and thrilling… and terrifyingly thrilling.

“Oh shit!” Caleb suddenly exclaimed.

As Kai looked round to where Caleb was staring, he heard Miles shout, “IT’S THE FUZZ! CHEESE IT!” Before Kai knew what was happening, all of the other three had dashed off across the square at the sight of the two uniformed people, clearly without any plan as they all headed in different directions.

“Fuck!” Kai gasped.


Naked Justice

Oh I envy my name twin for this hot experience. How will he get out of this? Can he stay clothing-free? And was this a Kai-only dare?

John Warren

Oh shit, yeah I guess public nudity is not going to sit so well with the cops. My heart was actually racing a bit reading through this chapter. At the point that he is desperate to finish the dare, you could almost feel the anxiety going through him.

Stories by Matt

Yeah, it was a fun chapter to write. Part of the story has been a gradual exploration of how far they can push things. Safe to say this one is at the higher end of it. I hope you enjoy what happens next.

Stories by Matt

Miles did his version of the dare at the start, but it was much lower risk with no nudity, just slightly awkward.