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Monday 1 August 2022

Danny couldn’t help smiling as he sat watching Finn sitting between his two older siblings, all three of them cheering wildly for the four younger ones on stage. It had been two days since he had given the oft-moody teen some harsh feedback about actually opening up to the people in his life and, to his credit, he really had gone out of his way to do it.

Admittedly, Finn had not told anyone else about what had gone down with Sarah yet, but that might happen eventually. For now, Finn just seemed to be enjoying spending time with his family, and the feeling was very much mutual. Clare, Fiadh and the twins had enjoyed spending most of the previous day with their big brother, while that morning he had taken some quality time with Aisling before going out on a trip for the afternoon with Blane and their parents.

Glad to have one of the many dramas he seemed caught up in fully resolved, Danny had been able to turn his thoughts elsewhere, including putting things into place with the help of the island staff for Blane and Levi’s mutual proposals. It was not yet time for his plan to come to fruition, but it wouldn’t be long now. The other big concern still playing on his mind was the Chris problem!

The previous week, while secretly spending time at a sex club on a nearby island, Danny and Chris had enjoyed lots of sexual shenanigans. The evening had concluded with them getting fucked by two masked men who turned out to be Chris’ father and Mr Byrne, a family friend. Chris had seemed understandably shocked at first, but since then seemed to be handling it quietly to himself, though it had resulted in him becoming somewhat hypersexual, jumping at any chance he got for sex.

It had been quite a relief when Danny found out that planned activity for the evening not only kept everyone together in one place (stopping Chris from sneaking off for more sex) but was also something Chris would actually enjoy – karaoke! He fully expected Chris to be excited and throw himself into it, but what truly shocked Danny was that everyone else was just as excited about it. The entire Smith family seemed to share Chris’ love for music, though most lacked his talent! That didn’t stop them loving every moment.

In Danny’s limited experience with karaoke, it was usually a ball ache trying to convince people to take part. Tonight, there was a literal queue of songs lined up. Watching the younger kids continue to murder the song they had chosen, Danny was sitting contentedly with Chris curled up at his side. As he glanced at Chris he saw he was staring right back. “What?” he asked nervously.

“Just… taking it in,” Chris said dreamily. He already had an arm looped around one of Danny’s, but he pulled him a little closer as he sighed happily and said, “It still doesn’t feel real! You and me, I mean. I still can’t believe you’re actually MY boyfriend at last!”

“Well believe it!” Danny said, feeling his heart flutter slightly as he stared back into Chris’ beautiful emerald green eyes. “I’m all yours!” he said as he reached up to stroke the hair away from Chris’ forehead before he leaned in to plant a delicate kiss on it.

Chris reached out to take hold of the pendant hanging around Danny’s neck. Though they had avoided wearing the matching pendants for most of the holiday, for fear of damaging or losing them, they occasionally remembered to put them on when they dressed for the evening. They were gifts Danny had bought as Chris’ birthday present the previous year. They were matching teardrop shapes, one black and one white, that when put together formed a heart, which is what Chris did, leaning in to let them touch. “When you got us these, were you already thinking… you wanted to be more than friends?” he asked curiously.

“We’ve always been more than friends,” Danny said, gently holding Chris’ hand. “And I don’t wanna be, like… unromantic, but… that wasn’t what I was thinking. I thought it was just a sweet thing for me and my best mate, but now… they definitely mean more!”

Chris smiled for a moment as he stared back at Danny, then said quietly, “I love you so much!”

Danny frowned slightly, lowering his gaze just a little.

“Danny?” Chris whimpered slightly.

“Oh, sorry, I love you too!” Danny insisted before frowning again just a little, unsure whether to share what was on his mind. Determined not to let secrets ruin things with Chris, as he had seen them ruin so many other relationships, he took a deep breath and said, “I… still love Brian!”

Chris looked absolutely crestfallen at the comment, recoiling slightly.

“Sorry, that came out more… I dunno… whatever… than I meant it!” Danny apologised. “Look, what I mean is, I love you and I’m with you now and that’s not changing for anything, ever, I promise!” Chris smiled a little at the affirmation. “But…” Danny went on, “I don’t ever wanna keep anything from you, Chris, and that includes what I’m feeling!”

Chris nodded back silently, letting his thumb rub gently back and forth across the back of Danny’s hand as he held it loosely.

“I was with him for… two years and I know he dumped me, and it hurt and it meant I got to finally be with you, which is… the best thing to ever happen to me…” Danny explained.

“But the feelings don’t just go away!” Chris said with a meek smile. As he got a nod in return, he explained, “I know. I wasn’t with Nicky anywhere as long as you were with Brian, and what we had really wasn’t as… I dunno… serious, I suppose, but after he dumped me, one of the things I hated the most was that I still had feelings for him, even though I wanted to slap him senseless! So… I get it!”

Danny leaned forward to rest his cheek on Chris’ chest as he felt arms wrap around him. “I was so scared to tell you that!” he said softly.

“I’m glad you did,” Chris whispered, kissing Danny on the top of his head. “Now, whadda you say we stick your name down for a song. I reckon you’re the only one who hasn’t been up there yet!”

“Yeah, I don’t sing!” Danny scoffed.

“It’s karaoke night. Everybody sings!” Chris insisted.

“Not me!” Danny insisted, shaking his head emphatically.

“Chris, you’re up!” Gareth called out to his son as the girls and the twins were cheered off stage.

“Come on, pleeeease. Sing with me!” Chris pleaded.

“Noooo!” Danny whined. “But I’ll come sit upfront and cheer you on!” he said, following along behind Chris.

As Chris jumped onto the low platform that formed the stage, Danny took a seat in front of Finn, Aisling and Blane.

“Aww, thought he’d finally convinced you to get up there,” Aisling said, leaning forward to talk to Danny as she patted him firmly on the back.

“Not a chance!” Danny insisted.

Chris had run over to mess with the laptop running the show, apparently changing his song choice before he returned to centre stage and said into the microphone, “You can probably guess who this one is dedicated to!”

Danny blushed as he got some more jeers and comments from the three behind him. As the music started, Danny had suspected Chris might go for something overly sentimental to try and goad him onto the stage, so when the music started and it was a song he didn’t really know, he was quite surprised.

Chris’ eyes remained fixed on Danny during the introduction before he started singing. “Many years ago is when it all began. You found a home in the palm of my hands. The minute I held you to my chest, I knew I found. The only one for me, such a beautiful sound.”

“Awwwww!” Danny heard from behind him.

Danny stared up at Chris. He loved hearing him sing any time, but hearing him sing something so sweet made his heart pound.

“Sing for me my darling, won't you sing it for me, Let my fingertips keep playing your sweet melody. Sing for me my darling, don't need no symphony, Let my fingertips keep playing your sweet melody!” Chris sang, still fixated on Danny, but grinning at the obviousness of his message.

“Oh my god, you CANNOT refuse to sing now!” Finn said as he leaned forward to Danny.

Danny let out an annoyed groan as he knew Finn was right. Eyes narrowing in a mix of real and fake annoyance, he glared at Chris as he continued the song, eventually coming to an end to much applause from the rest of the crowd, all of whom were every bit of supportive of Chris’ musical talent as Danny was.

“Thank you, thank you,” Chris said, taking a bow. “And sorry to queue jump, but I think we have a first-time singer!” He paused to look at Danny and added a hopeful, “Right?”

“UGH fine!” Danny grunted as he stood up, getting cheers from all of the others. “But I’m not doing this alone. You’re staying with me!” he insisted as he grabbed Chris’ hand.

“Great,” Chris said, always happy to give an encore. “But what song?”

“Leave that to me!” Danny said, running over to the laptop. He pressed the button to start it and ran back to Chris just in time for the intro to kick in.

There was a series of three drum beats and that was all it took for Chris to recognise the song, as well as its significance – Crazy For You by Madonna. It seemed Aisling, her parents and the Byrnes all recognised it too, with Sinead and Mary both letting out an excitable shriek, likely some inside joke or shared memory.

“You… remember?” Chris gasped slightly.

“First song we ever listened to together!” Danny said, almost in tears. “Crazy For You… and it turns out… I really am!”

As the cue to begin came up, Chris started to sing. Danny joined in where he could, but remained quiet and timid, often simply lost in Chris’ eyes as they sang the song to each other. The spectators could have all vanished and they wouldn’t have known, there was only each other.

As the song faded out, Chris leaned forward to pull Danny into a kiss. Their relationship had never really been a secret from the others, but the two had never been so overtly open in their togetherness in front of everyone, but the moment was too intense for them to do anything other than kiss. As they parted, they heard the audience still cheering, as much for the kiss as for the song.

“Oh my god, they’re gay!” Blane called out, getting a wave of laughs.

“Woah, stay there, lil man!” Aisling said to her little brother as she jumped up, “It’s my turn and we haven’t dueted yet. We gotta get the band back together!”

“Oh god,” Blane groaned, “Save me from the horror!” he called out as he ran back to where Levi was sitting beside Sean.

Danny laughed as he left the stage, leaving Chris with his big sister. “They do this a lot?” he asked Finn as he sat beside him.

“Hmm,” Finn hummed absently as Aisling and Chris squabbled over what song to slay.

“Oh god, you’re not about to go moody emo again, are you?” Danny teased.

“No!” Finn chuckled, shaking his head. “Just… seeing you two up there…” He paused, letting out a gentle sigh. “You ever tell Chris I told you this and I’ll literally kill you, but I’m SO freaking jealous of you two!”

Rather than offering the teasing Finn looked like he was expecting, Danny just leaned to the side, nudging him slightly as he said, “You’re awesome Finn. It’s only a matter of time until you find someone who really appreciates that!” He smiled sweetly at Finn for a moment, then let out a surprised yelp as Aisling and Chris started singing. “Oh my god!” he exclaimed, horrified.

“I know right!” Finn sniggered.

“But they’re both good singers…” Danny said, shaking his head in absolute bewilderment at what he was hearing. “How do they sound THAT bad together?” he asked, hearing the horrible sound of the siblings dueting.

“Just another Smith family mystery!” Finn chuckled.


It was a little after midnight and while the boys should have been sound asleep already, instead they were speeding along on the inky black sea, accompanied once again by Ethan.

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Danny asked as he squeezed Chris’ hand.

Chris rolled his eyes and huffed, “You’re as bad as Ethan. YES, I’m fine!”

“Okay,” Danny said cautiously. His concern was understandable. They were heading back to the secret sex club they had visited the previous week. Knowing Chris really hadn’t come to terms with what had happened on their first visit, Danny was cautious about returning.

“Can I… tell you something?” Chris asked, after Danny had remained silent for a few moments.

“Of course,” Danny said, cuddling up to his boyfriend. The night was bearably cool as usual, but it was the wind chill from their speed that made it very slightly uncomfortable.

“I told Blane I was worried dad was cheating on mam,” Chris confessed.

Danny leaned back, wide-eyed. “You… you told him about the club?” he asked in surprise.

Chris shook his head emphatically. “No,” he insisted, “I kept it vague. I didn’t even need to say much before Blane started… telling me things!”

“Things?” Danny prompted curiously.

Chris nodded as he took a breath, looking round at the various twinkling lights off in various directions from the nearby islands. “It turns out dad and Mr Byrne… umm… I mean, Thomas… they’re more than just friends!” He paused a moment as he saw Danny take in the surprising news. “And he’s not completely sure but he reckons mam and Mary are like that too!” he added a little uncomfortably.

“Jesus,” Danny said, visibly shocked.

“But according to Blane… they all know. In fact, they… they probably do stuff all together too!” Chris explained.

Danny frowned thoughtfully for a moment and asked, “So they’re… poly?”

Chris pursed his lips slightly as he shook his head. “I don’t think so… or rather, Blane doesn’t think so. They’re more like…” He thought for a moment then smirked and nodded as he said, “I guess they’re kinda like me and you were before we actually got together!”

“Wow!” Danny replied in shock, then thought for a moment and smiled too as he said, “Wait, that’s actually… kinda cool!”

“Yeah, it’s a shock for sure,” Chris admitted, “But… I dunno, it seems like it’s a good thing. Like… they were never around much when I was growing up, but the last couple of years they seem to have been… a lot more… involved. Happier too. I reckon starting doing that stuff’s kinda helped.”

Danny nodded thoughtfully for a moment before he asked, “D’ya think it was… y’know… from when they got sick?” As Chris cocked his head in curious silence, Danny went on, “Like… they were pretty bad, right? Like… nearly died. Maybe it made ‘em rethink some things!”

“Huh, I’d never really thought of that!” Chris said, nodding as he lost himself thinking about it. After a few minutes of silence, he chuckled quietly.

“What’s up?” Danny asked curiously.

Chris grinned at his boyfriend for a few moments before he said dopily, “You sang!”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Danny groaned, blushing.

“No, it was amazing, and that song choice…” Chris said, cuddling against Danny rather than saying any more.

“Well it’s true, isn’t it. I’m crazy for you!” Danny chuckled. “Emphasis on the CRAZY!”

“So true,” Chris sniggered. “You should sing again sometime. You don’t sound as bad as you think you do!”

“Not as bad as I think?” Danny smirked. “That’s a long way from ‘you sound good’, isn’t it!”

“Sing for me my darling,” Chris sang from his earlier song choice.

“Oh god,” Danny giggled, rolling his eyes as he grinned.

“Won’t you sing it for me, let my fingertips keep playing your sweet melody!” Chris continued.

“It’s not my ‘sweet melody’ I hope they’ll be playing with,” Danny joked. “Not that we’ll probably get near each other once all the pervs in there get a hold of us!” he said, squirming a little at the thought of the crowd of horny men awaiting him. “Hey, umm… what’ll you do if your dad’s there again?” he asked, with poorly-concealed concern.

The smile dropped from Chris’ face as he flushed slightly. “Ugh, I dunno,” he sighed. “It’s weird… well, more than weird, but knowing what happened has kinda… turned me on a lot!” he confessed.

“I DID notice,” Danny said with a lop-sided smirk.

Chris just nodded before he continued, “And I don’t think I… regret that it happened, it’s just…” He paused, sighing softly as he looked pensive.

“Nice place to visit but you wouldn’t wanna live there?” Danny suggested with a shrug.

“Hnnh, yeah, good way to put it,” Chris agreed. “So if he’s there then… I’ll just avoid him. No big!”

Danny felt a tightness in his shorts as his dick swelled a little from the conversation. They had been so focused on how Chris felt about the encounter with the two adults that they hadn’t really considered or discussed Danny’s thoughts on it, and as he sat there watching the island get closer, he couldn’t help but hope they bumped into them again!


Chris had every intention of touring the club, meeting lots of guys, trying lots of things, yet somehow he had ended up right back where he had been the last time they visited. With the music thumping and the lights flashing, he had long since lost track of how long he had been tied down to the bench, though his aching limbs suggested it had been quite a while.

Much like his first visit, Chris’ love of cum denial had been discovered and used for the entertainment of the men who seemed to flock to him. Unable to move as his entire body was touched, teased and tormented, he was letting out a near constant series of moans and cries as he pleaded for an orgasm that he was constantly denied. Despite his demands, his insults, his promises of doing anything in return, he remained strapped in place and edged mercilessly.

Anyone familiar with the club might have been worried he was there against his will, based on the torrent of yells from him, but he remained completely aware of the safe word he could utter at any time to have himself set free. The fact he didn’t use it, despite his cries and complaints, just served to show he was loving every moment of the torturous teasing.

Danny had gotten somewhat bolder. Though he had clung quite tightly to Ethan at first, that had turned out to be little more than excuse to have some fun with him before they went their separate ways. Danny had enjoyed getting his hands on the man again, but decided the club was a rare opportunity for him to really let loose and have some fun.

Having found a small group of men who seemed quite delighted to find a boy who liked to be dominant, Danny had spent his first hour happily in charge of them. From having them do things to each other, to having them worship his body and finally even fucking three of them for a while, he had revelled in every moment of his dominance. It was a side of his sexuality he didn’t get to explore often back at Kingswood, although that was potentially about to change, thanks to his new boyfriend!

Putting thoughts of his return to school aside, he remained focused on enjoying his evening and casually climbed up into a swing that exposed his perfect posterior to the nearby patrons. It had taken less than ten seconds before the boy’s inviting derriere had drawn its first admirer. A tall, chunky man – somewhere between chubby and muscular – had wandered over and plunged his tongue straight into Danny’s hole.

Danny had happily remained in the swing, refusing the offers to be restrained. It wasn’t that he felt unsafe being bound in the club. From what he had seen during his two visits he knew that he would be released instantly if requested. He simply found it sometimes reminded him of the short time he had spent paralysed eighteen months earlier. Thankfully, those unpleasant thoughts were quickly shoved aside as he found himself subject to an increasing number of hands and mouths pleasuring him.

A tongue probed at his hole – though he had no idea who it belonged to. Each of his nipples had a mouth nibling at them. He could feel a tongue lashing away at his toes on one of his feet, sliding between them occasionally, usually followed by having them sucked. He had felt a couple of eager mouths kissing him. Some tasted slightly unpleasant, with the unmistakeable taste of cigarettes or beer. Others were more pleasant, bearing the fruity flavour of more exotic drinks. Any time his mouth wasn’t occupied with a kiss, it was filled with a dick. Similarly, his hands seemed to easily find their way onto throbbing erections that he tugged at blindly, sometimes too distracted to wank them, simply holding them instead.

Danny’s first orgasm of the night had come as he felt a particularly skilled mouth sucking at his raging erection as a couple of fingers probed into his hole and pounded mercilessly at his prostate. After the intense ejaculation, he felt hands caressing at his sensitive prick. He was unsure whether they didn’t realise he had just cum or whether they were deliberately teasing him in his post-orgasmic sensitivity. Either way, he laid back and let them continue to tease him.

After eventually pulling himself free of the swing, and receiving a lot of eager kisses and compliments from the men around him, he wandered off to the area he had last seen Chris in. As he got there, he could see his boyfriend still restrained and still, based on the tortured moans, being denied an orgasm.

“Having fun?” Danny growled in his ear.

Chris’ head lolled to the side. Even without recognising the mask Danny had chosen for the evening and the numbered tag around his neck, he would have known his boyfriend’s eyes and his smile anywhere. “Danny,” he whined. “It’s horrible. They won’t let me cum!”

Danny leaned in and kissed Chris passionately, a hand finding its way onto his chest to caress if gently as they embraced. Pulling off after several seconds he grinned and asked, “Do you actually WANT them to let you cum?”

“No,” Chris whined. “But it’s still horrible!” He pouted for a second, then grinned and added, “I love it so much! Where you been?”

“Oh ya know, just… around,” Danny said teasingly. He enjoyed tormenting Chris by withholding the knowledge, but he mostly held back as he worried his boyfriend might actually ejaculate from hearing the full details and he didn’t want to spoil the edging. “Just wanted to check you’re doing okay!” he said before giving another quick peck on the lips.

“I’m not okay. I’m being tortured by strange men!” Chris growled.

“I know. It’s fucking hot!” Danny giggled. “I’ll see ya later!” Getting an eager nod in return, Danny headed back out of the room, unsure where to go next. As he stood contemplating where to go, enjoying the lusty looks he was getting from the guys around him, he spotted a familiar pair. He held back his excitement a little. He had ‘thought’ he spotted Mr Smith and Mr Byrne several times already tonight, seeing men with similar body types, but every time he got close he would spot an errant tattoo, or body hair in the wrong place, or just see their unmasked face and realise he had been mistaken.

Moving along to examine the new pair, he was a little unsure until Mr Smith turned, and his tattoo came into view. The eight/infinity symbol was easily recognisable even from a distance and confirmed his identity. Chris’ dad was here! And he was naked… and hot! The same applied to Mr Byrne. Just in general, he was moderately attractive, but something about secretly knowing the man’s identity, knowing who he was while remaining unknown himself, it made the whole thing even hotter. Danny had been encouraged to call the two adults Gareth and Thomas, which he tended to do during the day, but for some reason thinking of the naked pair as ‘Mr Smith’ and ‘Mr Byrne’ was weirdly thrilling.

Danny kept his distance from the two men, but remained close by, watching them as they wandered the club. They didn’t seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary. Well, they were naked in a gay sex club that included naked teenage boys, where everyone was basically fucking everyone, which could reasonably considered ‘out of the ordinary’. But for patrons of the club their actions were pretty standard. Drinking, dancing, casual groping, occasional kissing, the sporadic quick tug of a rigid cock. It was fascinating just watching them and Danny couldn’t stop himself from following, ignoring the various advances made at him from other men as he continued spying.

Gradually getting closer, Danny remained hidden from them, or so he thought. As he watched Mr Smith, adorned in a silver mask, lean in to whisper to Mr Byrne, who wore blue, he saw Mr Byrne’s eyes suddenly shoot his way, spot him and smile. A moment later, Mr Smith looked his way too, then gave him a playful wink.

Danny scurried away, embarrassed at being caught. After distracting himself for a while watching a boy bearing a number 1 tag getting spit-roasted on a raised platform of the main dancefloor, Danny found himself wandering back in the direction Mr Smith and Mr Byrne had been. Finding them fairly close by, both observing a surprisingly flexible muscular man on stage who was sucking his own dick, he stood watching them. After several minutes he was spotted once again, but quickly ducked away, trying to pretend he was just passing by.

One more distraction later and Danny was back spying once again, though this time he could only see Mr Smith sitting and chatting to a young man who held a leash attached to a twink in a pup mask kneeling beside him.

“Can I help you?” a voice suddenly asked from behind Danny.

Letting out a yelp of surprise, he turned to see Mr Byrne staring at him. Danny froze. He felt like the man would immediately identify him, now he was up so close, though he hadn’t recognised him the previous week… while he was fucking him! But still, it felt like knowing who HE was would somehow trigger recognition in return. He shook his head back at the man silently.

Mr Byrne smirked at the nervous reaction as he moved around the boy and let his eyes roam down and back up, but the smile quickly dropped away as he yelped, “DANNY?!”

“No!” Danny insisted, shaking his head.

“Oh my god,” Mr Byrne said, though it was quiet enough to not be heard over the loud music, though Danny could clearly see him mouthing it.

“Hi… Thomas,” Danny said, nearly calling him Mr Byrne.

The man leaned in close and said loudly, “Come with me!” He reached down to place a hand on Danny’s back, but paused, seemingly weary of the skin-on-skin contact.

Considering just running away for a split second, Danny decided to follow the man as they headed out of the main area and into one of the quieter adjoining rooms.

“What are you… I mean… how are you… is it just…” Mr Byrne stuttered as he stared at Danny, the music quiet enough now to have an easier conversation.

Danny wasn’t sure how to react. Was Thomas just surprised? Was he annoyed? Was Danny getting himself and Chris in trouble?

Mr Byrne took a deep breath, placing a hand on his chest for a moment before he looked at Danny again and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Would you believe me if I said I was sleepwalking?” Danny asked with a nervous grin.

“Oh my god,” Mr Byrne repeated, rubbing his temples through his mask. “How did you get here? Are you here alone? Who brought you?”

“By boat, no and I’m not telling as I don’t want to get them in trouble,” Danny answered all three questions at once.

“Who’s with you? Mr Byrne demanded.

“Just Chris!” Danny said, knowing he would likely be unable to conceal that from him, though he still wanted to avoid getting Ethan in trouble if possible.

“You shouldn’t be here. Either of you!” Mr Byrne insisted.

Danny shrugged as he smirked a little and said, “Based on what goes on here, none of us should be here!”

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Mr Byrne said, turning away for a moment.

“Oh chill, geez,” Danny said, quickly realising he was going to have to be the one to calm the situation. “Relax, I’m not telling anyone!” he insisted.

“I don’t usually do this sort of thing!” Mr Byrne insisted, his blushing obvious from the small parts of his face visible behind the mask.

“Oh you seriously need to chill!” Danny said, shaking his head. “Here,” he said as he shoved the man back to sit down in a vacant seat. Seeing the man sitting staring at him, he couldn’t help himself. He climbed on his lap, face-to-face, with his arms around him. “You seemed to like this position last time we were here!” Danny teased.

“Last time…” Mr Byrne gasped. His eyes suddenly widened in realisation. “That was… I mean… so we…” He paused, seemingly too shocked to be coherent. “Wait, so does that mean…” he gasped, reaching the inevitable conclusion.

“Chris got fucked by his dad!” Danny grinned with a nod, “Yeah, it does!”

“Oh my god, that’s… oh my god,” the man said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Oh!” Danny suddenly declared, feeling something beneath him. “You… like that?” he asked as he squirmed a little to emphasise the fact he could feel the man’s dick chubbing up.

“Oh god, oh god,” Mr Byrne whimpered.

“Ugh, you seriously need to stop that!” Danny insisted. “And you REALLY need to relax. Maybe this’ll help!” He leaned forward and pressed his lips against the older man’s. He felt momentary resistance, then all at once Mr Byrne seemed to relax into it, kissing him back as his whole body untensed.

Danny felt the man’s hands grasping at his back, one sliding down to grasp a pert buttock, the other working up into his hair.

As they parted, Mr Byrne smiled slightly and said, “This is so wrong!”

“Mmm-huh,” Danny hummed with a knowing smirk, then squirmed again on the now solid erection. “But it seems you LIKE ‘wrong’!”

“You really won’t tell anyone?” Mr Byrne asked cautiously, his hands casually roaming Danny’s body.

“Why ruin the fun?” Danny giggled. “I’m flattered you recognised me, by the way!”

Mr Byrne raised an eyebrow, then reached for Danny’s chest and flicked the teardrop-shaped pendant hanging alongside his numbered tag.

“Ohhh!” Danny said with a nod. He had been in such a hurry to get into the club, he hadn’t even thought to remove it.

“Yeah, dead giveaway,” Mr Byrne chuckled. “So does Chris know… y’know… about us being here?” he asked nervously.

Danny nodded a little, then frowned and said, “Well, he doesn’t know you’re here tonight, he thought you could be, but I haven’t told him. He DOES know it was you two we… played with last time!”

“And he still did it?” Mr Byrne asked in shock.

Danny sniggered and shook his head. “Didn’t find out til after. I saw his tattoo just as we were finishing!” he explained.

“Oh, guessing that was a shock!” Mr Byrne smirked.

Danny thought for a moment, then asked bluntly, “D’you wanna fuck me again?” As he saw the man look surprised, he sniggered and wiggled his hips as he said, “Taking the throb as a yes!”

Mr Byrne chuckled guiltily as he nodded, then asked, “Just me, or him too?” He nodded back through to the other room.

Danny thought for a moment. There had been a time when Chris used to insist his brothers were off limits. Since then, Danny had been with two of them. Was he really about to do Chris’ dad too? There was never really any doubt. He just nodded happily for a moment before his eyes flashed mischievously. “Both of you,” he said, then leaned in close to nibble at the man’s ear for a second before adding, “But only if you earn it!”

Mr Byrne gulped nervously as Danny pulled back, smiling.

A few minutes later, with Danny’s necklace removed and placed in his locker, they headed back into the main area. Danny hung back a little as Mr Byrne approached Mr Smith, kissed him and then began whispering to him the proposal that had just been made by the ‘anonymous’ boy who had been watching them. Danny felt his stomach churn as Mr Smith glanced over at him again for a moment before eventually nodding.

Taking a deep breath, Danny approached the two men. Keen to avoid any possible conversation that might give away his identity, he grabbed Mr Smith and kissed him. All he could think as he did it was ‘OH MY GOD, YOU’RE KISSING CHRIS’ DAD!’ He was so caught up in the naughtiness of it that he almost forgot to enjoy it, but as he returned to the moment he realised what a good kisser the man was. If he had to compare it to any of the man’s three sons, it was most like kissing Finn. Perhaps it was a ‘straight’ thing, although it seemed none of the Smiths were actually completely straight!

As much as Danny would have liked to carry out his plan in full public view, the two men seemed a little more reluctant and led him away to a quieter area. It wasn’t a fully private room, Danny had vetoed that for fear of making it easier to be identified, but they weren’t going to be putting on a show like some of the others fucking back around the main dancefloor.

Without needing any prompting, Mr Byrne knelt down and leaned over a bench, reaching up to pull Mr Smith to do the same, showing their butts off to Danny. Taking a moment to just stand and admire the two rears, Danny casually played with his straining erection. It had been over an hour since he shot his first load and it was safe to say he was ready to go again. Before that though, he wanted to really get up close with the two men. Kneeling down behind them, he parted Mr Smith’s cheeks and plunged his tongue into the hole. He immediately tasted lubricant and found himself wondering whether he was not the first visitor to Mr Smith’s rear of the evening, or whether he was simply prepared for any eventuality. Either way, he lashed away at the hole with his tongue for a couple of minutes before moving over to do the same to Mr Byrne.

After switching back and forth a couple of times, rimming the two men thoroughly, Danny stood up and looked round for the nearest supply station. They were dotted all around the club and included all the essential supplies needed to ensure safe sex, which was a requirement of using the club. While he wasn’t overly used to using condoms, as they weren’t a necessity at Kingswood, he had enough experience to put it on with no problem then approached the two adults, deciding which order to take them in.

Pointing silently to Mr Smith, he saw the man flinch a little. Based on what he had briefly discussed with Mr Byrne, it seemed the other man was not a keen bottom, but was willing to do it when necessary. Moving up behind him, Danny got in position and pressed the head of his dick against the slippery hole. He pushed in with surprising ease and found himself resting on the man’s back as he continued to lean over the bench.

Just as planned, a few moments later he felt hands on his buttocks as his own cheeks were parted, a little extra lubricant was applied and a thick cock pushed inside him. Gasping with shuddery delight, Danny looked back and grinned at Mr Byrne, sharing a momentary kiss before they got into a rhythm with the three-way fuck.

At the bottom of the pile, Mr Smith was growling with reluctant pleasure, his hand occasionally reaching back to grasp at Danny, his hands sliding up and down the taut, silky-smooth skin. They remained in that position for several minutes, entangled in each other but not attempting to climax yet.

The whole thing was made more intense by the things Mr Byrne was whispering in Danny’s ear as they fucked. “That’s your boyfriend’s dad!” “You get to see him tomorrow and know what it feels like to fuck him!” “He won’t have a clue who you are!” “That’s Chris’ dad you’re fucking!” The teases were almost as exciting as the fucking.

When Danny eventually signalled he wanted to move, Mr Byrne pulled away. As Danny stood and held out a hand to help Mr Smith up, the other man returned with two new condoms, handing one each to Mr Smith and Danny.

Danny had enjoyed the first fuck, having Mr Byrne’s dick back inside him, but more significantly, fucking Mr Smith for the first time. But it was what was to come next that excited him the most. Being fucked by his boyfriend’s dad… something about it sounded so wonderfully wrong and twisted… and exciting! The fact he got to do it whilst fucking Mr Byrne was a nice bonus, especially as the man now knew the identity of the boy who would be impaling him.

“Ahhh yess,” Mr Byrne groaned as Danny slipped inside him, obviously more into bottoming than Mr Smith.

Danny loved the feeling of the older man’s ring squeezing around his dick, but he was definitely preparing himself for the highlight still to come. When he felt Mr Smith’s hands on his shoulders, he let out a gentle gasp then held his breath.

As Mr Smith positioned himself to push into the boy, he grasped him round the waist, his large, strong hands feeling like they almost encircled the whole thing.

“Ah yes, Mr Smith!” Danny gasped, quiet enough that the man couldn’t actually hear him. The comments Mr Byrne had made before kept swirling around his head, about who he was, about the nature of their relationship, about seeing him for the rest of the vacation and knowing what they had done together. His own cock throbbed in response, getting happier moans from the man beneath him.

Mr Smith started slow, but increased the pace quickly once he felt the boy was used to his large tool. Danny certainly had no problem with it as the man jack-hammered into him, the movements rippling through him to make him fuck Mr Byrne in turn.

Danny had reached round and grasped Mr Byrne’s raging erection, stroking it in time with his thrusts. He felt warm wetness on his hand as the cock throbbed in his grasp, prompting his own cock to spit up a sizeable load inside the condom.

With no idea how long they had been going at it, Danny was shaken from his pleasure by the words, “I’m gonna cum!” growled in his ear. Immediately he disengaged from the two men, span round and dropped to his knees. Staring up at Mr Smith with his mouth wide, his intentions were clear.

Mr Smith seemed happy to comply, quickly pulling off the condom before stroking himself to climax, his thick cock aimed at Danny’s mouth. The first spurt hit the corner of his mouth and ricocheted slightly, some going in, a small streak landing on his cheek. The rest made it inside the gaping maw though. It was a sizeable load and Danny happily sat letting it fill his mouth.

As soon as it was over, Danny stood, smiled at the two men and hurried away, leaving them satisfied but slightly bewildered.

Rushing his way through the club, Danny made his way back to where Chris was still restrained and on edge, he smiled as he saw Chris stare at him wearily. Moving close, Danny leaned in, grabbed Chris’ head and pulled his mouth open, then held his own over it and dribbled the contents of his mouth inside.

Chris stared in shock but gulped down the mix of saliva and spunk. It was unexpected but exciting. Not thinking any more of it at first, he watched as Danny grinned, leaned in and said, “That’s your dad’s cum you just swallowed!”

“OH MY GOD!” Chris shrieked out, the unexpected revelation finally pushing him over the edge after hours of denial. As one of the men held his dick, pointing it straight upwards, he unleashed a torrent of semen straight into the air, showering his many spectators with his seed. Whimpering with sheer ecstasy, Chris panted his way through the orgasm then looked at Danny with wide eyes and asked, “Are you… serious?”

Seeing the men begin to disperse, Danny decided he could still put on more of a show. Leaning in again, he said, “Dead serious! I just rimmed Mr Byrne AND you dad!”

“Fuck!” Chris grunted, squirming in his restraints.

“And then I FUCKED your dad while Mr Byrne fucked me!” Danny went on, his hand finding its way to Chris’ still-hard dick, slippery with spunk.

Chris let out an incoherent grunt at the comments as much as at the hand on his prick.

“And then, after that,” Danny said as he started stroking, “I fucked Mr Byrne while your DAD fucked me!”

“OH FUUUUUCK!” Chris yelped out as he began to cum again, the first spurt flying a few feet into the air before a few meagre drops spurted out after, getting cheers from the men who had stopped to watch the further torment. “Oh my god,” Chris gasped, gasping for breath as he came down from the second release. “Did that… really happen?” he asked, unsure whether he wanted it to be true or not.

“Would it bother you if it did?” Danny asked, suddenly worried that sharing the details might not have been the best idea.

Chris stared for a moment, then smirked as he looked down at his softening cock and cum-drenched torso. “Whadda YOU think?” he asked with a snigger.


Tuesday 2 August 2022

Having been up half the night at the club, Danny and Chris had opted for a lazy day, not even emerging from their room until after lunch, when they were finally awoken by all four of Chris’ younger siblings who wanted them to come and play with them in the pool.

Danny had been unsure how he would feel, or rather how Mr Byrne would react, upon seeing him again but for now at least he was spared that awkwardness as Mr and Mrs Smith, Mr and Mrs Byrne, Aisling and Sean, Blane and Levi, and Finn were all out for the day, off to some historic location that the younger ones had zero interest in. Realistically, Finn was probably just as uninterested, but still seemed to be working hard on engaging more with his family following Danny’s advice.

It was mid-afternoon when Danny got a message from Samuel asking him to come back to the villa. Leaving Chris at the mercy of his younger siblings (with Edward available to save him if needed), he headed back, excited at what he expected to find. A few days before, he had made a request of the young Villa Assistant, really putting his offer of ‘you just tell us what you need and we’ll get it’ to the test.

As he got back to the villa, Danny grabbed Samuel before he could even speak and kissed him happily. As he let go of the surprised young man, he just smiled and said, “I know you’re on duty, but nobody else is around so I thought it’d be okay!”

“It’s more than okay!” Samuel said, kissing the boy happily once again.

Danny continued the kiss for the best part of a minute before he let go, happily resting his head on Samuel’s shoulder. Eventually, he spoke up and asked, “So what did you want? Did you manage to get what I asked for?”

“In the years I’ve been doing this job, I’ve had some strange requests before, but this one will certainly be one I remember!” Samuel chuckled as he stepped over to the bar and opened up a box.

As Danny moved closer, he peered inside and let out a squeal of delight. “They’re perfect!” he said excitedly. “D’you know what time they’re all due back from their trip?”

“Early evening,” Samuel replied. “They’re expecting to be back for dinner!”

“Okay, okay,” Danny said, nodding thoughtfully. “Right, y’know what, I reckon tonight’s the night. We’ve got time. Can you set up the stuff we talked about?”

“Of course. I’d be happy to!” Samuel said with a confident nod.

“Awesome!” Danny said, bouncing excitedly from one foot to the other. “This is gonna be so good!”


Chris squirmed a little as he sat on the dock watching the boat approach. “How long do I have to keep these in?” he complained.

“Until I say so,” Danny said dismissively, shuffling a little too.

“Ugh, you suck,” Chris grumbled. “Okay, then more important question. WHY do I need to keep them in?”

“BECAUSE I say so!” Danny replied with a grin.

“Oh my god, I hate you so much!” Chris said, shaking his head as he moved slightly and felt the anal beads inside him shift a little.

“No you don’t. You love me!” Danny insisted, leaning to the side to give Chris a nudge with his elbow.

Chris tutted, rolled his eyes and said, “Fine. I do!” He leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Danny’s lips.

“Ewwwwwwww!” the twins and Clare all chorused from further down the dock, getting a snigger from Edward who was watching intently as all three of the children had already managed to nearly fall in the water at least once while playing.

“Ah shut up,” Chris said back dismissively as he pulled away, smirking.

A few minutes later, with the boat docked and the passengers disembarking, Danny hurried over to greet Blane and Levi. As the twins mobbed their parents and Clare headed for Aisling, Finn took a seat beside Chris, where he remained to avoid moving too much with the toys inside him.

“Had a fun day?” Chris asked with a slight snigger.

“It was soooooooooooo boring,” Finn said quietly, shaking his head. “But… it was nice hanging out with Blane and Ash,” he added, blushing just a little. “You guys had fun?” he asked, looking round at the others.

Chris nodded happily. “Yeah,” he said quietly, then frowned slightly for a moment before he asked, “Are you okay?”

Finn glanced round at him, cocking his head curiously.

“Well, it’s just… the Sarah stuff and then the way you freaked out the other day on the beach,” Chris explained quietly. “I just worry about you, that’s all!” he admitted.

“Hey, who’s the big brother here?” Finn asked with a smirk, nudging Chris with his elbow. As Chris just stared back, one eyebrow raised, he smiled and said, “I’m okay. I haven’t been, and I’m not always, but… mostly I am!”

“Guessing he helped a bit!” Chris said, nodding over to where Danny was still chatting with Blane and Levi.

Finn let out an unintentional sigh, then blushed profusely as he saw Chris smirk at him. “Yeah,” he admitted awkwardly. “He’s… definitely a good one!” Finn said wistfully. “You landed on your feet there, that’s for sure!”

“Yeah,” Chris replied, then muttered a sad, “For now!”

“Hmm?” Finn enquired curiously. As Chris just shook his head, glancing nervously over at Danny, Finn stood and pulled Chris onto his feet.

Chris let out a gentle grunt as the beads moved.

“Come with me,” Finn insisted, dragging Chris away from the dock so they could speak more privately. Once they were alone, his brow furrowed and he asked, “Whadda you mean ‘for now’?”

Chris let out a gentle sigh as he stared round in the direction of the dock before looking back to Finn, lips pursed pensively.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything to Danny,” Finn reassured him.

“Are you sure? I know you two are, like… friends and stuff,” Chris said softly.

Finn sniggered a little as he shook his head and replied, “Yeah, but we’re… brothers… and stuff!”

Chris rolled his eyes at the gentle mockery, but smiled at the comment anyway, though it quickly dropped away as he let out another wistful sigh. “I guess… I’m just waiting for Danny to… I dunno, call it off or dump me or… worse!”

Finn’s brow furrowed heavily as he considered the statement for a moment. “Why?” he asked curiously.

Chris looked down at the ground, shaking his head a little as he shrugged. He gently kicked at the sand beneath him rather than answering.

“Chris,” Finn urged, reaching out to place a hand on the young boy’s shoulder.

“Because… that’s what always happens. Something bad. Any time it feels like things are good, something bad comes up. Either I get dumped or something horrible happens… sometimes both!” Chris explained, sniffing as he fought back tears. “I’ve seen so many relationships end, usually badly and if that happens with me and Danny and I lose him, I don’t…” If he attempted to finish the sentence, the words were lost in the distressed whimpers as he burst into tears and leaned against his brother.

Finn immediately wrapped himself around the boy, holding him tightly for a minute as he cried out his feelings.

Sniffing and looking a little embarrassed, Chris pulled away as he wiped his face with both hands. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly.

“S’okay,” Finn offered with a meek smile. He took a deep breath as he looked at his distressed little brother. “I wish… I was better at this,” Finn said honestly. “I don’t really know what to say here, it kinda feels like Blane or Ash’d have some… clever thing to tell you or some really appropriate story.”

Chris chuckled a little as he nodded his agreement.

“But you were right about something. Me and Danny ARE friends,” Finn went on, getting a slightly confused look in return. “And I know I probably don’t know him even half as well as most of his friends at school, but what I DO know is that boy is CRAZY about you!”

A broad smile spread across Chris’ face.

“You know I’m not really good with the, uh… y’know, feelings and stuff,” Finn explained, “So you know this isn’t something I say easily but… I’m SO freaking jealous of the both of ya! You’ve got the kind of relationship, the kind of… love that most people can only dream of, including me! So, I don’t know your future and I can’t say nothing bad’s ever gonna happen, but I reckon that love is… enough to get through just about anything!”

Chris stared back thoughtfully for a moment then smiled as he nodded. He leaned in again, though this time it was a happy hug as they embraced. “Thanks Finn,” Chris said contentedly. “I know one day you’ll have a Danny of your own!” As he heard a slight smirk, he pulled back and said, “And I’m using Danny as a girl’s name there, like… Danni with an I.”

“Yeah, I got that,” Finn giggled.

“And until she shows up, you’re welcome to keep borrowing my Danny!” Chris offered with a cheesy grin.


The evening had gotten off to a wonderful start as Levi and Blane were finally allowed to leave their room. The patio area outside their villa, which was always picturesque anyway, had been decorated even more spectacularly, with thousands of twinkling fairy lights overhead and large displays of beautiful tropical flowers, filling the area with an exotic aroma that managed to be sweet without being sickly. In the centre was a small table with two seats, laid out with a crisp, white tablecloth, expensive-looking silverware and a small array of candles.

Both pleasantly surprised, they had taken their seats as their ‘waiters’ for the evening emerged in the form of naked Chris and naked Danny. As the two boys approached, they were undeniably walking funny and, paired with the raging erections, it was quite clear they both had something inside them. Danny had said they were sporting the same beads that had been used on them back on the nude beach and insisted it was purely for their entertainment and wouldn’t take any further questions on it as he got to work serving the table.

Champagne was popped open, accompanied by a scream of surprise from Chris as it popped, much to everyone’s amusement, and the meal got started. As the two men sat eating both kept trying to draw Danny’s eye, each separately wondering if this was related to the ‘secret’ they had shared with him about their intentions, but unable to get him alone, they remained unable to question him.

“And for your entertainment,” Danny said as the first course was placed on the table, “A little edging!”

Chris had objected slightly at first, not keen to be used to entertain the two men, but he quickly relaxed into it as Danny began teasing him.

It was surprising how quickly the sight of a tormented, naked teen became little more than background noise as Blane and Levi sat working their way through the heavenly seven-course menu, including each of their favourite foods. While it was the kind of decadence Blane disliked from his family’s wealth, he couldn’t deny the chef was doing an amazing job of showcasing the local ingredients with some out-of-this-world flavours.

As the two men finished the fourth course, Danny changed up the entertainment, instead subjecting both himself and Chris to a gentle workout. In itself, it wouldn’t have been particularly interesting viewing, but with the beads moving around inside them, it was causing a range of grunts, groans and truly hilarious expressions from the two boys. While the tormented teens got a brief break as they cleared the table and brought out the fifth and eventually sixth course, Chris was getting visibly worn out, not used to the same amount of physical exertion as Danny. That was when he was handed a microphone.

Throughout the final two courses of the meal, Levi and Blane were serenaded by Chris, who was working his way through a playlist that Danny had picked out. Every song that started seemed to get the two men smiling and chatting happily, seemingly sharing plenty of memories over the song choices as Chris sand them expertly.

With the meal finally finished and coffee served, the two men looked utterly relaxed and happy and, most of all, in love. As Chris finished a song and Danny gestured for him to stop before moving onto another, they approached the table.

“This has been an amazing evening, but are you finally gonna tell us what this was all about?” Blane asked with a slight smirk.

“Well, we just love you both and wanted to give you an incredible evening you’d never forget!” Danny explained.

“We did?” Chris asked quietly, getting a laugh from the two men. As he got a glare from Danny, he grinned, nodded and said, “We did!”

“Is this the bit where you say we need to finish you two off?” Levi asked, raising an eyebrow at the two throbbing erections.

“Yes!” Chris yelped eagerly, having endured even more sexual torment than Danny throughout the evening.

“No!” Danny said back, shaking his head at Chris. He looked back to the table and said, “Tonight’s about you two, not about us!”

“That’s very sweet,” Levi said, but frowned questioningly at Danny, still unsure if this was related to the secret that he had shared with him about his intentions.

“But before we leave you to enjoy the rest of the evening together, we were wondering if you might be able to help us with these!” Danny said, turning to point his butt at the table.

“UGH finally!” Chris groaned, turning round too.

The two men exchanged bemused looks, shaking their heads at the boy’s shenanigans.

“If you could maybe do them at the same time,” Danny suggested coyly, “And maybe take it slowly, like… one ball at a time!” As the two men shifted round in their seats, Danny suddenly grabbed Chris and switched places with him, shoving him towards Blane as he positioned himself by Levi.

“Ah, it’s really not a proper romantic meal until you… pull stuff from a teenager’s butt,” Blane sniggered as Chris bent over, revealing the small loop at the end of the beads. “Ready?” he asked with a grin as he looked to Levi who was similarly positioned with Danny.

“Sure, go,” Levi chuckled.

They both started pulling gently, getting a series of moans and shudders from the two boys as their holes began to stretch to allow the biggest bead to exit them. With a sudden grunt from them both, it seemed the biggest hurdle was passed.

“Huh!” Levi hummed as he saw the bead leave Danny’s arse.

“Read… the words,” Danny moaned.

“Levi!” Blane said with a frown, wondering why his boyfriend’s name was on an anal bead.

“Blane!” Levi said back, reading his own.

Another gentle pull and the second bead emerged as they both read out at the same time, “Will!”

The third ball emerged, easier than the previous two as the men said aloud, “You!”

They both froze as the fourth bead pulled free. Staring at each other in both shock and amusement, they went on, “Marry!”

“Me?” they finished as the beads finally popped free.

“OH MY GOD!” Chris grunted, suddenly dropping to his knees as his dick began to spurt up a fairly large load, the teasing and torment finally enough to push him over the edge. “Wait, what?” he gasped as he looked back at the table, realising what he had just heard.

Levi and Blane stared at each other, both holding a string of anal beads.

Danny grinned at Chris’ confusion and felt his own dick throb at the sight of the untouched load that was smeared on the ground in front of him. Turning to face the table, he looked from Blane to Levi and back again and said, “So it turns out, you both wanted to ask the same question, so… I figured you should both be asking it at once!” Reaching under the table, he pulled out the concealed ring boxes that had been hidden there, retrieved from their room while Blane and Levi were out for the day. Placing the rings down in front of each of the two surprised and slightly tearful men, he said, “We’ll leave you to do this properly!”

“Ah, but…” Chris began to object, but a stern stare from Danny quickly silenced him as he helped him stand.

Still stunned into silence, Blane and Levi watched the two boys leave then looked back at each other.

“You… wanted to propose?” Blane asked shakily.

Levi’s eyes flicked down to the ring box in front of Blane and said, “So did you!” They smiled sweetly for a moment before Blane stood and said, “Then like Danny said, let’s do this properly!” He dropped to one knee as he opened up the box to reveal the ring he had chosen.

He took a few deep breaths, visibly straining to compose himself and after a couple of failed attempts, finally managed to say, “Levi, meeting you changed my life… changed ME and I literally cannot imagine spending a single day without you. Please, please give me the honour of being your husband!”

Levi’s eyes were watery as he stared at Blane, smiling. He slipped out of his seat and also down onto one knee with the ring box in hand as he said, “You just came out of nowhere and made me discover things about myself I never would have known without you. I want to spend the rest of my life discovering who I am when I’m with you. Will you marry me?”

Blane sniffed gently and began to giggle as he said, “Y’know, technically I asked first so you should answer first!”

Levi laughed and said, “It’s a yes!” He lunged forward to kiss his new fiancé. As they pulled apart after several seconds, he asked quietly, “And you?”

Blane puffed out his cheeks, exhaling slowly as he shook his head. “I dunno, this is all moving REALLY fast. I might need some time to think about it!” he teased.

“Dickhead,” Levi said, rolling his eyes as he chuckled.

“Sorry,” Blane laughed. “Of course it’s a yes!” He suddenly frowned.

“What?” Levi asked with mild concern.

“I… think I’m kneeling in my brother’s cum!” Levi said before they both burst into laughter, exchanging rings.


“Oh my god, did that really just happen?” Chris asked as they got into their room.

“You mean you shooting a load without touching your dick?” Danny asked sarcastically. “It did. Seems to happen a lot. Maybe you should see someone!”

“Ha ha,” Chris said flatly. “The only person I’m seeing about my dick is YOU!”

Danny raised an eyebrow as he asked, “The ONLY person?”

Chris tutted, rolled his eyes and shook his head as he said, “Fair point. Then I guess I mean… the NEXT person I’m seeing about it is you!”

“That’s more like it,” Danny giggled as he wandered through into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

“Are they really getting engaged?” Chris asked, back on his original point as he appeared at the bathroom door.

“Well, considering they both wanted to ask, I’m gonna guess they’re both gonna say yes!” he said with a shrug as he stepped into the shower. “You joining me?” he asked with a wry grin.

“Hell yeah,” Chris said as he rushed over to get in. “How come they both told you and not me?” he pouted slightly.

Danny frowned a little, worried that question might come up. “Honestly…” he started, smirking a little, “If they’d told you, would you have ACTUALLY been able to keep it a secret?”

“Yes!” Chris insisted, but pursed his lips a little as Danny stared at him incredulously. “Ugh, fine. No!” he conceded. “You’re… really good at that stuff!” he said as he stuck his head under the warm spray before stepping back and shaking his head like a dog emerging from a puddle.

“What, proposals? I think that’s my first one… umm… two!?” Danny shrugged.

“No, the… the romance,” Chris clarified. “You’re always so good at thinking up, like… nice ways to do things or thoughtful gifts and stuff like that!”

“I… suppose I am,” Danny accepted with a gentle nod.

“I’m really not!” Chris pouted. “I wish I was, cos you’re amazing and you deserve every big gesture and… and amazing gift and memorable moment possible!”

Danny frowned slightly as he saw the sad look on Chris’ face. Shaking his head a little, he reached up to stroke the stray strands of hair away from his boyfriend’s eyes as he said, “I don’t need big gestures or fancy gifts. There’s only one thing I need!”

“Lubricant?” Chris asked with a smirk.

Danny tutted and huffed as he said, “I was trying to be sweet!”

“I know, sorry,” Chris giggled. “Go on then, what’s the one thing you need?”

Danny cocked his head, just waiting for another sarcastic comment, but he just got a gentle headshake from Chris, making it clear he wasn’t going to mess around again. “You!” he said, smiling meekly. “All I need is you!”

Chris smiled a little tearfully at the comment. “All I need is you too!” he said, then leaned forward at the same time as Danny as they kissed.

The embrace was gentle and affectionate at first, but gradually hands began to explore each other more and more, their bodies pressing together. After a few minutes of making out, erections sandwiched between them, Danny pulled back and gave a wry grin as he said, “Maybe I do need lubricant too!”

“Yay!” Chris cheered happily as they kissed once again.


John Warren

We go to the Caribbean quite a bit, mostly the Virgin Islands but have been to most of the major places and have yet to stay at this type of “All Inclusive”, I clearly need a better travel agent.

Naked Justice

Is it really a "romantic" proposal with the brother and his boyfriend serving food naked carrying erections? No. But super sexy. And Blane and Levy are used to the fact that the concept of clothing doesn't work for Chris and Danny. So it's perfect. I wonder whether (and why) the boys were clothed on the boat going to the sex club but think that yes as they had cages for their belongings. What a pity. Please give them more clothing-free time! I am curious how Thomas will act back on the island.

Stories by Matt

The important thing to remember... the Smiths are crazy wealthy. Chris once described them as 'somewhere between Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne' levels of wealth lol. Money gets you a lot of things regular people will never see!

Stories by Matt

Glad you enjoyed it. The boys were dressed primarily for comfort. Travelling by boat, at night, it can get quite cold. Don't want them getting sick.